Excerpts are short snippets taken from a full sermon. They tend to focus on a specific point that was impactful from the message.

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Christ Is Willing To Save, You Have No Right To Go to Hell


Christ Is Willing To Save, You Have No Right To Go to Hell

Sinner, Christ is willing to receive you. God commands you to repent. You do not have a right to go to hell. The only way anybody perishes...

No More Bargaining, Unconditional Surrender


No More Bargaining, Unconditional Surrender

Conversion brings true surrender, and your negotiating days are over. It is no more bargaining; instead, it is unconditional surrender.

Do You Just Casually Confess Your Sin?


Do You Just Casually Confess Your Sin?

Or do you just casually confess your sin and say "I am sorry" and have no sense of the offense to the love of God?

Are You Sensitive to Being Overly Critical?


Are You Sensitive to Being Overly Critical?

The Spirit of God can be easily grieved over our "small" sins. One sin that we need self-control over is being overly critical of others.

If We Don’t Forgive God Will Not Forgive Us?


If We Don’t Forgive God Will Not Forgive Us?

When the Bible says that we won't be forgiven if we don't forgive others, does this mean that our works save us?

Don’t Play With Vipers On The Internet


Don’t Play With Vipers On The Internet

So many professing Christians they play with vipers on the Internet, they watch things on television that are unbecoming to holiness.

Greatest Display of God’s Holiness? The Cross


Greatest Display of God’s Holiness? The Cross

What could we say is the greatest display of God's holiness that is found in our Bible? The burning bush, whereby Moses was told...

Lloyd-Jones: Do Not Be A Young Believer’s Conscience


Lloyd-Jones: Do Not Be A Young Believer’s Conscience

We must ask: Is it right for us to take the position of conscience to another? That procedure produces smug, self-satisfied Christians.

Trust God Even When You Have No Feelings


Trust God Even When You Have No Feelings

Do you trust the Lord even when you have no feelings? We need to remember that God often withdraws His sensible presence from us to test and purify our faith.

Have Faith in God: Laying Ahold of His Promises in Prayer


Have Faith in God: Laying Ahold of His Promises in Prayer

In Mark 11:22 and Jesus answered, saying to them, "Have faith in God." This is a command, isn't it? He does not say, ask for faith. He does not say wait for faith.

Lord, Teach Us to Pray


Lord, Teach Us to Pray

You may know theology, but do you know how to pray? We need to remember that the disciples didn't ask Jesus how to preach, perform miracles, walk on water, etc.

Pray With Confidence Because God Hears You


Pray With Confidence Because God Hears You

What a glorious reality that when we as Christians come to pray that we're not just filling the air with words and wasting our breath. But rather, we have on the authority of God's Word...

Believer: God Loves You Because He Loves You


Believer: God Loves You Because He Loves You

When considering the love of God, it can be difficult at times to believe that God loves His people like He says He does. One reason for this is that when we think about human love...

“I Love the Church” No, You Idolize Your Ministry


“I Love the Church” No, You Idolize Your Ministry

Any Christian can say that they love the church, but we need to remember that there's a difference between loving your church and loving your ministry in the church.

God Is Creating Weakness In Your Life


God Is Creating Weakness In Your Life

Your problem is never that you are too weak. As a matter of fact, what God does in our lives, from the moment we are born again and until we die, is He is constantly working to create weakness in us. The problem is no...

You Don’t Have To Look and Lust!


You Don’t Have To Look and Lust!

That's what God's grace does, it makes a difference in people's lives. "I don't have to look!" Brother and sister, you don't have to click it! Guess what? You don't have to do it!

What is Grace?


What is Grace?

If you were asked to define grace, the idea of "gift" may come to your mind, but would the idea of "power" also come to your mind?

Do You Mourn Over Sin, or the Consequences of Sin?


Do You Mourn Over Sin, or the Consequences of Sin?

Repentance includes a sorrow over sin, but it is actually possible to sorrow over sin without hungering after righteousness.

Looking For Loopholes to Avoid Unwanted Duties?


Looking For Loopholes to Avoid Unwanted Duties?

When it comes to obeying God, are you seeking to obey Him as close as you can from a heart of love, or are you constantly looking for loopholes...

Is Your Hope on the Joy of Heaven?


Is Your Hope on the Joy of Heaven?

What one of your hopes do you want to come to pass more than all the rest? Is your ultimate hope fixed on the joy of seeing Christ in heaven?

Faith Is Not Like Sitting In a Chair!


Faith Is Not Like Sitting In a Chair!

Have you ever heard the illustration that says faith in Christ is like sitting in a chair? That's not faith; that is just doing statistical analysis and realizing...

Don’t Trust in Testimonies, Feelings, or Experiences


Don’t Trust in Testimonies, Feelings, or Experiences

A common device of the devil is to get Christians to doubt the genuineness of their conversion based on their testimony, feelings, or experiences.

The Only News That Matters: Jesus is the Light


The Only News That Matters: Jesus is the Light

Multitudes are seeing the glory of Jesus Christ, this is the greatest news in the world, and it's the only news that matters.

Psalm 22 Richly Pictures Christ’s Death on the Cross


Psalm 22 Richly Pictures Christ’s Death on the Cross

Psalm 22 is not primarily about David but it is about Jesus Christ on the Cross. We see aspects of the Cross here that should cause us to all the more glory in Christ’s death on our behalf.

Is The Gospel of Peace on Your Feet?


Is The Gospel of Peace on Your Feet?

He’s promised that all who call upon Him will be saved. This is the Gospel of Peace that we need to have constantly on our feet.

Christ Will Strengthen You When You Are Doing His Will


Christ Will Strengthen You When You Are Doing His Will

We need to remember that Christ doesn't send us into the world to wear ourselves out serving Him in our own strength.

We Need To Lay Aside Our Besetting Sins


We Need To Lay Aside Our Besetting Sins

The Bible mentions besetting sins, but we need to remember that when it mentions them, it tells us to lay them aside.

Are You Addicted to the Physical Realm?


Are You Addicted to the Physical Realm?

As Christians, we function in two realms: the physical and the spiritual. As we grow, God often has to wean us off of being addicted to the physical realm so that we might know how to live in the spiritual realm.

How Can We Pray in the Spirit?


How Can We Pray in the Spirit?

The Bible tells us to pray in the Spirit. What does that mean and how can we do that?

You Are Not Alone In Your Warfare


You Are Not Alone In Your Warfare

The Devil would love to have Christians think that they're the only ones going through spiritual opposition and difficulty. That's a lie.

Is the Bible Your Treasure Book?


Is the Bible Your Treasure Book?

When you read the Bible, do you read it as a textbook or as a treasure book? Do you read it to learn information and facts about God, or do you read it in order to know God?

If I Don’t Have It Today I Don’t Need It Today


If I Don’t Have It Today I Don’t Need It Today

In John 15 Jesus is saying that the branch will get what is given to it and what it needs. Meaning: If I don't have it today I don't need it today.

How Can I Lust and Sin Against God?


How Can I Lust and Sin Against God?

Christian, the next time you're severely tempted and enticed to yield to sexual sin, just remember that your sin is against God. Just remember that...

Does God Answer Your Prayers?


Does God Answer Your Prayers?

Do you pray because you actually want God to answer, or do you pray just because you're expected out of routine? When we come to pray, we should be praying...

This Isn’t the Day For Being Mr. Nice Guy


This Isn’t the Day For Being Mr. Nice Guy

This isn’t the day for us to be Mr. Nice Guy; it’s the day for us to proclaim the truth that people need to hear in order to be saved.

The Devil Wants You to Lose Your Balance


The Devil Wants You to Lose Your Balance

We have to remember that the Devil, our adversary, is crafty. And one of his clever tactics is making us lose our balance and making us go to extremes.

There is Only One Way to be Accepted by God


There is Only One Way to be Accepted by God

The heart of the gospel is that there is a way to obtain the righteousness of God apart from the law and that is through faith in Jesus Christ. There is only one way we can be accepted before God, and that is by havin...

A Look Into God’s Courtroom


A Look Into God’s Courtroom

We all have a meeting in the courtroom of God to be judged, and we will all either be declared righteous or guilty. The problem is that we're all guilty...

Don’t Skip a Meal With Christ


Don’t Skip a Meal With Christ

And don't forget, it's better for your body to miss a meal of food than for your soul to miss a meal with Christ.

Do You Trust God, Numbers, Money, or Preachers?


Do You Trust God, Numbers, Money, or Preachers?

When asked, every Christian will claim that they trust God, but your choices and reactions will be the truest indications of where your trust truly is. Is your trust in God a theory or a reality?