Excerpts are short snippets taken from a full sermon. They tend to focus on a specific point that was impactful from the message.

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Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge


Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge

So we must know our Bible's so that it won't be said of us “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge;"

The Lord Gets You Across the Finish Line


The Lord Gets You Across the Finish Line

He walks him around that track, and right before he goes across the finish line, his daddy lets him go. I want to tell you something, friend. If you're going...

Do You Believe in the True Christ?


Do You Believe in the True Christ?

To deny a doctrine or alter the work or person of Jesus Christ is to attack Christ and to deny the true Christ of the Bible.

What’s Wrong With That!?


What’s Wrong With That!?

God does not intend for the Christian to always approach everything they do from a negative perspective by asking, "What's wrong with that?!"

Live and Die With No Regrets


Live and Die With No Regrets

But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course...

The Peace Christ Had When Facing the Cross


The Peace Christ Had When Facing the Cross

There is a peace Christ had that he offers to us who believe. A peace that He earned for us and that is beyond any form of peace this world offers, it is to have peace with God.

Doctrine Divides


Doctrine Divides

It is right that doctrine divides us from those who "do not abide in the teaching of Christ,"

What Do You Want More Than Anything Else?


What Do You Want More Than Anything Else?

What do you want more than anything else: Money? Fame? A godly spouse? Or to just walk and commune with the Lord at your side?

The Love of Christ in Every Marriage


The Love of Christ in Every Marriage

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.

What is My Ministry?


What is My Ministry?

So often Christians think "I've got to have a ministry", but do you know what ministry means?

Jesus Christ Our Great High Priest


Jesus Christ Our Great High Priest

Jesus Christ has taken the nature of humanity upon Himself forever. That He might be a high priest forever, to make intercession for us forever.

Christian, Love Your Lost Family


Christian, Love Your Lost Family

Christian love does not undervalue or disregard natural family ties with lost family members.

Don’t Come to Church to Get, Come to Serve


Don’t Come to Church to Get, Come to Serve

When you go to church, do you come to serve or to be served?

Your Only Hiding Place is in Christ


Your Only Hiding Place is in Christ

That is what this Gospel is all about. Your only hiding place is in Christ. That is what we were singing about. That is what we know to be the Gospel.

What Do You Think of Christ?


What Do You Think of Christ?

Asking someone what they think about Jesus Christ is one of the most telling questions you can ask...

God is Sovereign and Man is Responsible


God is Sovereign and Man is Responsible

If men don't come to Christ, their inability to not come is that they love their idols more.

Is Jesus Christ the Emphasis of Your Christianity?


Is Jesus Christ the Emphasis of Your Christianity?

Homeschooling is not Christianity, it is not the badge of you being godly, it is not...

Four Demonstrations of the Power of the Cross


Four Demonstrations of the Power of the Cross

It is the power of the cross of Christ that sets men free from the things of this world.

Life is Lived in the Local Church


Life is Lived in the Local Church

As believers we are called to gather together as a body and to use our gifts to build up one another.

A Pure Bride Without Blemish


A Pure Bride Without Blemish

The Lord is well aware of our "wrinkles", and He so loves us that He is taking them out one by one.

How a Christian Woman is to Adorn Herself


How a Christian Woman is to Adorn Herself

If your clothing is a frame for your face, from which the glory of God is to shine, it's proper.

Missions and Prayer


Missions and Prayer

We cannot begin to do missions if we are not a praying people.

Fasting Matters


Fasting Matters

In Matthew 6:17 Jesus said "But WHEN you fast", notice how He did not say "IF" but "WHEN" which implies that His people will fast.

Live on the Gospel Day by Day


Live on the Gospel Day by Day

If you've already been saved by this Gospel, you need to live today and tomorrow and the rest of your life on it.

Do You Know What the Cross Means?


Do You Know What the Cross Means?

Do you know what the Cross means? The Cross means you are bad enough to go to hell and you needed...

Your Weakness Should Drive You to God


Your Weakness Should Drive You to God

It's really easy to say "I'm so weak", but your problem is not that you are so weak, it's that your strong.

God’s Solution: Justification & Regeneration


God’s Solution: Justification & Regeneration

Justification & regeneration are two great miracles that stand at the very heart and center of the gospel.

Run the Race Looking to Christ, Not Other Men


Run the Race Looking to Christ, Not Other Men

We must get our eyes on Christ and His perfect performance.

Identifying Weights That Slow You Down


Identifying Weights That Slow You Down

Tim gives some practical examples of identifying things in your life which are not necessarily bad but should be replaced with that which is better and more excellent.

A Story of Hudson Taylor’s Answer to Prayer


A Story of Hudson Taylor’s Answer to Prayer

Thus God encouraged me, upon landing on China's shores, to bring every variety of need to Him in prayer,...

The Mark of True Faith


The Mark of True Faith

The mark of true faith is that someone believes God's Word.

We Preach Christ!


We Preach Christ!

Paul describes his ministry with such exalted terminology -- "to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ" (Ephesians 3:8).

Search the Bible as For Hidden Treasure


Search the Bible as For Hidden Treasure

If you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.

True Faith Desires Something Better


True Faith Desires Something Better

If you have a desire for one thing then you are discontent with the other thing. For the Christian they desire Christ and therefore are discontent with the world and with sin.

Disorder Comes from Selfishness


Disorder Comes from Selfishness

James 3:16 - For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.

It Is Crippling to Not Run to Christ


It Is Crippling to Not Run to Christ

What can happen to people who lose their peace and joy? They usually go curl up in a ball in their bedroom and become ineffective and unfruitful.

Watch and Pray, Never Be Silent


Watch and Pray, Never Be Silent

I have set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent.

Practical Advice on Daily Bible Reading


Practical Advice on Daily Bible Reading

It is sloppy Christian life if you are not reading your Bible every single day. This is the food for the soul, this is our life, our health, this is where we see Christ.

Christ Wants You Either Hot or Cold


Christ Wants You Either Hot or Cold

If Christ is better than the things of the world, then go after Him with abandon, be sold out for Christ.

Walk in Continual Communion with God


Walk in Continual Communion with God

Why do we meet with God at certain times during the day? It is to develop a mindset of walking in the power and presence of God all day long!