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Should I Be Scared of Hebrews Chapters 6 and 10?


Should I Be Scared of Hebrews Chapters 6 and 10?

Should we be afraid of verses like this? For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, 5andhave tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, 6and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt. - Hebrews 6:4-6

The Biblical Gospel and Evangelism


The Biblical Gospel and Evangelism

The believer is a person who must express his faith. He must share his faith.

Where are the Men?


Storing up Treasure in Heaven


Storing up Treasure in Heaven

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. Matthew 6:19-20

The Problem is You Won’t Repent, Not That You Can’t Repent


The Problem is You Won’t Repent, Not That You Can’t Repent

Question: If you have someone who for months has been saying "I just feel dead," "No, I can't repent," Or, "I'm trying to repent," Do you...

Has the Gift of Speaking in Tongues Ceased?


Has the Gift of Speaking in Tongues Ceased?

An Ask Pastor Tim where Tim answers the question, "Has the gift of tongues ceased"

A Biblical Church


A Biblical Church

Now, don’t think you are going to have a biblical church by purging that out of your evangelism. You have to purge it out of your marriage...

A Biblical Husband and Family


A Biblical Husband and Family

A Biblical Husband and Family by Paul Washer is a needed message for today considering the great attack on the family in our day.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ (w/ Danisch Translation)


The Gospel of Jesus Christ (w/ Danisch Translation)

Brother Paul Washer preaches the Gospel of God (Danisch Translation)

Do You Desire God?


Do You Desire God?

People come to me all the time, “I have a new relationship with God” But I say, “Do you have a new relationship with sin because if you do not have a new relationship with sin...

Should a Christian Observe the Sabbath?


Should a Christian Observe the Sabbath?

Should a Christian observe the Sabbath? I should have expected this one would come up too. Ah, I thought about this one. Is this going to get me in trouble?

Can a Christian be Perfect While here on Earth?


Can a Christian be Perfect While here on Earth?

Is it biblical to believe that a Christian can attain sinless perfection while he is in this life?

Saving Faith


Saving Faith

Tim Conway brings a sermon on repentance and faith, true saving faith.

Interview with Cameron Buettel


Interview with Cameron Buettel

Paul Washer is interviewed by Cameron Buettel, check out his blog:

A Call to Wonder


A Call to Wonder

If you just look at astronomy, a man literally could go mad in astronomy.

Let Go of Your Sin or Perish


Let Go of Your Sin or Perish

"...unless you repent, you will all likewise perish." Luke 13:3

Come to Christ, He is Mighty to Save


Come to Christ, He is Mighty to Save

Revelation 22:17 come and let the one who hears say come and let the one who is thirsty come let the one who take the water of life without price.

Living Sacrifice


Living Sacrifice

Grace Community Church San Antonio, Texas Preached at Rockport Baptist Church

True Repentance


True Repentance

this sermon was preached at Grace Community Church S.A. on repentance and what it is.

The Only Begotten Son


The Only Begotten Son

Paul Washer talks about the Glory of the Son of God.

How Do I Repent?


How Do I Repent?

This is a question it seems many are running into right now who are under conviction of sins. People get caught up in a works based salvation and find themselves in a bad situation. We pray this video will open some eyes and save some souls.

Is Masturbation a Sin?


Is Masturbation a Sin?

Is masturbation/self-gratification a sin? It says in Ephesians 5:5 that no sexual immoral people go to heaven. So if this is a sin, then many people are truly in danger.

10 Reasons why Michael Jackson’s Life and Death Matter


10 Reasons why Michael Jackson’s Life and Death Matter

What can we learn from Michael Jackson's Life and Death?

Give up on self, Trust in Christ alone!


Give up on self, Trust in Christ alone!

Freedom from masturbation and pornography does not come through any self-effort works based salvation but through justification by faith in Jesus Christ.

The Son’s Glory Session 3


The Son’s Glory Session 3

July 3, 2009 by Paul Washer | 53 Minutes | Video Bible Study | Subject: Jesus Christ. Paul talks about Christ as the great Sustainer of the universe.

Genuine Love


Genuine Love

Let Love be genuine.

How Do I Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?


How Do I Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?

I want to experience God more. How can I do that? How can I walk just with Him daily? How can I ascend the hill of the Lord and stand in His holy place?"

Holiness of God


Holiness of God

Tim talking about the holiness of God at a bible study.

The Son’s Glory Session 2


The Son’s Glory Session 2

June 23, 2009 by Paul Washer | 46 Minutes | Video Bible Study | Subject: Jesus Christ Paul teaches on the glory of the Son of God in creation.

The Few


The Few

There are only a few people will make it to heaven...

Sin is Heavy


Sin is Heavy

Sin is heavy. It is very heavy and every sin a man commits, every sin a woman commits, every sin a child commits; it weights heavier and heavier and heavier and the measure of their sin is going up.

Are You A True Disciple?


Are You A True Disciple?

Are You A True Disciple? This sermon was preached at Faith Bible Church in Springfield, IL:

A Study on the Law and Legalism


A Study on the Law and Legalism

Many people will make the accusation of legalism against those who confront them about their sin. But what exactly is legalism? It is common to have legalism sneak in the door in many churches, make sure your right.

How can a Person Know they are Saved?


How can a Person Know they are Saved?

Are you truly born-again and saved? Or is it tradition, is your faith in the great love you have for Christ now, or some work or prayer you said when you were a child?

God is Love (Bible Study)


God is Love (Bible Study)

Tim Conway talks about how God is love... and God is a consuming fire.

God is Love, is this your God?


God is Love, is this your God?

We heard God is love, there are two other expressions in our Bibles that set forth propositions about the attributes of God in that same way. God is... a consuming fire.

The Son’s Glory Session 1


The Son’s Glory Session 1

Paul talks about how Christ is first born but Not created.

The Few Who Find Forgiveness


The Few Who Find Forgiveness

Matthew 7:14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. -- This means that in the end few people will truly find forgiveness. Are you one of them? Have you come to the Lord Jesus Christ?

A Heart and Passion for God


A Heart and Passion for God

It's going to take a passion for God that is created out of knowing Him. And that's the same for everything in the Christian life.

For His Great Love Towards Us


For His Great Love Towards Us

The Son was not forced to take up this saving work, nor did He do it grudgingly. Rather He gave Himself wholly and willingly that the objects of His love - a lost, depraved, rebellious humanity - might know forgiveness and everlasting life.