Excerpts are short snippets taken from a full sermon. They tend to focus on a specific point that was impactful from the message.

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We Don’t Need a Slow God


We Don’t Need a Slow God

One of the effects of believing that the creation account in the Bible took a long time is that it makes God look like a God who acts slowly. But every Christian knows that we don't need a God who acts slow; we need a mighty God who can act immediately on our behalf.

We Must Get Our Minds Off Ourselves


We Must Get Our Minds Off Ourselves

If we get our minds off of ourselves and get our minds on our brother's and sisters, and especially our minds in worship on the Lord Jesus Christ...

We Need Intercessors in the Church!


We Need Intercessors in the Church!

Intercessors don't come from marginally spiritual people. They come from people who walk close with the Lord, and who also love other Christians.

We Need to Experience God


We Need to Experience God

We won't last long as Christians without experiencing the love and reality of Christ. If our souls begin to become barren in spiritual pleasures...

We Need to Go to the Mountaintop and Then Come Down


We Need to Go to the Mountaintop and Then Come Down

Our Christian life must consist of both going up to the mountaintop to behold the glory of Jesus Christ, and we also need to come...

We Need To Lay Aside Our Besetting Sins


We Need To Lay Aside Our Besetting Sins

The Bible mentions besetting sins, but we need to remember that when it mentions them, it tells us to lay them aside.

We Preach Christ!


We Preach Christ!

Paul describes his ministry with such exalted terminology -- "to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ" (Ephesians 3:8).

We Require The Holy Spirit’s Help When We Pray


We Require The Holy Spirit’s Help When We Pray

As believers, we require the Holy Spirit's help when we pray. Do you rely upon the Spirit when you pray?

What Do You Think of Christ?


What Do You Think of Christ?

Asking someone what they think about Jesus Christ is one of the most telling questions you can ask...

What Do You Want More Than Anything Else?


What Do You Want More Than Anything Else?

What do you want more than anything else: Money? Fame? A godly spouse? Or to just walk and commune with the Lord at your side?

What Does it Mean to Be a Christian?


What Does it Mean to Be a Christian?

What does it mean to be a Christian? It means you are someone who sees you are not fit to meet God in your sin.

What Does It Mean to Be a Saint?


What Does It Mean to Be a Saint?

What does it mean to be a saint? The Catholics want to pronounce Mother Teresa to be a saint, but is that the reality of what the term saint means? No, rather every true Christian...

What Does It Mean to Believe?


What Does It Mean to Believe?

What does it mean to believe? It does not mean a mental assent only, but it means to trust. What does it mean to trust? It means...

What Does Satan Fear?


What Does Satan Fear?

What does Satan fear? He doesn't fear Calvinism; he fears God, and he fears Christians who know how to pray in such a way that God comes.

What is Christmas About?


What is Christmas About?

Many people do not realize why we have Christmas, or even what Christmas is about. In this sermon, Paul Washer explains the real reason for Christmas and brings to light some encouraging truths regarding Jesus Christ.

What is Essential For Us to Have Christ’s Joy in Us?


What is Essential For Us to Have Christ’s Joy in Us?

What is essential for us to have Christ's joy in us? When we look to Christ we see that He had joy as He obeyed His Father's commandments.

What is Grace?


What is Grace?

If you were asked to define grace, the idea of "gift" may come to your mind, but would the idea of "power" also come to your mind?

What is My Ministry?


What is My Ministry?

So often Christians think "I've got to have a ministry", but do you know what ministry means?

What is The Gospel?


What is The Gospel?

A genuine experience with God is faith, resting, in who Jesus Christ is and what Jesus Christ has done. It's not just a matter of believing something He did for me 2,000 years ago.

What is the Sin that Leads to Death?


What is the Sin that Leads to Death?

First John 5:16 says that "there is sin that leads to death" and in the context of this letter he is dealing with those false prophets that are false to the true Christ.

What is the Void in Your Life?


What is the Void in Your Life?

Do you believe the lie that your life consists in the abundance of possessions? Have you been deluded into chasing after something in this world thinking it's going to fill the void in your life?

What Mindset Promotes Unity in the Local Church?


What Mindset Promotes Unity in the Local Church?

A mindset of humility promotes unity in a local church. That is a mindset that is not always being opinionated, or thinking we always know what is right...

What Should Make Us Angry?


What Should Make Us Angry?

We typically think of anger as a work of the flesh that we need to put to death and flee from. And in most cases it certainly is, but there actually is a time and place to be angry.

What to Do When Your Thought Life is Attacked


What to Do When Your Thought Life is Attacked

It may be easy to not allow our body to go to sinful places. But what are we to do when we find our mind being bombarded by wicked things?

What Would Jesus Do?


What Would Jesus Do?

Don't let the cheapening of the phrase, "What Would Jesus Do?" take your eyes away from the reality and truth of that statement.

What’s Wrong With That!?


What’s Wrong With That!?

God does not intend for the Christian to always approach everything they do from a negative perspective by asking, "What's wrong with that?!"

When You Think of Grace, Do You Think of Power?


When You Think of Grace, Do You Think of Power?

If you're asked to define grace, do you put "power" in the definition? Many times the Bible connects grace with power when it's mentioned. Grace is vain unless...

Where Is Help For the Discouraged and Depressed?


Where Is Help For the Discouraged and Depressed?

The strong encouragement, and hope, for the depressed sinner, is that there is a God who will save all who come to Him through Jesus Christ.

Who Are Your Friends?


Who Are Your Friends?

But I tell you, our closes friends must be those who are pursuing holiness because they will have an enormous affect upon our lives.

Why Are Millennials Leaving the Church?


Why Are Millennials Leaving the Church?

Why are so many millennials leaving the church? It seems fewer people are attending a church in this generation than in previous generations.

Why Do People Lie? They Love Themselves


Why Do People Lie? They Love Themselves

And why do people lie? You don't have to think too hard about it. It's not rocket science here. If you want to boil it down, it comes down to this - it comes down to this desire: Man loves himself. It's selfish what's...

Why Do You Do What You Do?


Why Do You Do What You Do?

What motivates you to do what you do? Is it motivated by a love for Christ and the glory of God? Or are you pursuing your own selfish desires and going against the Will of God?

Why is This World the Way That It Is?


Why is This World the Way That It Is?

There are two very important questions we all should be asking: 1. Why are things the way they are in this world? 2. How do we fix it?

Why Will You Reject My Jesus?


Why Will You Reject My Jesus?

If you reject my Jesus Christ, who have you got to look into? When you get married; when you get children and they're sick? When you've got bills to pay and you're getting older...

Why Your Church’s ‘Love’ Might Actually Be Arrogance in Disguise


Why Your Church’s ‘Love’ Might Actually Be Arrogance in Disguise

Why are churches not practicing church discipline and excommunicating someone?

Will God Throw You Into Hell?


Will God Throw You Into Hell?

We are all being pulled along in the gospel net and are on our way to the judgment. Will God throw you into hell on that final day? Is your hope in Christ or are you just merely religious and lost?

Will Politics Fix Our Problems?


Will Politics Fix Our Problems?

Will politics fix our problems? Our world is full of problems right now and so many people are convinced that they have the solutions for them.

Win Souls: Don’t Offend People Needlessly


Win Souls: Don’t Offend People Needlessly

We should desire to win souls for Christ, and their souls can only be won by receiving the offensive message of the Gospel. With that being said, we need to make sure our attitude and conduct don't add a needless offense to the message.

Wisdom is Better Than Gold


Wisdom is Better Than Gold

We've got to realize like five times in the book of Proverbs it says that wisdom is better than silver and gold. It's better than the finest gold, better than the choicest silver.

Would You Rather Be On Your Phone or Alone With God?


Would You Rather Be On Your Phone or Alone With God?

In your daily Christian life do you find yourself getting away and being alone with the Lord? Or are you continually being interrupted?