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Know Christ, Know the Gospel


Know Christ, Know the Gospel

We must know God, His Son, and His Gospel. Only by knowing Him and his greatness will we be enabled to give our lives away as a living sacrifice to Him. Everything is about Christ, seek Him until you know Him!

An Unchanging Scandalous Gospel


An Unchanging Scandalous Gospel

Brother Paul Washer preaches on Romans 1,and the great Gospel of Jesus.

Who Shall Ascend the Hill of God


Who Shall Ascend the Hill of God

This is a Bible study where Tim talks about Duncan Campbell and the Hebrides island revivals. Are you hands clean? Is your heart pure? For you to ascend the hill? Psalm 24:3-4 - Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD? And who shall stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully.

Charo Washer’s Testimony


Charo Washer’s Testimony

After serving for 12 years as a missionary the Lord shed His grace on Charo and saved her soul in 2004.

Slaves for Christ


Slaves for Christ

The person who truly believes in Christ is a slave to Christ. If you're not a slave to Christ, you don't truly believe on Him.

Give Your Life Away


Give Your Life Away

Paul Washer shows us that the great need of every christian is to see more of Chris,t giving your life away comes from knowing what God has done for you through Christ Jesus.




Isaiah 6:8 And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here am I! Send me." 9 And he said, "Go, and say to this people: "'Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.'

How Much Do You Know God? Part 1


How Much Do You Know God? Part 1

Knowing God is what propels people to the mission field, Paul Washer gives the motivation for missions.

Examine Yourself


Examine Yourself

The most important issue in life is your salvation, are you really saved, a message on true and false conversion.

Life is a Vapor, Live Like it


Life is a Vapor, Live Like it

Tim Conway is preaching on living with an Eternal Mind set... are you living with this mindset? " do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes." James 4:14

Joel Osteen, it’s just the Truth


Joel Osteen, it’s just the Truth

That's why a Joel Osteen is raised up. Those people who sit under him are not victims of him. He is the judgment of God upon them because they want exactly...




I told a story once let me tell you it again. I was going in Dr. Tozer's study one day and there he had a bit of paper he was stroking and he said...

Is Being Part of a Local Church Important?


Is Being Part of a Local Church Important?

Question: Pastor Don, is being part of a local church important? Or can I just be a lone ranger and not meet with others?

The Free Will of the Wind


The Free Will of the Wind

John Piper talks about the role of the Holy Spirit in the new birth.

I Can’t do Anything for God, What Can I Do?


I Can’t do Anything for God, What Can I Do?

Tim gives advice to people who feel as if they are too young, untalented, unwise, immature to do anything for God.

Boasting Only in the Cross


Boasting Only in the Cross

A plea to forsake a wasted life and to boast only in the cross of Christ, John Piper speaks to thousands of youth.

A Summary of How to Kill Sin


A Summary of How to Kill Sin

This is a most important subject in our day and draws a line between true and false conversion, are you killing sin?

A Tale of Two Sons


A Tale of Two Sons

Very insightful sermon on the prodigal son.

Paul Washer Open Air Preaching in Lima


Paul Washer Open Air Preaching in Lima

This video has Paul Washer giving part of His testimony and then preaching the Word of God.

For the Joy Set Before Him (Part 11)


For the Joy Set Before Him (Part 11)

As a result of the anguish of His soul, He will see it and be satisfied; By His knowledge the Righteous One, My Servant, will justify the many, as He will bear their iniquities - Isaiah 53:11

Praise the Lord


Praise the Lord

God's rod will be upon you some way. And His spankings hurt. And they're effective. And the Lord spanked me back into line. Praise the Lord! Amen.

The Man Christ Jesus


The Man Christ Jesus

The Man Christ Jesus - Paul Washer

Scripture Memory How and Why


Scripture Memory How and Why

It is so important to memorize the Word of God. Bob talks about some methods He uses as well as some very important reasons why to memorize the Word of God.

If My Words Abide in You (Scripture Memory)


If My Words Abide in You (Scripture Memory)

16 minutes of scripture and the importance of scripture memory

It’s Time to Pray


It’s Time to Pray

It's Time to Pray - Don Johnson Grace Baptist Church Batesville, Arkansas

Should Christians Watch the TV?


Should Christians Watch the TV?

What does the Bible say about Christians watching TV? Why are so many people trying to justify watching movies that just have "a couple of bad scenes," is this ok?

Can a Christian be Possessed?


Can a Christian be Possessed?

Does the Scripture teach that a true believer can be possessed by demons?

We Have Found the Messiah


We Have Found the Messiah

John piper preaching the revealed Christ.

How Can I Forgive Someone Who Wronged Me?


How Can I Forgive Someone Who Wronged Me?

Question: Christ tells us to love one another as he loved us. How can we love people like that if they hurt us, how do we bring ourselves to forgive people that do us so badly? When every time you see that person, it just hurts inside of you.

Stories of Revival


Stories of Revival

I suppose you can call it revival, but it was a move of the Spirit anyway. It wasn't really any historic revival. But as we think of, you know...

Behold the Lamb of God


Behold the Lamb of God

Beholding Christ by John Piper a needed message for all Christians

The Gospel of Our Salvation


The Gospel of Our Salvation

Let's pray. Father, we come before You this morning with only one great confidence - You are the God who heals us, who forgives all our iniquities. You remember them no more because of Christ.

Jesus Died!


Jesus Died!

Paul Washer talks about how not only did Christ die for sins, but He also rose from the dead and ascended into heaven.

Battling Pornography


Battling Pornography

Question: How would you counsel someone if they came to you and they said "I am falling into this sin of pornography on the internet." How would you help them discern whether they are lost and a slave to sin or whether they are a saved and they are struggling with this sin and it is a besetting sin.

Don’t Be Deceived


Don’t Be Deceived

In each one of those places where it lists, where it gives a listing of Heaven-disqualifying sins, it says: "Don't be deceived."

Roles Women in the Church Can Take


Roles Women in the Church Can Take

What are the roles that the Bible allows and commands for women to have in the church?

Devotion to Christ


Devotion to Christ

Very jealous for their affection, very jealous for their attention, their love, their loyalty, their devotion. That there be no rivalry.

Don’t Waste Your Life


Don’t Waste Your Life

The urgent call to not waste our God given life. Ephesians 5:15

You Must Suffer


You Must Suffer

We MUST suffer as Christians, it is a guarantee. When we do suffer willingly for Christ, it proclaims to the world that Jesus is more valuable than, health, success, and all other passing things in the world. Oh let us strive to make Christ our treasure! Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted - 2 Timothy 3:12

For the Joy Set Before Him (Part 2)


For the Joy Set Before Him (Part 2)

For the Joy Set Before Him - Part 2 - Pages 44-45 from Washer's Book, 'Journey into the Gospel' Note: We realize that there are some audio problems in this sermon, but currently this is all we have to work with. He had a promise of a glorious reward to be conferred on Him, as a proper merit of His work done; there was a joy set before Him in the promise, for which He endured the cross, despising the shame.