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The Christian is a New Man


The Christian is a New Man

The Christian is not someone who is trying to better themselves; the Christian is someone who has been recreated and made new.

The Christian is Marked by Eternity


The Christian is Marked by Eternity

The Christian's life is one marked by eternity; they are a person who lives loosely connected to their earthly existence. The believer deals with this present world...

The Christian Pilgrimage


The Christian Pilgrimage

Though the Christian pilgrimage is full of heartaches and afflictions; it is also a path full of opportunities to trust the many promises from our God.

The Christian’s Boldness and Confidence


The Christian’s Boldness and Confidence

Jesus Christ is the Christian's foundation for having bold access to God. It is not our performance that allows us to come boldly before God, but the merits of Christ.

The Christian’s Call to Battle: An Introduction


The Christian’s Call to Battle: An Introduction

If you're a believer in Jesus Christ, you've been enlisted in the war against the Devil. And you can't use the doctrine of eternal security to delude...

The Christian’s Call to Battle: The Strength of the Enemy


The Christian’s Call to Battle: The Strength of the Enemy

The Christian is in a war, who is the Christian's enemy? In all of his infinite wisdom, what does God tell us about this evil one, the Devil? What does he want us to know about the enemy?

The Christian’s Citizenship


The Christian’s Citizenship

Paul spent so much time looking believers in the eyes and reminding them of who they are in Christ. We see this in Ephesians 2:19...

The Christian’s Life in Secret (Part 2): When You Pray


The Christian’s Life in Secret (Part 2): When You Pray

Do you pray? And if so, how do you pray? In Matthew 6 Jesus gives us three categories of people and how they pray.

The Christian’s Secret Life (Part 3): How To Pray


The Christian’s Secret Life (Part 3): How To Pray

Is the "Lord's Prayer" a mindless liturgy to you? Did Jesus mean when we pray, we must use these exact words?

The Christian’s Secret Life (Part 4): Forgiving Others


The Christian’s Secret Life (Part 4): Forgiving Others

Out of all the prayer guidance Jesus gives in His sermon on the mount, there is only one topic that He goes back to: forgiveness.

The Christian’s Secret Life (Part 5): Fasting in Secret


The Christian’s Secret Life (Part 5): Fasting in Secret

What is Biblical fasting? What type of fasting causes God to act? In this section of Scripture, Jesus teaches not 'if' but 'when' the Christian fasts...

The Church Needs to Be Protected From the Inside


The Church Needs to Be Protected From the Inside

Pastors can have a tendency to expect attacks to come on the church from the outside. But Paul warns the Ephesian elders that wolves are going to attack the church from within.

The Church’s Responsibility to the Pastors


The Church’s Responsibility to the Pastors

Pastors have weighty responsibilities to the church; but the church and its members also have responsibilities to the pastors. What does God's Word...

The Commonplace Christian is the Glory of the Church


The Commonplace Christian is the Glory of the Church

Most of us will be not be remembered after we die. We'll be forgotten by the world and only a fading memory to those who knew us.

The Compassion and Sorrow of Jesus


The Compassion and Sorrow of Jesus

Jesus' sorrow and compassion spring from His observation of the effects of man's fall. As believers we must imitate the emotional life of Jesus...

The Definition of The Church


The Definition of The Church

Although Christ and the Church are distinct and not the same, the Bible describes them as inseparable. You can't have Christ without also having His Church. You can't be united to Christ without also being united to His Church.

The Delusion of Do Not Religion


The Delusion of Do Not Religion

There is a delusion that many are tricked into believing. It is the delusion that Christianity is a do not religion: don't do this but do this.

The Devil of Extremes


The Devil of Extremes

The devil is a devil of extremes; he is constantly trying to get Christians to become too much of one thing to a degree that is biblically unbalanced.

The Devil Wants You to Lose Your Balance


The Devil Wants You to Lose Your Balance

We have to remember that the Devil, our adversary, is crafty. And one of his clever tactics is making us lose our balance and making us go to extremes.

The Devil: Prince of the Power of the Air (Part 3)


The Devil: Prince of the Power of the Air (Part 3)

Who is the "prince of the power of the air"? Is it of course the Devil? Or is it referring to someone else? We are confronted by a spirit outside of ourselves, a personal...

The Difficult Path to Church Purity


The Difficult Path to Church Purity

In order to maintain church purity, those who profess to be Christians and are “sexually immoral or greedy, or an idolater, reviler...

The Discipline of Grace


The Discipline of Grace

The grace that saves is a grace that sustains and motivates the believer. Grace teaches the believer to be godly in this present world.

The Emotional Life of Jesus: An Overview


The Emotional Life of Jesus: An Overview

The Bible teaches that as a man Jesus possessed the essential elements of human nature. Jesus was not...

The Essential Need for Bible Meditation


The Essential Need for Bible Meditation

Meditation is to think upon, reflect, ask questions, talk with yourself and with God; about God and His Word. There is intentional daily Bible meditation...

The Evil Eye


The Evil Eye

Jesus also speaks of an 'evil eye'. What is a bad or evil eye? Why does Jesus use this type of language in the midst of speaking about money?

The Exalted Christ


The Exalted Christ

Sadly, we can love the idea of Jesus more than Jesus Himself. It's so easy to take our eyes off of Christ and put them on something else.

The Exclusivity of Christianity


The Exclusivity of Christianity

Christianity is the exclusive faith that can save us and bring us to heaven. There's only one God and one Savior and the Bible is dogmatically clear on this.

The Failures of Old Testament Leaders


The Failures of Old Testament Leaders

In this sermon, we look into the Old Testament and see that most of the good leaders start out well but finish badly, suffering moral failures later in their lives.

The False Cistern of A Choreographed Church Service


The False Cistern of A Choreographed Church Service

I see the preparation these people make for Sunday. I'm not talking about several hours of prayer. I'm talking about lights, music... everything is choreographed...

The Fear of God & Falling Away


The Fear of God & Falling Away

How should we understand the fear of God and the warnings in the Bible about falling away?

The Few


The Few

There are only a few people will make it to heaven...

The Folly of Human Preference


The Folly of Human Preference

Trifling with conscience and lack of full obedience to the Holy Spirit in the personal life of a Christian expose him to the grave danger, either of exhibiting self-will...

The Forgiven Forgive


The Forgiven Forgive

Forgiveness is not a small issue in the Christian life. A person's response to being wronged is a good test to see if they've really been forgiven or not. Failure to forgive...

The Foundation of a Transformed Life


The Foundation of a Transformed Life

If you are a Christian, your life is one of continual transformation into the image of Christ. But if we are to be transformed, we need to know the foundation of that transformation. If we fail to understand the found...

The Glorious Possibilities of the Ordinary Christian Life


The Glorious Possibilities of the Ordinary Christian Life

Do you know the glorious possibilities of the ordinary Christian life? The unlimited possibilities that we have with Christ?

The Glory of God Displayed in the Gospel


The Glory of God Displayed in the Gospel

The gospel of Jesus Christ displays the glory of God in the fullest sense. Man's wisdom could never come up with what God has done in the gospel.

The God That Chooses


The God That Chooses

Yes, but that also is not going back far enough. We must go back before our world the God who chooses.

The Golden Rule


The Golden Rule

In Matthew 7:12 Jesus says, "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." This is often referred to as the golden rule, but what does it mean?

The Good News of Jesus Christ to Temple, Texas


The Good News of Jesus Christ to Temple, Texas

How can a condemned sinner be brought into a right relationship with God? There is only one way, and it is through the life and death of Jesus Christ. This is the good news that sinful...

The Good Shepherd


The Good Shepherd

Jesus is the door. He's the only way for sinners to enter heaven. But Jesus is not only the door for the sheep, but He's also the Good Shepherd...