The following posts seek to answer questions based upon what the Bible says.

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How Important is Having a Testimony of Salvation?


How Important is Having a Testimony of Salvation?

When talking with other Christians, a common question that we may ask is what is someone's testimony. How much weight should we give to someone's testimony?

How Far Can a Person Go As a False Convert?


How Far Can a Person Go As a False Convert?

False conversion is a major and sobering theme in the Bible. How much of a true Christian can a person seem to look like, and in the end turn out to be deceived?

How Does The Spirit Bear Witness That We Are Children of God?


How Does The Spirit Bear Witness That We Are Children of God?

David asks: Also, how does the Spirit bear witness that we are children of God? Now, of course, that comes from Romans 8:16, "The Spirit Himself bears witness...

How Do You Know Jesus is the Only Way?


How Do You Know Jesus is the Only Way?

You cannot say "Jesus is right for you, but not for me." There is no such thing as relativism.

How Do You Kill Sin?


How Do You Kill Sin?

Christians must not be passive in putting sin to death; they must be proactive. We must never take an attitude of defeat. The Bible calls us to long-term...

How Do You Hear From God?


How Do You Hear From God?

What do you say to a believer who comes to you and says, "How do you hear from God? How do you know when God is trying to talk to you?"

How Do We Live in the World Without Being Worldly?


How Do We Live in the World Without Being Worldly?

In this video, Tim deals with the question: How do we live in the world without being worldly? What does 1 John 2:14-15 say?

How Do I Witness to a Nominal Christian?


How Do I Witness to a Nominal Christian?

Ask Pastor Tim | How do I evangelize someone who is a nominal Christian, in name only? What verses should I take them to?

How Do I Win Spiritual Battles?


How Do I Win Spiritual Battles?

Can you give Biblical advice on how to battle in spiritual warfare? How do I win spiritual battles?

How Do I Run to Christ?


How Do I Run to Christ?

Many people hear the phrases “Run to Christ,” “Look to Christ,” “Come to Christ,” and they get worn out trying to run, look, and come.

How Do I Repent?


How Do I Repent?

This is a question it seems many are running into right now who are under conviction of sins. People get caught up in a works based salvation and find themselves in a bad situation. We pray this video will open some eyes and save some souls.

How Do I Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?


How Do I Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?

I want to experience God more. How can I do that? How can I walk just with Him daily? How can I ascend the hill of the Lord and stand in His holy place?"

How Do I Experience Fellowship With God?


How Do I Experience Fellowship With God?

How does a Christian experience fellowship and communion with God?

How Do I Deal With Hurtful Sins From My Past?


How Do I Deal With Hurtful Sins From My Past?

I've committed and the things that I've done in my past life and looking at those things, and making restitution where restitution is possible.

How Could the Thief on the Cross Be Saved?


How Could the Thief on the Cross Be Saved?

Some ask, "How was the thief on the cross saved if he didn't live a righteous life?" Let us consider what this implies about how they believe a person is declared right before God.

How Can We Be Joyful When Our Loved Ones Are Lost?


How Can We Be Joyful When Our Loved Ones Are Lost?

How can we have joy knowing that our loved ones are perishing? If we have unceasing anguish for our loved ones (Romans 9:1-3)...

How Can I Forgive Someone Who Wronged Me?


How Can I Forgive Someone Who Wronged Me?

Question: Christ tells us to love one another as he loved us. How can we love people like that if they hurt us, how do we bring ourselves to forgive people that do us so badly? When every time you see that person, it just hurts inside of you.

How Are We Created in the Image of God?


How Are We Created in the Image of God?

The Bible says that in the beginning that God made us in His image. What does it mean to be made in the image of God?

Hoping in Christ in the Midst of Losing a Spouse


Hoping in Christ in the Midst of Losing a Spouse

This world is full of people who are hurting, from losing a spouse, or other trials of different severity. Many of them seem to be seeking God in the midst of their pain.

Holy Spirit: Your Best Friend to Kill Sexual Sin


Holy Spirit: Your Best Friend to Kill Sexual Sin

The Holy Spirit must be the believer's best friend in the battle to kill sexual sin. You cannot have victory against sin unless it is victory...

HeartCry Conference 2006 Questions and Answers


HeartCry Conference 2006 Questions and Answers

How does sin effect prayer? How can you make sure you confess every sin that you ever commit? How do I discern if God is leading me to do something or if it is just my own thoughts or evil?

Having Assurance of Salvation When I Don’t Feel As Godly


Having Assurance of Salvation When I Don’t Feel As Godly

Can a believer still have assurance of salvation if he remembers a time in his life when he was more godly than he is now?

Having Assurance of Salvation


Having Assurance of Salvation

Do you have assurance of your salvation? Or are you doubting? Bob talks about biblical assurance and some of the reasons that people lack true assurance.

Have You Sought Counsel?


Have You Sought Counsel?

Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety. - Proverbs 11:14

Has the Gift of Speaking in Tongues Ceased?


Has the Gift of Speaking in Tongues Ceased?

An Ask Pastor Tim where Tim answers the question, "Has the gift of tongues ceased"

Has the Church Replaced Israel?


Has the Church Replaced Israel?

Are the Church and Israel two different peoples of God? Has the Church replaced Israel?

Greatest Threat To The Church In Our Generation?


Greatest Threat To The Church In Our Generation?

Paul Washer shares what he believes might be the greatest threat to the church in our generation. "I am astounded at the fear..."

God’s Sovereignty and Our Prayers


God’s Sovereignty and Our Prayers

A concept that some people have difficulty with is trying to reconcile the sovereignty of God with our prayers. Does God's sovereignty make our prayers unnecessary or irrelevant?

Giving to Building Fund or Missions?


Giving to Building Fund or Missions?

Is it nonspiritual to give money towards a highly expensive building project in your church? What if the church is wanting to spend a lot of money on their building, but doesn't spend much, if any, money on missions?

Fellowship With Someone Who Claims Christ But is Living in Immorality?


Fellowship With Someone Who Claims Christ But is Living in Immorality?

My question is, in the Bible, the Lord says, ‘do not even eat’ with someone who claims Christ but is immoral.

Feeling Guilty When Failing To Share the Gospel?


Feeling Guilty When Failing To Share the Gospel?

How should I, as a believer, respond to the sense of guilt I feel when I've failed to preach the Gospel to someone due to fear?

Fear: Should I Ride the Roller Coaster?


Fear: Should I Ride the Roller Coaster?

What is Revelation 21:8 talking about when it says the fearful will not inherit the kingdom? Does this mean I have to ride the roller coaster that I am afraid of?

Evangelizing Our Lost Loved Ones


Evangelizing Our Lost Loved Ones

If we only had one more opportunity to speak to our lost loved ones, we should urge them to ask for mercy from God that is only found through Jesus Christ.

Encouraging Conversation at the Church Meetings


Encouraging Conversation at the Church Meetings

When we are with other Christians, we should purposely plan on turning the conversation to spiritual things. One way is to ask specific questions about the sermon...

Drop Out of School, Drive Without License, or Submit to Parents?


Drop Out of School, Drive Without License, or Submit to Parents?

In this Ask Pastor Tim, two questions are dealt with that involve children and whether or not to submit to their parents.

Dreams, Visions, Lots


Dreams, Visions, Lots

What should we think about supernatural dreams and casting lots? These ideas are mentioned in the Bible, but how should we apply them?

Don’t Expect a Perfect Repentance


Don’t Expect a Perfect Repentance

Many people say that things like "I cannot repent" or "I'm trying to repent" thinking that they need a fully matured, perfect repentance before...

Don’t Cast Your Pearls Before Swine


Don’t Cast Your Pearls Before Swine

Jesus tells us to preach the gospel to every creature and make disciples of all the nations. But how do we also understand His command to not...

Don’t Be Deceived


Don’t Be Deceived

In each one of those places where it lists, where it gives a listing of Heaven-disqualifying sins, it says: "Don't be deceived."

Does Sex Equal Marriage in God’s Eyes?


Does Sex Equal Marriage in God’s Eyes?

Someone asked, "Are only virgin marriages legitimate? I was told by a group that I am in adultery because I was not a virgin when I got married... according to this group sex is marriage."