Watch a wide selection of hour long sermons that were given on Sunday Morning.

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Jesus Taught That Few Find Eternal Life


Jesus Taught That Few Find Eternal Life

Matthew 7:13-14 | Sermon On The Mount | Jesus taught that the many on the broadway are the religious people who say, "Lord, Lord."

Jesus Weeps As Well As Warns


Jesus Weeps As Well As Warns

So we see in his life that Jesus both weeps as well as warns. The Lord Jesus was full of pity and compassion and wept and shed tears...

Jesus: Rescuer of the Condemned


Jesus: Rescuer of the Condemned

Those outside of Christ are prisoners who are condemned and sitting on death row. Yet God in His love has sent Jesus Christ to rescue condemned sinners.

Job, When the Righteous Suffer (Part 1)


Job, When the Righteous Suffer (Part 1)

Verse 1 introduces us to the man Job and his character. He was "blameless and upright, one who feared God, and turned away from evil." If suffering is intended as a punishment for evil, Job is not a likely candidate. ...

Job, When the Righteous Suffer (Part 2)


Job, When the Righteous Suffer (Part 2)

By John Piper. ©2014 Desiring God Foundation. Website:

Job: Sovereignty, Satan, and Suffering


Job: Sovereignty, Satan, and Suffering

Satan is on a quest to destroy the faith of God's people, and yet God is on a quest to strengthen the faith of God's people.

Joel: God Is The Ultimate Cause of Natural Disaster (Part 1)


Joel: God Is The Ultimate Cause of Natural Disaster (Part 1)

The book of Joel makes it loud and clear that natural disaster is not some accident, but rather the Lord is the ultimate cause behind it all.

Joel: Outpouring of the Spirit For Today? (Part 2)


Joel: Outpouring of the Spirit For Today? (Part 2)

What does the prophesy in Joel 2 have to do with you and me today? As much as we may long for the outpouring of the Spirit we cannot let our desires misinterpret Scripture, so what does the text say?

Jonathan Edwards: The Use of Your Time


Jonathan Edwards: The Use of Your Time

Jonathan Edwards wanted his present life to be shaped by what would be most important upon entering heaven. Whatever is important there in heaven...

Josiah’s Example Is A Call To Young Men


Josiah’s Example Is A Call To Young Men

Like the youth of today, Josiah too lived in an evil day, and yet it is said of him that he truly followed the Lord. He is an example to young men...

Judge Not Lest You Be Judged


Judge Not Lest You Be Judged

The hypocrisy of the Pharisees manifested itself in the way they judged others. They would often heap heavy judgments and criticisms on others when they themselves...

Keep Going


Keep Going

Does the reality of salvation by grace apart from works mean that we don't have to endure to the end?

Keep On Sounding Forth the Word of the Lord


Keep On Sounding Forth the Word of the Lord

If the Word of the Lord is sounding forth from your church, then remember Satan has his sights on you. Therefore, strive to walk with God...

Keep On!

Keep Seeking God, Don’t Turn Back


Keep Seeking God, Don’t Turn Back

How would you define someone who is wicked? How does the Bible represent them? According to the Bible, the wicked forget God and do not seek him.

Keep The Faith And Finish The Race


Keep The Faith And Finish The Race

Do you have an objective like Paul's, to keep the faith and to not abandon Christ?

Kingdom Math: 5 Loaves + 2 Fish – 20,000 Ate = 12 Baskets Leftover


Kingdom Math: 5 Loaves + 2 Fish – 20,000 Ate = 12 Baskets Leftover

Kingdom math is 5 Loaves + 2 Fish - 20,000 Ate = 12 Baskets Leftover. Are you convinced that such a math equation works?

Knowing The God of The Doctrine


Knowing The God of The Doctrine

God didn't just save us to spare us from hell and bring us to heaven; He saved us so that we can know Him.

Knowing the Time


Knowing Who God Is Through His Creation


Knowing Who God Is Through His Creation

There is a reason why God as the creator of the heavens and the earth is so prominent in the Scriptures.

Ladies, Does How You Dress Cause Men to Lust?


Ladies, Does How You Dress Cause Men to Lust?

Does how you dress honor God? Does how you dress cause men to stumble and lust? I pray this message will awaken some of you ladies consciences...

Lay Aside Every Weight


Lay Aside Every Weight

Let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race.

Lay Up Treasure In Heaven


Lay Up Treasure In Heaven

Are you storing up treasure in heaven? The world foolishly clings to riches which they cannot take beyond the grave...

Learn from Christ’s Speech and How He Spoke


Learn from Christ’s Speech and How He Spoke

In Ephesians 4, Paul calls us to learn of Jesus Christ and to be taught how to speak through beholding Him.

Learning Christ


Learning Christ

Being a Christian is not just learning facts about Christ, but rather it is actually learning Christ personally. This is what causes us to live radically different from how we lived formerly.

Let Us Fear


Let Us Fear

Matthew 10:28 - And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. - Hebrews Series

Let Your Light Shine


Let Your Light Shine

If you are a Christian, you are a person who is a light in a world full of darkness. And as much as the world hates it, you must not hide your light.

Life in the Realm of Forgiveness


Life in the Realm of Forgiveness

What are you going to do about your sins? One of two things will be true of you. You will either pay for all of your sins or you will pay for none of them.

Light from the Cross


Light from the Cross

What happened on the cross? We see four amazing things: the darkness in the sky, his two cries from the cross, and the tearing of the veil. This is holy powerful truth for our souls.

Listen to Jesus, But Not Paul?


Listen to Jesus, But Not Paul?

Sadly many "evangelicals" are uncertain if Christ and Paul are on the same page, and in this message Tim refutes this idea and shows that they clearly are on the same page.

Live in True Harmony and Unity for Christ


Live in True Harmony and Unity for Christ

Romans 15:5 - May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus,

Living Between Two Appearings


Living Between Two Appearings

Jesus Christ will appear again in His return. These truths matters to us as believers, who live between these two great appearings...

Living in Light of Judgment Day


Living in Light of Judgment Day

But isn't it interesting that Jesus doesn't mention any of these things as commendations on Judgment Day? We need to be people...

Living Sacrifice


Living Sacrifice

Grace Community Church San Antonio, Texas Preached at Rockport Baptist Church

Look Unto The Lord For Mercy (Psalm 123)


Look Unto The Lord For Mercy (Psalm 123)

Psalm 123:3 Have mercy upon us, O LORD, have mercy upon us, for we have had more than enough of contempt.

Love and Ambition


Love and Ambition

When I want to preach about something like love because it forces me, when I look at the text,...

Love’s True Light is Already Shining


Love’s True Light is Already Shining

One of the great tests of true Christianity is that God put's in His people a special love for other true Christians.

Maintaining Unity in Your Church


Maintaining Unity in Your Church

As a believer maintaining unity in your church should be a priority. However, there are some in the church who are divisive, and a critic of every little thing that...

Making Your Calling and Election Sure


Making Your Calling and Election Sure

In conversion we are only a looker, not a worker, but now that we are saved we are a farmer; we are a worker.

Making Your Invitation A Reservation: Have You Responded?


Making Your Invitation A Reservation: Have You Responded?

In Matthew 22 Jesus compares his kingdom to that of a king who gave a wedding feast for his son and invited people to this feast.