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Spiritual Help For Students in Manchester, England


Spiritual Help For Students in Manchester, England

Do you attend a university in the Manchester area? Are you burdened for your soul and for matters pertaining to eternity? Are you interested in Christianity and the Gospel?

2021 Fellowship Conference


2021 Fellowship Conference

We are planning to, Lord willing, host the conference in Denton, Texas, on April 1-4, 2021. May God would have His hand upon this conference.

Believers Who Will Be Cast Into Hell


Believers Who Will Be Cast Into Hell

Believers who will be cast into Hell? It’s because Scripture says there will be believers cast into Hell. Really? Yes.

Do You Know Multiple Languages For Such a Time as This?


Do You Know Multiple Languages For Such a Time as This?

Do you know multiple languages for such a time as this? Few have the Greek and Hebrew language abilities to translate the Bible, and may God raise up more of those laborers...

Lord, Help Me to Grow | 2020 Fellowship Conference Trailer


Lord, Help Me to Grow | 2020 Fellowship Conference Trailer

As we seek to be diligent to grow in the Lord, one means it can be through is attending conferences. This will be the 11th year of Fellowship Conference...

What If Your Thought Life Was Live Streamed?


What If Your Thought Life Was Live Streamed?

What if someone told you that your every thought from the day you were born has been recorded and will be live streamed today? And not only that...

Biography on Leonard Ravenhill’s Fragrant Life, Revised and Expanded


Biography on Leonard Ravenhill’s Fragrant Life, Revised and Expanded

Leonard Ravenhill was a man greatly used by God in the 20th century. His preaching came with heart searching power and conviction.

How Deep The Father’s Love For Us (Bonfire at FC2017)


How Deep The Father’s Love For Us (Bonfire at FC2017)

This is a brief clip of singing and fellowship from the bonfire that is held on Friday night during the Fellowship Conference.

Conrad Murrell: Grace and Truth (Book Trailer)


Conrad Murrell: Grace and Truth (Book Trailer)

Conrad Murrell had an unusual spiritual authority, his insight into the "heart" of Scripture, his ability to analyze men and movements, his great wisdom in dealing...

Think Upon the Cross | 2017 Fellowship Conference


Think Upon the Cross | 2017 Fellowship Conference

Join us on April 13 – 16 in Denton, Texas for fellowship, preaching, and singing that center on the glory of God.

The Good News of Jesus Christ to Temple, Texas


The Good News of Jesus Christ to Temple, Texas

How can a condemned sinner be brought into a right relationship with God? There is only one way, and it is through the life and death of Jesus Christ. This is the good news that sinful...

Do Not Love the World!


Do Not Love the World!

What does it mean to "love the World", or the things of the world? Paul Washer speaks candidly on this subject that is sometimes taken to an extreme.

All About Jesus Christ | 2016 Fellowship Conference


All About Jesus Christ | 2016 Fellowship Conference

Join us as we gather together for the 7th time to fellowship around the things of our glorious Savior Jesus Christ. Denton, Texas March 24-27, 2016

2015 Fellowship Conference Video Montage

2015 Fellowship Conference Video Montage

This is a video that a sister put together from the 2015 Fellowship Conference that captures different aspects...

2015 Fellowship Conference


2015 Fellowship Conference

Join us as we gather together for the 6th time to fellowship around the things of our glorious Savior Jesus Christ.

Encouragement to Those Starting a Church


Encouragement to Those Starting a Church

Discouragement can be a big temptation when starting a church.

2014 Fellowship Conference


2014 Fellowship Conference

We invite you to join us for the 2014 Fellowship Conference in Denton, Texas, April 17-20.

Do Not Despise Small Beginnings (Missions to India)


Do Not Despise Small Beginnings (Missions to India)

Brother John recently gave an update about the missions team in India. Even though he was recently not allowed to go back into the country, he talks about how God is good and in control.

Don’t Pursue Freedom From Pornography, Pursue Christ


Don’t Pursue Freedom From Pornography, Pursue Christ

I was meditating the other day and it made me laugh. I started this adventure, so I can have freedom from pornography and now months later I don’t even remember...

Using Gospel Tracts to Evangelize to the Lost


Using Gospel Tracts to Evangelize to the Lost

Get a free pack of gospel tracts that you can use as you daily evangelize to the lost.

Update: Submitting Ask Pastor Tim Questions


Update: Submitting Ask Pastor Tim Questions

We are going to start shooting Ask Pastor Tim Sessions again, so if you have a question that you feel would be helpful to a broad number of people, then we encourage you to send it in.

Tim Conway Exhorting an 18 yr old Youth to Hold Fast to Biblical Teachings


Tim Conway Exhorting an 18 yr old Youth to Hold Fast to Biblical Teachings

Tim exhorts a youth to keep his eyes on Christ and not to pursue the vanities of this life. Are you a young guy who is being lured away by a girl?

Freed from Pornography by Being Satisfied in Christ


Freed from Pornography by Being Satisfied in Christ

If your truly satisfied in Jesus Christ you will not need to run to pornography and masturbation to try to fill the void inside of your heart. Why is it that so many people are running to pornography and masturbation? It's because they're not satisfied in Christ.

Maintain Unity for the Sake of the Gospel


Maintain Unity for the Sake of the Gospel

Strive to maintain unity for the sake of the Gospel. Shoulder to shoulder, brethren. When your shoulders are together, one is not way above the other.

In Light of Eternity – The Life of Leonard Ravenhill


In Light of Eternity – The Life of Leonard Ravenhill

Video of Paul Washer recommending Leonard Ravenhill's biographical book called In Light of Eternity.

How Is It That God Desires To Be With Us!?


How Is It That God Desires To Be With Us!?

Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world. John 17:24

A Young Man’s Invitation to a Life of Sacrifice


A Young Man’s Invitation to a Life of Sacrifice

Paul Washer exhorts young men to life down their life for Jesus Christ.

Video Blog on The Battle With Sin Series


Video Blog on The Battle With Sin Series

James testifies to God using Tim Conway to reprove him for being too judgmental and how God used it to break him of more pride. Brethren be sure to watch the bible study series on The Battle With Sin, it will apply greatly to all of our lives.

Leonard Ravenhill Biography – In Light of Eternity


Leonard Ravenhill Biography – In Light of Eternity

Leonard Ravenhill said, "I have a candle on my desk and a candlestick.  People say, "Can I get you a new candle?"  "No thank you, that candle is my life;..."

Will You Trust in Christ or Yourself?


Will You Trust in Christ or Yourself?

Some are trusting in their performance to perform well in not looking at self but at Christ, but they are still looking at their performance to not look at self and not resting in the performance of Christ. It is amazing the wickedness that prideful man will do to try to find rest on their own abilities. You will hurt and beat your head to death but you must give up!

Be Encouraged, Die to Self


Be Encouraged, Die to Self

May God keep putting death all self in our lives that we may not be attached to anything in this world.

Are You a Child of the Devil or of God?


Are You a Child of the Devil or of God?

Are you a child of the devil or of God? The common idea that everyone is a child of God is not taught in the Bible.

Tim Conway Preaching on the Love of Christ at a Wedding


Tim Conway Preaching on the Love of Christ at a Wedding

This is Tim Conway preaching at a wedding on the love of Christ for His church.




This is a video of Tim baptizing some new members outside of Fatty's Burgers, where the church meets.

Defensive People Are Prideful


Defensive People Are Prideful

Defensiveness if a sign of pride and immaturity.

10 Reasons why Michael Jackson’s Life and Death Matter


10 Reasons why Michael Jackson’s Life and Death Matter

What can we learn from Michael Jackson's Life and Death?

Give up on self, Trust in Christ alone!


Give up on self, Trust in Christ alone!

Freedom from masturbation and pornography does not come through any self-effort works based salvation but through justification by faith in Jesus Christ.

Paul Washer Open Air Preaching in Lima


Paul Washer Open Air Preaching in Lima

This video has Paul Washer giving part of His testimony and then preaching the Word of God.