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How to Test the Spirits


How to Test the Spirits

1 John 4:1 says, "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."

The Prayer Life of Our Lord


The Prayer Life of Our Lord

The prayer life of our Lord is that which we should strive to imitate and look at carefully as we study the Scriptures.

The Church: A World of Love


The Church: A World of Love

When the Bible talks about the church, it is not referring to the building, but to the assembly of the redeemed.

Explain the Book of Acts: God Came!


Explain the Book of Acts: God Came!

How do we explain what happened in the book of Acts? Or in the biographies of those from the past like George Whitefield?

Perfect Love


Perfect Love

Perfect love is the result of God's love being perfected in us. This is not something unreachable, or unobtainable.

Church Leaders Casually Texting Single Sisters?


Church Leaders Casually Texting Single Sisters?

Is it OK for married brothers in leadership positions to be casually texting or emailing single sisters?

True Christianity is Always the Activity of God


True Christianity is Always the Activity of God

True Christianity is always the activity of God and our faith is a reaction to God's initial call.

Who Do You Say Jesus Is?


Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

Jesus is a historical person who made massive claims about himself – we must all answer this question: Who do you say Jesus is?

The Unpardonable Sin


The Unpardonable Sin

It is not the unpardonable sin which hinders your being a Christian; but your wickedness of heart, your pride, vanity, and insincerity.

Non-burdensome Christianity


Non-burdensome Christianity

You basically have two kinds of professing Christians in the world: those who are deceived and find God's commandments burdensome...

Was It For Me That You Fasted?


Was It For Me That You Fasted?

When you fasted and mourned in the fifth month and in the seventh, for these seventy years, was it for me that you fasted?

God’s Testimony Must Be In Us


God’s Testimony Must Be In Us

1 John 5:10 says, "Whoever believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself." - John clearly teaches us that God's testimony is internalized.

The Gospel of Christ Powerfully Saves


The Gospel of Christ Powerfully Saves

The separation from God that you and I should experience throughout all of eternity was suffered for us by Jesus Christ on the Cross.

Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Worship Jesus Christ?


Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Worship Jesus Christ?

In this video clip Paul Washer talks about the death of Jesus Christ and who Jesus Christ is. Why must Jesus be God in order to pay for our sins?

Right Response to Sexual Temptation: Flee!


Right Response to Sexual Temptation: Flee!

People ask, "What am I supposed to do if I am in the midst of, or being tempted by sexual immorality?" And the Bible has one simple, clear word: flee!

I Can’t Feel


I Can’t Feel

The Bible never tells you that you must feel but that you must repent and believe. Your complaint that you 'can't feel,' is just an excuse...

Fellowship Conference New England | Trailer


Fellowship Conference New England | Trailer

I don't have the strength, or the wisdom, or the perspective in myself to make it through this waste howling wilderness of sin without the brethren strengthening me in God.

How Do You Hear From God?


How Do You Hear From God?

What do you say to a believer who comes to you and says, "How do you hear from God? How do you know when God is trying to talk to you?"

To War With Our Assurance


To War With Our Assurance

Once the writer John gets us to where we have assurance, he then doesn't have us sit there with our assurance but sends us to the battlefield.

Light from the Cross


Light from the Cross

What happened on the cross? We see four amazing things: the darkness in the sky, his two cries from the cross, and the tearing of the veil. This is holy powerful truth for our souls.

What is the Sin that Leads to Death?


What is the Sin that Leads to Death?

First John 5:16 says that "there is sin that leads to death" and in the context of this letter he is dealing with those false prophets that are false to the true Christ.

Jesus in Gethsemane: The Broken Man (Part 1)


Jesus in Gethsemane: The Broken Man (Part 1)

Wherefore, then, hast thou not known Me, broken in Gethsemane?

The Finality of the Lord’s Coming (Part 6)


The Finality of the Lord’s Coming (Part 6)

There are those in our churches who are wisely waiting for the Lord's coming and there are others who are foolishly unprepared as that great day approaches.

The Sovereignty of God and the Choices of Men


The Sovereignty of God and the Choices of Men

Since God is sovereign and is in utter and absolute control of everything, do the choices of men make any difference at all? What does the Bible say?

Rahab the Prostitute


Rahab the Prostitute

Why in Hebrews 11 is Rahab singled out for her past sin and called a prostitute? We see here that her background was so sinful that her title has followed her for 3,500 years.

Continue Steadfastly in Prayer


Continue Steadfastly in Prayer

How much do I really believe that without Him I can do nothing? Here is the answer: I believe it to the degree that I continue steadfastly in prayer.

No One Can Say “Jesus is Lord” Except in the Holy Spirit


No One Can Say “Jesus is Lord” Except in the Holy Spirit

"No one can say 'Jesus is Lord' except in the Holy Spirit." - 1 Corinthians 12:3. What does Paul mean when he says this?

Jesus in Gethsemane: The Praying Victorious Man (Part 2)


Jesus in Gethsemane: The Praying Victorious Man (Part 2)

We must be weaned off of dependence on man. We must first learn to cry out to the One who will never turn a deaf ear to our cries.

Seeing Him Who is Invisible


Seeing Him Who is Invisible

I want to impress upon you the reality of an unseen world around us, a spiritual world that most people know absolutely nothing about.

Forgiving One Another As Christ


Forgiving One Another As Christ

Rather I treat you as Jesus has treated me in the Gospel by mercifully forgiving me; that is what Paul is calling us to in Colossians.

You Are Responsible to Pursue Forgiveness


You Are Responsible to Pursue Forgiveness

If your forgiveness is going to look like and be modeled after Jesus Christ, then you have to be a pursuer of people.

Slothful Servants are Wicked Servants


Slothful Servants are Wicked Servants

Third thing, slothful servants are wicked servants. Notice verse 26. "But his master answered him, you wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap...

Christ is the Absolute Owner of Everything


Christ is the Absolute Owner of Everything

Christ... is the absolute owner. Go out to your car this afternoon and you just stop in your tracks and look at it and you recognize that's His.

Faithfulness: A True Virtue


Faithfulness: A True Virtue

Faithfulness and loyalty to Christ is a vitally important virtue in the Christian life that must not be treated lightly.

Don’t Doubt in the Darkness What God Has Promised


Don’t Doubt in the Darkness What God Has Promised

If you're a genuine Christian and your going through a dark, dark place in your life, understand that you will yet praise Him.

God is Working in Your Life to Train You


God is Working in Your Life to Train You

I’ve found out that the Lord will give you a test, and if you don’t pass it, He takes you through a course again and you’ve got to go back to the same test.

Learn from Christ’s Speech and How He Spoke


Learn from Christ’s Speech and How He Spoke

In Ephesians 4, Paul calls us to learn of Jesus Christ and to be taught how to speak through beholding Him.

Do Your Words Fit the Occasion?


Do Your Words Fit the Occasion?

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

How God Saved Me: Mike Morrow’s Testimony


How God Saved Me: Mike Morrow’s Testimony

I knew that God had forgiven me and cleansed me and saved me for Jesus' sake.

Dangerous Prayer


Dangerous Prayer

Paul said, "The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet." One of the ways this happens is by us trusting the LORD in prayer and praying in a way that is dangerous to the devil.