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Personal Discipleship: Spiritually Intentional Relationships


Personal Discipleship: Spiritually Intentional Relationships

Are you convinced of the value of personal discipleship? That is, connecting with fellow Christians; brother to brother, sister to sister, on a personal, one on one level.

The Beauty of the Gospel


The Beauty of the Gospel

Do you realize this: On the greatest day you've ever had in the living out of your Christ-likeness you've fallen miserably short. You are under unfathomable grace on that day.

Overview of Biblical Eldership: All Elders are Pastors


Overview of Biblical Eldership: All Elders are Pastors

In 1 Peter 5 the Bible identifies those who shepherd the flock as the elders. It is not just one of the elders who shepherds. The Bible teaches that all of the elders...

Look At Your Day Through a Gospel Lens


Look At Your Day Through a Gospel Lens

Believer, you must look at your day through a gospel lens. That is, focus in upon the precious atoning work of Christ. When you do this, everyday is...

Anxiety is a Waste of Time


Anxiety is a Waste of Time

If you give into anxiety you will reap fear, condemnation, and discouragement. Anxiety is a wasted choice that dishonors the Savior. Rather we must not yield to anxiety, but take everything to the Lord in prayer.

From Fear to Faith in the Face of Christ


From Fear to Faith in the Face of Christ

One aspect of mortifying sin is killing our fears. Fear is a drug that makes us think wrongly and it's the beginning of defeat in any situation that...

Amazing Access to the Father


Amazing Access to the Father

The Gospel gets us all the way to having access with God the Father. This access to God is the summit of it all. It does not get any better than this.

The Two Thieves at the Cross


The Two Thieves at the Cross

There are only two responses to Jesus Christ, and these two responses are represented by the two thieves who were also crucified with Christ. Every single...

Gospel Driven Assurance


Gospel Driven Assurance

Contrary to what some have taught, full assurance is possible in this life for every believer because Jesus Christ has secured their justification by His...

I’m Lost and Have Little Time to Live


I’m Lost and Have Little Time to Live

If someone has realized that they're lost and don't have much time to live, what should they do? Should they give up and resign to being lost? Should they wait for...

Satan’s Plan to Distract the Christian


Satan’s Plan to Distract the Christian

Satan will call all of his hordes together to keep Christians from maintaining an intimate abiding experience with Christ. One strategy the devil will...

The Barrenness of Busyness


The Barrenness of Busyness

King Solomon was an example of someone who had a fatal downward spiral in his walk with God. It didn't happen overnight. It was a slow process of compromise.

The Good Shepherd


The Good Shepherd

Jesus is the door. He's the only way for sinners to enter heaven. But Jesus is not only the door for the sheep, but He's also the Good Shepherd...

The Christian Pilgrimage


The Christian Pilgrimage

Though the Christian pilgrimage is full of heartaches and afflictions; it is also a path full of opportunities to trust the many promises from our God.

The Essential Need for Bible Meditation


The Essential Need for Bible Meditation

Meditation is to think upon, reflect, ask questions, talk with yourself and with God; about God and His Word. There is intentional daily Bible meditation...

Uzziah’s Pride: Famous King to Excluded Leper


Uzziah’s Pride: Famous King to Excluded Leper

In King Uzziah we see the sad biography of how fame and pride destroyed him. He was unfaithful to the Lord and was rebuked by 80 men of valor for his actions...

How Alive is Alive? Seated With Christ in The Heavenly Places (Part 3)


How Alive is Alive? Seated With Christ in The Heavenly Places (Part 3)

This passage is the very pinnacle of what God has already done for the believer. The Apostle is giving us this great reality about who we are as Christians...

What Are Appropriate Acts of Worship?


What Are Appropriate Acts of Worship?

What are proper bodily postures we should have when we are worshiping God? What expressions should we give in our worship? We need to be sure that our bodily postures...

Should a Church Leader Confess Gross Sin?


Should a Church Leader Confess Gross Sin?

In this Bible study Tim considers these questions, "What should a church leader do who is living in sexual sin and drunkenness? Should they bring it to the light?"

Lord, Teach Us to Pray


Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples."

How Alive is Alive? He Raised Us Up With Him (Part 2)


How Alive is Alive? He Raised Us Up With Him (Part 2)

This is where we often go wrong: When we look at lost men we do not think they are as lost as they are. And when we look at Christians, we do not recognize...

What is The Gospel?


What is The Gospel?

A genuine experience with God is faith, resting, in who Jesus Christ is and what Jesus Christ has done. It's not just a matter of believing something He did for me 2,000 years ago.

Christ Breaks Down Every Ethnic Barrier


Christ Breaks Down Every Ethnic Barrier

Jesus smashed down the separations between the Jews and Gentiles. He did this that "He might create in Himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace."

A Warning Against Lazy Praying


A Warning Against Lazy Praying

When we gather together in our prayer meetings there should be a militancy about those prayers. Is there the smell of war on those prayers? Because we are at war.

The False Cistern of A Choreographed Church Service


The False Cistern of A Choreographed Church Service

I see the preparation these people make for Sunday. I'm not talking about several hours of prayer. I'm talking about lights, music... everything is choreographed...

Effectual Prayer Empowered by the Spirit


Effectual Prayer Empowered by the Spirit

I am all for sharpening our minds... and a greater theological understanding, but we cannot afford for it to stop there. Does your theology make your heart dance?

What To Do When You’re Snared


What To Do When You’re Snared

Trapped! Ensnared! Captured! What the enemy is unable to do by open assault he often can easily accomplish by subtlety. The first thing the Bible says about...

Should Christians Exercise and Workout?


Should Christians Exercise and Workout?

What is the Bible's view on Christians exercising? Someone wrote in saying, "By the time I drive to a gym, work out, shower, change clothes, drive back, it is almost a two hour ordeal."

Should You Give While Getting Out of Debt?


Should You Give While Getting Out of Debt?

What is a good attitude to have considering your debts when giving? Should you give a small amount, or does that show a lack of faith in God...

How Alive is Alive? The Four-Fold Risenness of the Christian (Part 1)


How Alive is Alive? The Four-Fold Risenness of the Christian (Part 1)

The Bible teaches us that it is God who makes Christians. Paul says in Ephesians that God has made us alive together with Christ. God makes people into...

Are You Truly a Psalm 1 Man?


Are You Truly a Psalm 1 Man?

Are you truly a Psalm 1 man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, but your delight is in the law of the LORD, and on His law you meditate day and night?

The Arrows of God’s Discipline


The Arrows of God’s Discipline

The arrows of God’s discipline are aimed at, and hit a particular object. The object is sin, a particular sin. It is not the believer’s only sin, but it is the sin which God wants out of his life now.

Old Man is Sinning, Not the New Creation?


Old Man is Sinning, Not the New Creation?

Tim refutes the idea that some come away with from 1 John 5:18. The error that born again believers have two natures: the old, and the new nature...

Drop Out of School, Drive Without License, or Submit to Parents?


Drop Out of School, Drive Without License, or Submit to Parents?

In this Ask Pastor Tim, two questions are dealt with that involve children and whether or not to submit to their parents.




Introspectionism has its seekers looking, not at Christ as their hope, but their repentance. Thus repentance itself becomes a fetish.

Always Trusting in the Lord


Always Trusting in the Lord

So, how much of your life are you to be acknowledging the Lord in? The verse says, "In all your ways acknowledge Him." That covers quite a bit of territory.

The Necessity of Daily Praying and Reading the Bible


The Necessity of Daily Praying and Reading the Bible

As the believer daily renews their mind in the Scriptures, and in prayer they cast themselves upon the Lord - they will walk in purity. When you find a...

What Have You Done, Lord?


What Have You Done, Lord?

This song was taken from Bob Jennings' prayer, from the sermon "Blessed Are Those Who Die in the Lord," that he preached two months before his death from cancer.

Spiritual Stability


Spiritual Stability

Nathan speaks on the under-appreciated value of spiritual stability. Is your walk with Christ stable, consistent, and solid; like a fruitful tree planted by a stream of water?

Useful to the Lord in Winning Souls


Useful to the Lord in Winning Souls

Jesus said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." That is something we can pray everyday. 'Lord, help me to follow You...