Below is a list of every video post on the site that has closed captions, also called subtitles. Over the years we’ve had some email in who are deaf ask for captions in English, and this page seeks to provide that list.
"Why is it that when we study the books that men have written we study so diligently, but when it comes to the good Word of God we study it so leisurely, so casually!?" - Bob Jennings
Do you know God both intimately and intellectually? Jesus Christ didn't die just to give you doctrine and insights into the nature of God; He died to bring us to God Himself.
Don Johnson testifies how the Lord granted him repentance to forsake his idolatrous relationship to his hobby of relic collection. Is there a lawful hobby in your life...
When revival and true conversion happens, it is not because of some person taking clever initiative and having a new idea, but it is because God came in power.
Brethren, it says get to to work. Brethren, that's what we're told here. Lazy people are a curse, we must get to work. Look at what the next thing is in verse 28 that it says.
Being a Christian is not just learning facts about Christ, but rather it is actually learning Christ personally. This is what causes us to live radically different from how we lived formerly.
As believers we can be so grateful for the Lord's loving discipline that is bestowed upon our lives. Like a critical surgery that is needed, we've got to have it...
Clint Leiter shares how God called him into the ministry, as well as his privilege of having the time of co-pastoring with the late Bob Jennings and the lessons learned during that time.
I don't think I hear this from any of you folks, but you know people say, "Let go and let God." And you know we can talk about abiding in Christ and we have to be careful that we don't see...
In all your Christian activities, don't lose sight of the loving example of Christ as the primary motive. If we have a Savior who so loved us by dying for us, how can we not imitate that same love to others?
Tim Conway is preaching on living with an Eternal Mind set... are you living with this mindset? " do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes." James 4:14
Life transformation will always accompany the forgiveness of our sins. Always. When God declares the sinner righteous, legally they're forgiven; it always accompanies...
Believer, you must look at your day through a gospel lens. That is, focus in upon the precious atoning work of Christ. When you do this, everyday is...
The Devil will do absolutely anything and everything he can to keep sinners from coming to Christ. Don't believe it for a second. Whoever comes to Christ won't be cast out.
Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples."
Luke was lost with a false profession that lasted until God stripped everything away from him. Yet even after his traumatic accident, he continued on in his sin and refusal to trust Christ...
God has great concern for His Name and what this world says about Him. We should appeal to God's Name for the sake of answering our prayers. Are your prayers related to God's Name and reputation?
When Paul says Look, look, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God if you're lost outside here. But he is coming to the Christians...
As a husband, you need to keep dating your wife; that is intentionally spending quality time together in order to maintain the freshness of the marriage.
It's not a positive thing that you have a cell phone and you can be reached all the time. There must be seasons in your life where you turn that thing off and seek God.
Meditation is more than just reading your Bible, but it is to ask questions and ponder the verses with slowed down consideration. Why do people so often not meditate?
Bob Jennings exhorts us to be diligent and disciplined in memorizing the Word of God, it is our weapon against sin, our encouragement in trouble, and our lens through which we can see Christ. "I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11
Married men: don't pretend to have a glowing testimony in the church when you have wicked outbursts of anger against your wife. Don't try to hide it or justify it, but rather confess it and put it to death.