Watch a wide selection of hour long sermons that were given on Sunday Morning.

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An Utterly Unique God


An Utterly Unique God

God is wanting Isaiah to tell His people that He wants to be known as the God who acts on behalf of any who wait upon Him. Waiting sounds easy but in a sense it is easy and in a sense it is hard.

What Hebrews 10:26 Does Not Mean (Part 1)


What Hebrews 10:26 Does Not Mean (Part 1)

Christians fear and tremble by design, Jeremiah 32:40 says so. This is not the type of fear that draws people away, it is the type of fear that draws them nearer.

What Hebrews 10:26 Does Mean (Part 2)


What Hebrews 10:26 Does Mean (Part 2)

The Scriptures teach that where there is forgiveness through Christ there is no longer any offering(Heb 10.18) that a person needs to make for the atonement of their sins. The Scriptures also teach that if you reject the truth of Christ, which is the only place of forgiveness, there remains no longer any other place to find a sacrifice for your sins(Heb. 10.26).

Do You Not Yet Perceive?


Do You Not Yet Perceive?

Jesus calls people to do things that they don't have the resources to do in order to cause us to look to Christ. This is exactly what the Lord called the disciples to do in the the feeding of the five thousand.

Self-Exaltation and Humility


Self-Exaltation and Humility

Pride is the last thing to go before conversion and 1st to return. If you want to please the devil, admire yourself.

Drinking and Christian Liberties


Drinking and Christian Liberties

If all you are about is your Christian liberty and you don't care what this does to somebody else, you are not loving.

How to Define Faith


How to Define Faith

Faith is the firm assurance and conviction that the invisible God is who He says He is and will do what He has promised to do.

The Pinnacle of God’s Saving Plan

The Pinnacle of God’s Saving Plan

This sermon also goes by the name "Penal Substitutionary Atonement." Paul Washer starts the message with a strong exhortation to pastors.

How Do You Perceive God?


How Do You Perceive God?

God does have absolutes. There is only one opinion that matters and it's not our opinion, it's God's.

Knowing Who God Is Through His Creation


Knowing Who God Is Through His Creation

There is a reason why God as the creator of the heavens and the earth is so prominent in the Scriptures.

Making Your Calling and Election Sure


Making Your Calling and Election Sure

In conversion we are only a looker, not a worker, but now that we are saved we are a farmer; we are a worker.

The Convicting Power of Grace


The Convicting Power of Grace

It is grace that spurs on radical obedience to reach lost areas around the world. It is not simply exhortations to be radical that result in people being radical. It is tender forms of kindness and grace that form the most radical discipleship in the world.

Life in the Realm of Forgiveness


Life in the Realm of Forgiveness

What are you going to do about your sins? One of two things will be true of you. You will either pay for all of your sins or you will pay for none of them.

Some Thoughts on Thorns


Some Thoughts on Thorns

Are we going to sit in the thorn patches and let the distractions of this world smother us and choke our time away?

What Do We Do When the Winds of Corinth Blow Among Us?


What Do We Do When the Winds of Corinth Blow Among Us?

As Paul addressed the sin issues in the church at Corinth, so Tim Conway had to address the church in San Antonio.

What is a Holy, Holy, Holy God?


What is a Holy, Holy, Holy God?

We have one hope before this God who is awful and majestic. And it is to hide our unholiness under the blood of Christ, and to hide in the shadow of the Cross.

A Step Between Life and Death


A Step Between Life and Death

But truly, as the LORD lives and as your soul lives, there is but a step between me and death. - 1 Samuel 20:3

God is Spirit


God is Spirit

Since God is spirit that means one must be born again by the Spirit in order to be able to worship God.

Dying to the Glory of God


Dying to the Glory of God

If our death is to be for God's glory, it must be preceded by a life of following Christ.

God is Light


God is Light

What is confession? It's bringing my sins into the light. Even though the light will expose you, don't let your pride prevent you from getting in the light.

Fact, Faith, Feelings


Fact, Faith, Feelings

The proper place of feelings in the Christian life. "Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me." John 14:1

Every Relationship Right


Every Relationship Right

Do you have to avoid brethren in meetings because things are not really right with you and them?

God is Love


God is Love

God is wanting to convince you that He is love, not just loving, but He is love, so what kind of Father do you think this makes Him?

The Believer’s Journey in Grace


The Believer’s Journey in Grace

The Christian doesn't get away with sin, they don't get by with sin. You're going to end up acknowledging it, confessing it and not remaining silent about it.

Abel Still Speaks, What is He Saying?


Abel Still Speaks, What is He Saying?

There is nothing recorded in the Bible of what Abel actually said. So how does his offering speak to us? We must look at his life and see what it says about faith and imitate it.

Consider Others in Order to Stir Them Up


Consider Others in Order to Stir Them Up

If you are thinking about ways you can specifically help and encourage others then this is a tremendous measure of maturity.

Are You Protected in the Ark of Christ?


Are You Protected in the Ark of Christ?

Noah was basing his whole life and decisions on something unseen... on a God who is unseen, who warned him about an unseen flood.

The Superior Single Sacrifice of Christ


The Superior Single Sacrifice of Christ

He has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.

What Saving Faith Looks Like


What Saving Faith Looks Like

Faith is building a life on what God says. That's believing. Saving faith does not run from the unknown.

Thank God for Sarah


Thank God for Sarah

By faith Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age, since she considered him faithful who had promised. - Hebrews 11:11

Behold, The Grace and Truth of Jesus Christ


Behold, The Grace and Truth of Jesus Christ

Christ was never unbalanced by being too hard and ungracious, or by being fearful and not saying a hard truth when it was needed to be said.

Peter’s Denial

Peter’s Denial

Bob looks at four things that led up to Peter's denial of Christ.

The Race of Faith


The Race of Faith

Hebrews 11 gives some of the most helpful statements made about faith in all of the Bible, as far as identifying where faith is.

The Calculations of True Faith


The Calculations of True Faith

The true Christian is the most logical person in the world because by faith he has done the math right and calculated correctly.

By Faith the People Crossed the Red Sea


By Faith the People Crossed the Red Sea

By faith the people crossed the Red Sea as on dry land, but the Egyptians, when they attempted to do the same, were drowned. - Hebrews 11:29

The World is Not Worthy of Rahab The Prostitute


The World is Not Worthy of Rahab The Prostitute

Rahab being on the list in Hebrews 11 loudly proclaims that you don't have to have a good background in order to be a Christian.

Do Not Love the World


Do Not Love the World

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Lay Aside Every Weight


Lay Aside Every Weight

Let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race.

The Remedy for Weariness in the Christian Life (Part 1)


The Remedy for Weariness in the Christian Life (Part 1)

The book of Hebrews does not give changing your circumstances as being the solution for your problems.

A Living and Holy Sacrifice


A Living and Holy Sacrifice

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God,