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Are You Unaware Of The Fire? There Is One Escape


Are You Unaware Of The Fire? There Is One Escape

In order to save the lost, we must convince them that they need to escape God's wrath and show them the way of escape through Jesus Christ.

Are You Trying to be Like the World to Win the World?


Are You Trying to be Like the World to Win the World?

The world is not going to be drawn to Christ by seeing Christians live just as worldly as they can. They'll be drawn to Christ by seeing a new life and radical change that Christ has so wonderfully worked in us.

Are You Truly a Psalm 1 Man?


Are You Truly a Psalm 1 Man?

Are you truly a Psalm 1 man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, but your delight is in the law of the LORD, and on His law you meditate day and night?

Are You Sensitive to Being Overly Critical?


Are You Sensitive to Being Overly Critical?

The Spirit of God can be easily grieved over our "small" sins. One sin that we need self-control over is being overly critical of others.

Are You Self-Confident or God Confident?


Are You Self-Confident or God Confident?

How do we remain humble when we accomplish something? How do we keep ourselves from self-confidence when our skills are put on display?

Are You Satisfied With What Jesus Christ Has Done?


Are You Satisfied With What Jesus Christ Has Done?

God is completely satisfied with what the Lord Jesus Christ has done. The question is...are you?

Are You Ready to Be Wiser Than the World?


Are You Ready to Be Wiser Than the World?

Believer, are you ready to be wiser than the world when it comes to how you handle your money? When the Apostle Paul teaches the Corinthians about giving he stresses...

Are You Radical in Killing Sexual Sin?


Are You Radical in Killing Sexual Sin?

For those who are falling into sexual sin, the root cause is that they've opened a door for it somewhere in their life. They must be violent and close the door they've opened...

Are You More Righteous Than A Pharisee?


Are You More Righteous Than A Pharisee?

The Pharisees were the religious leaders in Jesus' day and they were looked up to as a standard of righteousness.

Are You in the Inner Circle?


Are You in the Inner Circle?

How often are you looking up and beholding Christ as you go about your day? Do you look to Christ in all that you do? There are some Christians in the innermost circle who keep their eyes on the life-giving rays...

Are You Defensive?


Are You Defensive?

When you get approached or corrected about something in your life, how do you receive it? Are you defensive?

Are You Content With God’s Providence In Your Life?


Are You Content With God’s Providence In Your Life?

Are you content with God's providence in your life? In God's economy is there truly any "wasted time"?

Are You Angry at God’s Providence in Your Life?


Are You Angry at God’s Providence in Your Life?

God is absolutely sovereign over every single event that takes place in the world, and more personally, in our lives. How do you respond to God's providences in your life that are painful and trying?

Are You Addicted to the Physical Realm?


Are You Addicted to the Physical Realm?

As Christians, we function in two realms: the physical and the spiritual. As we grow, God often has to wean us off of being addicted to the physical realm so that we might know how to live in the spiritual realm.

Are You a Young, Proud, Rude Pharisee?


Are You a Young, Proud, Rude Pharisee?

What should we think of a 14-year-old who is being heavily accused of characteristics that resemble a Pharisee? What could be the cause of this?

Are There Two Judgments?


Are There Two Judgments?

It sound like there's a judgment at the very end, and also a judgment immediately after a person's death. Does this mean that there are two judgments?

Are Church Denominations Divisive or Necessary?


Are Church Denominations Divisive or Necessary?

There are many different groups and denominations that fall under the umbrella of "Christianity." Is this a sign of division?

Are Certain Hand Signs Satanic?


Are Certain Hand Signs Satanic?

Are certain hand signs satanic? Hand gestures can have a variety of meaning depending upon their use in a specific culture. So can a hand signal mean something satanic?

Appreciating Our Adoption


Appreciating Our Adoption

Many Reformed theologians consider adoption to be the very highest privilege that the Gospel offers. Yet, it seems that the church has historically neglected this doctrine...

Anxiety is a Waste of Time


Anxiety is a Waste of Time

If you give into anxiety you will reap fear, condemnation, and discouragement. Anxiety is a wasted choice that dishonors the Savior. Rather we must not yield to anxiety, but take everything to the Lord in prayer.

An Eye for the Eternal


An Eye for the Eternal

As believers we need an eye for the eternal and we ought to mark that which is temporal or eternal.

Amazing Access to the Father


Amazing Access to the Father

The Gospel gets us all the way to having access with God the Father. This access to God is the summit of it all. It does not get any better than this.

Am I Sinning by Not Ministering at an Abortion Clinic?


Am I Sinning by Not Ministering at an Abortion Clinic?

What should we think of Christians who are accusing other Christians and other churches of being in sin for not going to an abortion clinic to protest against the murders being committed?

Always Trusting in the Lord


Always Trusting in the Lord

So, how much of your life are you to be acknowledging the Lord in? The verse says, "In all your ways acknowledge Him." That covers quite a bit of territory.

All Will Be Gathered On Judgment Day


All Will Be Gathered On Judgment Day

Every single person will be gathered before Jesus Christ on Judgment Day. They will all stand before Him...

After Grievous Sin, Are You Displaying Unconditional Love To Your Child?


After Grievous Sin, Are You Displaying Unconditional Love To Your Child?

Are you displaying to your lost children the fatherhood of God by your unconditional love? What happens after they have sinned grievously? How do you respond to them?

Afraid I Committed The Unpardonable Sin


Afraid I Committed The Unpardonable Sin

Do you fear that you have committed the unpardonable sin? You may have, but nevertheless run to Christ. You say, "Isn't that a contradiction?"

Adultery In The Heart


Adultery In The Heart

Jesus compares this war on lust with someone cutting off their own limb or gouging out their own eye. We must deal drastically with sin...

Act Like Men: In All Things Loving (Part 3)


Act Like Men: In All Things Loving (Part 3)

What a call that we have 1 Corinthians 16:14, "Let all that you do be done in love." We will consider what Biblical love looks like...

Abstain From Sexual Immorality


Abstain From Sexual Immorality

1 Thessalonians 4:3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality.

Abortion: Who’s to Say?


Abortion: Who’s to Say?

I put forward that there is indeed a word from God. The Bible, the law of the Lord, gives us a ruling on the matter – that the unborn is a person.

Abortion Is Not An Unforgivable Sin


Abortion Is Not An Unforgivable Sin

Sister, know this: abortion is not an unforgivable sin. It is not unforgivable. Honest. Jesus Christ paid the penalty on that cross...

Abiding in Christ


Abiding in Christ

Jesus Christ is the True Vine for us to abide in and bear fruit. Fruit doesn't earn us salvation, but it is the infallible proof that our faith is genuine.

A Wonderful Reality: The Spirit’s Grief


A Wonderful Reality: The Spirit’s Grief

If there's one Person in the Godhead who has been depersonalized by many, it's the Holy Spirit. But Christian, don't forget that you have the...

A Weak Conscience Seared by Legalism


A Weak Conscience Seared by Legalism

People were forbidding marriage and eating of certain foods, and in doing so were searing their consciences. When you get a zeal for the Lord it is very easy for Satan to high...

A Warning Against Lazy Praying


A Warning Against Lazy Praying

When we gather together in our prayer meetings there should be a militancy about those prayers. Is there the smell of war on those prayers? Because we are at war.

A Threefold Cord: Secret Prayer, Doing Good, and Self-Denial


A Threefold Cord: Secret Prayer, Doing Good, and Self-Denial

Believer, in this upcoming year live a life with the threefold cord of secret prayer, doing good, and self-denial. As you secretly commune...

A Theology on Hardness of Heart


A Theology on Hardness of Heart

Hardness of heart is a very fearful thing, and the Bible gives terrifying warnings against it. However, is it possible for a Christian to go through a season of hardening?

A Prayer For Revival


A Prayer For Revival

Whenever we become spiritually dry, we need to seek the Lord and ask Him to revive us again. Have you declined from what you once were...

A New Year’s Sermon to Our Young People


A New Year’s Sermon to Our Young People

Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near of which you will say, "I have no pleasure in them".