The following posts seek to answer questions based upon what the Bible says.

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The Truth Sets You Free from Sexual Lust


The Truth Sets You Free from Sexual Lust

If a believer who fights against sexual lust can but look and realize that resisting temptation here is but for a moment. Yet in a brief vapor...

Are There Two Judgments?


Are There Two Judgments?

It sound like there's a judgment at the very end, and also a judgment immediately after a person's death. Does this mean that there are two judgments?

Tardiness: Is Being Habitually Late Sinful?


Tardiness: Is Being Habitually Late Sinful?

Is habitual tardiness a sin? If so, how should Christians be living their lives in light of this sin being so overlooked and tolerated as normal in our society and even in some of our churches?

I Feel Like I’m Spiritually Dying


I Feel Like I’m Spiritually Dying

We need to be aware of how God presents Himself in Scripture, because sometimes during evangelism the person will describe that "the Lord is not saving me."

Does Sex Equal Marriage in God’s Eyes?


Does Sex Equal Marriage in God’s Eyes?

Someone asked, "Are only virgin marriages legitimate? I was told by a group that I am in adultery because I was not a virgin when I got married... according to this group sex is marriage."

Seventh-day Adventism: Cult or Not?


Seventh-day Adventism: Cult or Not?

If you really want to find out what any religious denomination is about, then find out what they think about the Word of God and the atoning work of Jesus Christ.

Is Being Blotted Out of the “Book of Life” Losing My Salvation?


Is Being Blotted Out of the “Book of Life” Losing My Salvation?

It's very interesting how many people look at Revelation 3:5 and say, "Oh look, you can be blotted out of God's book of life." Yet it says exactly the opposite...

My Wife is Giving Money to People Who Ask


My Wife is Giving Money to People Who Ask

Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods do not demand them back.

Fear: Should I Ride the Roller Coaster?


Fear: Should I Ride the Roller Coaster?

What is Revelation 21:8 talking about when it says the fearful will not inherit the kingdom? Does this mean I have to ride the roller coaster that I am afraid of?

Self-Defense, Murder, and Killing: What is the Difference?


Self-Defense, Murder, and Killing: What is the Difference?

In this Ask Pastor Tim we look at: Is it Biblically acceptable to defend yourself or your family if violent, or even deadly, force is necessary?

Am I Depressed For What I Believe?


Am I Depressed For What I Believe?

"I wanted to know if you ever get depressed when you think about the fact that you have no historical or scientific evidence to back up what you believe?"

How to Pray in the Corporate Prayer Meeting


How to Pray in the Corporate Prayer Meeting

When praying in a church corporate prayer meeting ask God to help you to forget everybody else. You're not there to impress others with your praying.

No One Can Say “Jesus is Lord” Except in the Holy Spirit


No One Can Say “Jesus is Lord” Except in the Holy Spirit

"No one can say 'Jesus is Lord' except in the Holy Spirit." - 1 Corinthians 12:3. What does Paul mean when he says this?

How Do You Hear From God?


How Do You Hear From God?

What do you say to a believer who comes to you and says, "How do you hear from God? How do you know when God is trying to talk to you?"

Church Leaders Casually Texting Single Sisters?


Church Leaders Casually Texting Single Sisters?

Is it OK for married brothers in leadership positions to be casually texting or emailing single sisters?

What Kind of Savior is Jesus?


What Kind of Savior is Jesus?

Someone emailed in asking, "Why does God make it so hard for his people to make it into his kingdom? What kind of savior is Jesus anyways?"

Complementarianism and Egalitarianism


Complementarianism and Egalitarianism

Complementarianism and egalitarianism deal with whether or not men and women are equal in their God given roles.

Is the Gospel Offer Valid for Lost Sinners?


Is the Gospel Offer Valid for Lost Sinners?

Once you stop believing that the offer of the Gospel is valid for lost sinners, then it only...

Have You Sought Counsel?


Have You Sought Counsel?

Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety. - Proverbs 11:14

Am I Gossiping or Building Up?


Am I Gossiping or Building Up?

You will kill gossip in the church if you have a church that won't listen to gossip.

The Myth of the King James Only


The Myth of the King James Only

Many adamantly hold to the “KJV Only” as being the only translation of the Bible to use.

What Do These Vague and Mysterious Terms Mean?


What Do These Vague and Mysterious Terms Mean?

Tim responds to a question about what "Looking to Christ", "Being satisfied in Christ", and other terms mean.

How Should I Use Online Sermons?


How Should I Use Online Sermons?

Though they can be very helpful, Internet sermons are not an adequate substitute for meeting together with God's people.

Cussing Christians?


Cussing Christians?

Is it OK for professing Christians to use curse words or listen to music with profanity in it?

What Songs Should The Church Be Singing?


What Songs Should The Church Be Singing?

Do the Scriptures explicitly command the church to sing from the book of Psalms and only the Psalms?

Where Does Sin Come From?


Where Does Sin Come From?

Carnal logic is ever so prevalent where men begin to talk about where sin came from.

How Do You Know Jesus is the Only Way?


How Do You Know Jesus is the Only Way?

You cannot say "Jesus is right for you, but not for me." There is no such thing as relativism.

Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?


Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?

Is water baptism a requirement to obtain salvation?

Reading and Understanding the Bible


Reading and Understanding the Bible

What do we do when we encounter something in the Scriptures that we don't immediately understand?

Am I Saved? 10 Tests of Assurance


Am I Saved? 10 Tests of Assurance

One of the tests of assurance in a persons life is how do they act when nobody is watching.

The Believer Bears Much Fruit (Part 2)


The Believer Bears Much Fruit (Part 2)

Many times people hear about the necessity to bear fruit, but some people may respond by trying harder in their own strength.

The Believer Bears Much Fruit


The Believer Bears Much Fruit

When it comes to good fruit in a person's life it is not so much about what they don't do as it is about what they are doing.

How Do I Run to Christ?


How Do I Run to Christ?

Many people hear the phrases “Run to Christ,” “Look to Christ,” “Come to Christ,” and they get worn out trying to run, look, and come.

3 Positions on Divorce & Remarriage


3 Positions on Divorce & Remarriage

Tim talks about the permanence, semi-permanence, permissive views on divorce and remarriage, and explains which one of these he holds to and why.

Is God Selfish?


Is God Selfish?

Why would God make us, knowing that we were going to sin?

The Man Who Lied Only Once


The Man Who Lied Only Once

Would someone still go to hell if he tells a small lie to someone, 5 minutes before Jesus returns?

Should Christian and Secular Hip Hop Artists Work Together?


Should Christian and Secular Hip Hop Artists Work Together?

Is it right or is it wrong for professing Christian hip hop artists to pair up with secular hip hop singers in an attempt to reach a broader audience with the gospel?

Near-Death Experiences: True or False?


Near-Death Experiences: True or False?

Many people claim to have had near-death experiences in which Christ told them to come back and warn everyone about the true terrors of hell.

Make Sure You Enjoy the Lord


Make Sure You Enjoy the Lord

And all of that is very true, very imminent, very urgent, very real, but here is a side note, and that is make sure you enjoy the Lord.

Look Away From Your Feelings and Trust the Savior


Look Away From Your Feelings and Trust the Savior

Do I love my chains and the bondage that they bring, that I would rather have that in hell for eternity, than have Christ for eternity?