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Redemption Through His Blood


Redemption Through His Blood

Take a look at Christ's blood being spilled and God's wrath that was unleashed upon Him; and suddenly you recognize there is a price, and it is an infinite price...

“Happiness” Christianity


“Happiness” Christianity

It has been my experience that when persons come with a “happiness” problem, they get no help from the gospel. If their main concern is a better marriage...

An Eye for the Eternal


An Eye for the Eternal

As believers we need an eye for the eternal and we ought to mark that which is temporal or eternal.

Why Do You Call Me “Lord, Lord,” and Not Do What I Tell You?


Why Do You Call Me “Lord, Lord,” and Not Do What I Tell You?

Jesus taught that the real proof of being genuinely saved is not by saying, "Lord, Lord," but by our walk. Do your actions reflect what your lips proclaim to believe?

Lord! Save Our Children!


Lord! Save Our Children!

A subject of grave concern to all of us today is how we are to go about saving our children. How shall we deliver them from the corrupting influence...

Wait For My Boyfriend to Get Saved Again?


Wait For My Boyfriend to Get Saved Again?

This Ask Pastor Tim deals with the question, "If I broke up with my boyfriend because he stopped being a Christian, is it OK to wait for him...

Hearing of Christ Makes a Man Want to Repent


Hearing of Christ Makes a Man Want to Repent

If Jesus Christ is not the center of our message to the lost, then we have nothing that can change lost men's minds. Yet upon hearing of Christ...

Ignorance Keeps People From Becoming Christians


Ignorance Keeps People From Becoming Christians

Ignorance is the very explanation as to why all men in this world who are not Christians, are not Christians. Why do the lost feel that the things of Christ are boring?

Conspiracy Theories and the Illuminati?


Conspiracy Theories and the Illuminati?

Are there conspiracy theories out there? Of course, because the Bible speaks about a kingdom of darkness; and all humanity is either under the control...

Why Did Jesus Die?


Why Did Jesus Die?

Why did Jesus die? It's a question that causes many to say, "Why ask that? We all know the answer already." Most are quick to say "He died to forgive us", which He did.

God the Just and the Justifier of the Wicked


God the Just and the Justifier of the Wicked

In His death on the Cross, He has paid in full the penalty due to us for our sin by bearing the wrath and anger of God that we deserve. Therefore God is just...

Us and Them? Black and White? Or One in Christ?


Us and Them? Black and White? Or One in Christ?

When we speak as Christians about "us and them", isn't the very nature of those pronouns divisive talk? The Bible doesn't teach us, "black and white"...

Gentile Dogs Have Hope Too


Gentile Dogs Have Hope Too

We should be amazed that even us, the Gentiles, have been included and have salvation and hope too. We are not going to perish forever and forever because of God's incredible mercy...

The Good News of Jesus Christ to Temple, Texas


The Good News of Jesus Christ to Temple, Texas

How can a condemned sinner be brought into a right relationship with God? There is only one way, and it is through the life and death of Jesus Christ. This is the good news that sinful...

How To Do It


How To Do It

The fact of the matter is, the Bible is not a How-To book; it is a What-To book. God tells us what to do, what must be done, what is our responsibility according to His laws and principles.

Overview of New I’ll Be Honest Website Design


Overview of New I’ll Be Honest Website Design

In view of recently updating the I'll Be Honest website, this post is meant to give an overview of some of the changes that we've made.

Grieving and Sending with a Gospel Heart


Grieving and Sending with a Gospel Heart

In view of the brevity of our life, and the great need for more Biblical churches, we should be those who go out with a heart for the lost and seek to proclaim the Gospel.

Children: Jesus is the Anchor of the Soul


Children: Jesus is the Anchor of the Soul

This is one of the lessons from our Children's vacation bible school. Christ alone is the Anchor of the soul that will save you from the storm...

What Does It Mean to Be a Saint?


What Does It Mean to Be a Saint?

What does it mean to be a saint? The Catholics want to pronounce Mother Teresa to be a saint, but is that the reality of what the term saint means? No, rather every true Christian...

True Biblical Unity


True Biblical Unity

I want to speak, in my one session, on the blessedness of Christians dwelling together in unity. True biblical unity of believers....

Highly Favored in the Beloved


Highly Favored in the Beloved

If you want to know how to properly estimate God's love for us, then just behold the Beloved - Jesus Christ. He whom was held tightly and eternally in the bosom of the Father...

What Does It Mean to Believe?


What Does It Mean to Believe?

What does it mean to believe? It does not mean a mental assent only, but it means to trust. What does it mean to trust? It means...

Be Careful Before You Call Someone Antinomian


Be Careful Before You Call Someone Antinomian

When you start talking this way people want to label you as antinomian, you know saying, "You guys just allow everything." No, that's not it...

Authentic Christianity


Authentic Christianity

Authentic Christianity is a thorn in the side of this popular culture of the world in which we live in. The light of Jesus Christ in you, will have an effect...

Christ The True Vine (Part 1)


Christ The True Vine (Part 1)

We come to Jesus Christ alone, and look to His finished work alone, to be received by faith alone, regarding our right standing. But we don't move on from Jesus to begin to live the Christian life and bear much fruit....

Praising God For Our Adoption


Praising God For Our Adoption

In expressing to you the doctrine of adoption, we realize that somebody can be adopted and not really recognize what that is. Being adopted is one thing, but recognizing you are adopted is...

Appreciating Our Adoption


Appreciating Our Adoption

Many Reformed theologians consider adoption to be the very highest privilege that the Gospel offers. Yet, it seems that the church has historically neglected this doctrine...

God’s Kindness to Crippled Men


God’s Kindness to Crippled Men

Think of it, crippled Mephibosheth, he is probably being brought before David on a cart or carried in by others to the king's chamber.

How Do You Respond to Personal Slander?


How Do You Respond to Personal Slander?

The psalmist finds himself in a position we all commonly share at times. He is being slandered. His words and actions have been misrepresented and his character maligned.

God’s Unlimited Resources for the Believer’s Holiness


God’s Unlimited Resources for the Believer’s Holiness

How can we pray that with confidence? Because God's unlimited resources are available for the believer's holiness and conformity to Jesus Christ.

Chosen to Stand Before God


Chosen to Stand Before God

Man lost the greatest of all his privileges: beholding the face of God. Man’s sin hid the greatest Treasure of all from us. Man has been put out of...

Christian Government


Christian Government

Christian Government can properly be applied to only one thing: Church government, government among a body of people that are distinctly Christian.

The God That Chooses


The God That Chooses

Yes, but that also is not going back far enough. We must go back before our world the God who chooses.

The Vital Importance of Prayer


The Vital Importance of Prayer

Here are six reasons on the vital importance of prayer. 1) Prayer as communion to God, is the goal of the Gospel. 2) Prayer as asking...

Spiritual Blessings


Spiritual Blessings

By nature man is cursed for having transgressed God's laws. The sons of Adam are a cursed race. For God to ever bless anyone who has sinned and broken His...

Worshiping God the Father


Worshiping God the Father

The worship of God in the New Testament always begins with God the Father. We are never right, balanced, or in accord with God's Word if our worship starts...

The Nearness of God is My Good


The Nearness of God is My Good

That's the issue. That's always the issue. The nearness of God is my good. So, if I'm gonna cleanse myself let me put myself there, near to God.

Busyness Leads to God Hiding Himself?


Busyness Leads to God Hiding Himself?

At times when someone asks, "How do I deal with the hiddenness of God?" it is not God hiding Himself from us, but our own sin or busyness and neglect of the Lord that is the problem.

I Lay Down and Slept


I Lay Down and Slept

I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the Lord sustained me.

Racism is Opposed to God


Racism is Opposed to God

The division that is created in racism is part of a system that is organized against God. Racism opposes the love of God the Father. Our greatest identity is not our skin color...