The following posts seek to answer questions based upon what the Bible says.

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Am I Loving Something Too Much?


Am I Loving Something Too Much?

Am I loving something too much? How do you approach areas of life or certain situations that arise that might not be sinful in and of themselves...

Youth Group or Not? & Is Your Preaching Actually Clear?


Youth Group or Not? & Is Your Preaching Actually Clear?

Question: So I have listened to a lot of your messages, Voddie's messages, and Scott Brown's messages on youth ministry and children's ministry.

Is It Normal Not to Feel Joy After Repenting?


Is It Normal Not to Feel Joy After Repenting?

"The joy of my salvation just doesn’t come. There are times when I don’t feel it, even though I repent and walk in purity. It seems that the joy of salvation..."

Why Do Miracles Happen in Churches With Wrong Beliefs?


Why Do Miracles Happen in Churches With Wrong Beliefs?

Why do we sometimes witness healings, conversions, and other manifestations of power in ministries that present questionable teachings?

Children’s Sunday School? The Importance of Reaching Lost Kids


Children’s Sunday School? The Importance of Reaching Lost Kids

Often in the family integrated movement, it is taught to have no form of children's Sunday school.

Self-Gratification? Don’t Sell Times of Intimacy With God at Such a Cheap Price


Self-Gratification? Don’t Sell Times of Intimacy With God at Such a Cheap Price

"However, one particular sin has barely changed: the sin of masturbation. I've been heavily addicted since I was 12..."

Feeling Guilty When Failing To Share the Gospel?


Feeling Guilty When Failing To Share the Gospel?

How should I, as a believer, respond to the sense of guilt I feel when I've failed to preach the Gospel to someone due to fear?

Tested By Fire: Will My Works Survive The Judgment?


Tested By Fire: Will My Works Survive The Judgment?

What does Paul mean when he says our works will be tested by fire? Will they burn up or survive the judgment?

It Is Tax Season – Is It Always Wrong To Not Pay Taxes?


It Is Tax Season – Is It Always Wrong To Not Pay Taxes?

As a believer is it always wrong to not pay taxes? How should a Christian view paying taxes if the government is supporting wicked practices?

Will My Pet Dogs Be In Heaven? Are My Pets An Idol?


Will My Pet Dogs Be In Heaven? Are My Pets An Idol?

Are my pet dogs going to heaven? Is my pet an idol? How would you respond to someone who says, " sincerely hope that I will be reunited with my beloved pets in heaven."? On the Internet, this is one of the most commonly searched questions regarding the Bible.

Being Overly Passive Is Bad: Things Don’t Just Happen By Accident


Being Overly Passive Is Bad: Things Don’t Just Happen By Accident

Being overly passive is bad, things don't just happen by accident, you need to be intentional and plan ahead.

Are You Content With God’s Providence In Your Life?


Are You Content With God’s Providence In Your Life?

Are you content with God's providence in your life? In God's economy is there truly any "wasted time"?

Humility: Make Me Like Jesus


Humility: Make Me Like Jesus

Just make me like Jesus. I never knew it would hurt so much not to be made like Jesus, because I'm not made like Jesus yet, but to be in the process.

What Does the Bible Say About Joking And Laughter?


What Does the Bible Say About Joking And Laughter?

What does the Bible say about joking and laughter in the life of the believer? We consider some of the following questions...

Do I Waste Too Much Time Studying False Teachers?


Do I Waste Too Much Time Studying False Teachers?

Are you wasting a lot of time studying false teachers rather than studying the truth of the Word of God?

Am I Unknowingly Coveting Something?


Am I Unknowingly Coveting Something?

Is there something or someone I am unknowingly coveting? Do I unconsciously covet riches and prosperity?

What Is The Abomination of Desolation?


What Is The Abomination of Desolation?

Matthew 24 speaks about of "the abomination of desolation", what is this speaking to? There are certain passages of Scripture, like Matthew 24...

Should The Government Create Laws From Christ’s Teaching?


Should The Government Create Laws From Christ’s Teaching?

Do the laws created by the government need to be derived from Jesus' teachings? Does the Bible call for us to seek to bring this about?

Do You View God The Father Too Harshly?


Do You View God The Father Too Harshly?

When it comes to reading the Bible, what could you say to someone who is physically sick and finds it difficult to read?

Is It Okay To Cut Ties With Toxic Family Members?


Is It Okay To Cut Ties With Toxic Family Members?

What does the bible say about cutting ties with toxic family members who are having a negative effect on us?

How Should We Read The Bible?


How Should We Read The Bible?

How should we read the Bible? In this study, Tim talks about different things the believer should have when they come to read and study the Scriptures.

How To Pursue Holiness But Not Become Self-Righteous?


How To Pursue Holiness But Not Become Self-Righteous?

How does the believer pursue holiness and yet not become self-righteous? How do we combat self-righteousness and pride?

A Heart Genuinely Moved By Truth vs Emotionalism


A Heart Genuinely Moved By Truth vs Emotionalism

How can I discern between my heart genuinely being moved by the truth versus emotionalism?

How Do I Experience Fellowship With God?


How Do I Experience Fellowship With God?

How does a Christian experience fellowship and communion with God?

How To Share The Gospel With An Atheist


How To Share The Gospel With An Atheist

How should I share the gospel with an atheist? So I was saved about two years ago from, well, atheism, and I have a pretty atheistic family.

How to Cultivate God’s Presence in My Life?


How to Cultivate God’s Presence in My Life?

How can we cultivate God's presence, and have a more real sense of God's presence?

How Do I Win Spiritual Battles?


How Do I Win Spiritual Battles?

Can you give Biblical advice on how to battle in spiritual warfare? How do I win spiritual battles?

John’s Gospel: What Do I Need To Do To Be Saved? (Part 2)


John’s Gospel: What Do I Need To Do To Be Saved? (Part 2)

Ask Pastor Tim Conway | This study is a follow-up to, "What Do I Need To Do To Be Saved?..."

Being a Berean or Hyper-Critical? How Do You Listen To A Sermon? 


Being a Berean or Hyper-Critical? How Do You Listen To A Sermon? 

What is the difference between being discerning compared to hyper-critical when hearing a sermon? Am I listening...

What Do I Need To Do To Be Saved?


What Do I Need To Do To Be Saved?

What do I need to do to be saved? How do I trust in Jesus? How do I know if I am believing in Him? Why am I not being saved?

Postmillennialism: This Age And The Age To Come?


Postmillennialism: This Age And The Age To Come?

Does the Bible teach postmillennialism? Does your eschatology view fit with a two-age program or something else?

Can A Believer Struggle With Drug Addiction?


Can A Believer Struggle With Drug Addiction?

If a professing believer came to you and confessed to a struggle with drug addiction, how would you counsel them? What would you say from the Scriptures in order to point them in the right direction?

Six Thoughts On Being Thankful


Six Thoughts On Being Thankful

Are you a thankful person or do you constantly grumble at the providences of God in your life? In this Bible study, Tim considers six thoughts on being a person who is full of thanksgiving in the Lord. As Paul said in...

How Do We Live in the World Without Being Worldly?


How Do We Live in the World Without Being Worldly?

In this video, Tim deals with the question: How do we live in the world without being worldly? What does 1 John 2:14-15 say?

What Can We Learn From the Syrophoenician Woman?


What Can We Learn From the Syrophoenician Woman?

One of the unique examples we have of faith in the Bible is the Syrophoenician woman. Given everything in the Bible was recorded with a direct application for us.

Turned Over To Satan To Destroy Flesh: How? Why?


Turned Over To Satan To Destroy Flesh: How? Why?

Why and how did Paul give people over to Satan? That's it. That's the question why and how did Paul give people over to Satan?

COVID Vaccine: Yes? No? Is It The Mark Of The Beast?


COVID Vaccine: Yes? No? Is It The Mark Of The Beast?

Should I get the COVID vaccine? What if my employer requires it? Is the COVID vaccine the mark of the beast?

Greatest Threat To The Church In Our Generation?


Greatest Threat To The Church In Our Generation?

Paul Washer shares what he believes might be the greatest threat to the church in our generation. "I am astounded at the fear..."

Is It OK To Question Someone’s Salvation?


Is It OK To Question Someone’s Salvation?

Questioning the salvation of other professing Christians can often be perceived as unloving or judgmental. But is there a Biblical warrant to do so?

What Does It Mean to Fear the Lord?


What Does It Mean to Fear the Lord?

What does the fear of the Lord look like in the life of a Christian? Do you have a scriptural balanced view of God that leaves you absolutely awed by Him?