The following posts seek to answer questions based upon what the Bible says.

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Is Singing a Spiritual Gift?


Is Singing a Spiritual Gift?

Is singing a spiritual gift or a natural talent? A big issue that can cause debate within churches is the topic of music and singing.

Marriage, Work, and Public School


Marriage, Work, and Public School

Should a Christian man marry a woman who has different views on whether or not she should homeschool the children instead of pursuing a career?

A Theology on Hardness of Heart


A Theology on Hardness of Heart

Hardness of heart is a very fearful thing, and the Bible gives terrifying warnings against it. However, is it possible for a Christian to go through a season of hardening?

Can Church Leaders Disagree?


Can Church Leaders Disagree?

How should someone in a church react when the elders are disagreeing over matters in the church?

Who Actually Killed Jesus?


Who Actually Killed Jesus?

Who is responsible for the death of Jesus Christ? Was it the responsibility of the Jews, the Romans, us (our sins), or God the Father?

Dealing With Idols That Creep Into our Lives


Dealing With Idols That Creep Into our Lives

What should we do about idols that creep into our lives and hinder our walk? We live in a generation where distractions from technology are at an all-time high...

Should I Only Marry a Virgin?


Should I Only Marry a Virgin?

Is it an unreasonable standard to want to marry someone only if they are a virgin? Should their immoral past be more important than their present godliness?

The LORD Regretted That He Had Made Man?


The LORD Regretted That He Had Made Man?

Genesis 6:6 - And the LORD regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.

Is it Right to Alert Pastors When You See Problems and Divisions Arising?


Is it Right to Alert Pastors When You See Problems and Divisions Arising?

Do members of a church have the responsibility to alert the pastors when they see divisions arising in the church?

Married With a Lost Spouse: What to Do?


Married With a Lost Spouse: What to Do?

What should a newly saved Christian husband and father do who has a lost and contentious wife? Tim first considers how the believer must think correctly...

Obeying God by Disobeying My Husband?


Obeying God by Disobeying My Husband?

The Bible clearly commands wives to submit to their husbands. But is there a time when wives should disobey? Is it possible to disobey their husbands graciously and respectfully?

How Important is Having a Testimony of Salvation?


How Important is Having a Testimony of Salvation?

When talking with other Christians, a common question that we may ask is what is someone's testimony. How much weight should we give to someone's testimony?

Is the Regulative Principle Biblical?


Is the Regulative Principle Biblical?

Is the regulative principle Biblical when it comes to worship in the corporate church gathering? Many people dogmatically assert this teaching, but what exactly does this mean? And most important, is it clearly found ...

God’s Sovereignty and Our Prayers


God’s Sovereignty and Our Prayers

A concept that some people have difficulty with is trying to reconcile the sovereignty of God with our prayers. Does God's sovereignty make our prayers unnecessary or irrelevant?

Better to Marry Than to Burn With Passion?


Better to Marry Than to Burn With Passion?

What does the Bible mean when it says that it is better to marry than to burn? Does mean that marriage is the cure for sexual impurity?

Do You Really Need a Church? (Part 1)


Do You Really Need a Church? (Part 1)

We are living in the digital age and can access so many sermons from the internet. Is it really still necessary and vital to be a participating member who shows up in person at a local church?

When Should You Leave a Church? (Part 2)


When Should You Leave a Church? (Part 2)

When should Christians leave a church? Sadly many Christians are willing to leave sound, biblical churches just over preferences. What are the issues that are worth leaving for?

Should You Move to Join a Church? (Part 3)


Should You Move to Join a Church? (Part 3)

Some Christians see their great need to be part of a biblical church, but as far as they can discern, there's no biblical church near where they live.

Remarrying Someone You Had Previously Married?


Remarrying Someone You Had Previously Married?

If a man and woman get divorced, the woman gets saved, and neither of them has remarried, would it be ok if they got married again?

How Far Can a Person Go As a False Convert?


How Far Can a Person Go As a False Convert?

False conversion is a major and sobering theme in the Bible. How much of a true Christian can a person seem to look like, and in the end turn out to be deceived?

Should a Church Meet in a House or a Building?


Should a Church Meet in a House or a Building?

There is nothing in Scripture that mandates we meet in one place or another. Rather we are free to meet where it works for our circumstances.

Missionary Paul Snider: Health Update & Insights From the Field


Missionary Paul Snider: Health Update & Insights From the Field

Paul Snider, a missionary to the Korowai people of Papua, shares some valuable insight from years spent on the mission field.

Saved or Uncertain: The Security of the Believer


Saved or Uncertain: The Security of the Believer

Many people are in distress of soul wondering if they're a Christian or not. They appear to have been saved but then are plagued with severe doubts and fears about whether they were truly converted.

Are Theme Churches Biblical?


Are Theme Churches Biblical?

Are theme churches Biblical? Is it right to have our point of fellowship be based upon us all being cowboys or bikers?

Giving to Building Fund or Missions?


Giving to Building Fund or Missions?

Is it nonspiritual to give money towards a highly expensive building project in your church? What if the church is wanting to spend a lot of money on their building, but doesn't spend much, if any, money on missions?

Dreams, Visions, Lots


Dreams, Visions, Lots

What should we think about supernatural dreams and casting lots? These ideas are mentioned in the Bible, but how should we apply them?

Options for Finding a Spouse


Options for Finding a Spouse

What options for finding a spouse should a single person consider? More so than considering the options, what type of heart attitude...

How Should We Interpret Dreams?


How Should We Interpret Dreams?

How should we interpret dreams that appear to be supernatural? Does God give dreams to people that communicate something to them?

Can I Work at My Job as a Believer?


Can I Work at My Job as a Believer?

One of the most difficult places to live out our Christian convictions is in the workplace. So often we’re faced with hard situations that we must...

Do Believers Who Had an Immoral Past Know God More?


Do Believers Who Had an Immoral Past Know God More?

Does having an outwardly immoral life mean that if you become a Christian, you will know God more and be more mature than those who didn't live such a life?

What Do We Do About Heretical Movements?


What Do We Do About Heretical Movements?

How should we respond to movements that teach false doctrine? Should we stay up to date with the latest resources that explain and expose the movement?

How Could the Thief on the Cross Be Saved?


How Could the Thief on the Cross Be Saved?

Some ask, "How was the thief on the cross saved if he didn't live a righteous life?" Let us consider what this implies about how they believe a person is declared right before God.

Hoping in Christ in the Midst of Losing a Spouse


Hoping in Christ in the Midst of Losing a Spouse

This world is full of people who are hurting, from losing a spouse, or other trials of different severity. Many of them seem to be seeking God in the midst of their pain.

Thoughts About John Allen Chau’s Death


Thoughts About John Allen Chau’s Death

What are Christians to make of the recent controversy regarding the death of John Allen Chau? Should we look down on him as one guilty of foolish presumption...

Should Christians Save or Invest?


Should Christians Save or Invest?

The Bible clearly commands us to give. But is it ever okay to save our money or to invest it? Should we give our money away whenever we earn it and not have any savings?

How to Address Someone Who Seems to Be a False Convert


How to Address Someone Who Seems to Be a False Convert

If we suspect that someone we know who claims to be a Christian may actually be a false convert, how should we address them?

Are Church Denominations Divisive or Necessary?


Are Church Denominations Divisive or Necessary?

There are many different groups and denominations that fall under the umbrella of "Christianity." Is this a sign of division?

Should I Step Down From Being a Youth Leader?


Should I Step Down From Being a Youth Leader?

If a man is in a leadership position over youth in a church and the youth do not seem to be growing under his ministry, what does this indicate?

Practical Advice on Memorizing the Bible


Practical Advice on Memorizing the Bible

Is it profitable for Christians to memorize the Bible? Tim shares some practical advice on memorizing the Bible...

Satan’s Methods of Attacking the Christian’s Assurance


Satan’s Methods of Attacking the Christian’s Assurance

The devil has many devices to use against the Christian and one primary device is to attack our assurance. In this study, Tim considers...