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Are Overweight Christians False Converts?


Are Overweight Christians False Converts?

This one comes from Dede. She says, "There are many people in churches overweight. Is obesity a sin? Are overweight Christians false converts? What does the Bible say? Thank you."

Are Mormons Christians?


Are Mormons Christians?

Are Mormons Christians? Are those who call themselves "Mormons" or "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" following the same beliefs of those who call themselves "Christians"?

Are Mormons and Catholics Christians?


Are Mormons and Catholics Christians?

Question: I would say to James, here's his actual question: “Pastor Tim, I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon)...

Are Hip Hop, Sports, and Movie Watching Worldly?


Are Hip Hop, Sports, and Movie Watching Worldly?

When it comes to what it is to be worldly, isn't it interesting how we have this tendency to come up with...

Are Church Denominations Divisive or Necessary?


Are Church Denominations Divisive or Necessary?

There are many different groups and denominations that fall under the umbrella of "Christianity." Is this a sign of division?

Are Certain Hand Signs Satanic?


Are Certain Hand Signs Satanic?

Are certain hand signs satanic? Hand gestures can have a variety of meaning depending upon their use in a specific culture. So can a hand signal mean something satanic?

Appreciating Our Adoption


Appreciating Our Adoption

Many Reformed theologians consider adoption to be the very highest privilege that the Gospel offers. Yet, it seems that the church has historically neglected this doctrine...

Anxious? Are You Believing God Made The Universe?


Anxious? Are You Believing God Made The Universe?

Anxious? I meet, a lot of Christians who tell me I've struggled with anxiety. I've never had a Christian come up to me and say...

Anxiety is a Waste of Time


Anxiety is a Waste of Time

If you give into anxiety you will reap fear, condemnation, and discouragement. Anxiety is a wasted choice that dishonors the Savior. Rather we must not yield to anxiety, but take everything to the Lord in prayer.

Antichrists and Anointings


Antichrists and Anointings

An antichrist doesn't deny the existence of Jesus altogether, but rather they change the Truth about Him; they are opposed to the biblical Christ.

Another Day Is Given For More To Be Saved


Another Day Is Given For More To Be Saved

The reason today exists is that God wants more people to be saved than are currently saved.




I told a story once let me tell you it again. I was going in Dr. Tozer's study one day and there he had a bit of paper he was stroking and he said...

And There He Prayed | Personal Disciplines of Private Prayer


And There He Prayed | Personal Disciplines of Private Prayer

"And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place and there he prayed. - Mark 1:35

And So We Speak


And So We Speak

Some wonderful insights on sharing the Gospel in evangelism.

An Utterly Unique God


An Utterly Unique God

God is wanting Isaiah to tell His people that He wants to be known as the God who acts on behalf of any who wait upon Him. Waiting sounds easy but in a sense it is easy and in a sense it is hard.

An Unseen Bubble: Divine Protection From A Present God


An Unseen Bubble: Divine Protection From A Present God

A woman approached a pastor, troubled by a recurring dream. She described living in a protective bubble, impervious to illness, spite...

An Unchanging Scandalous Gospel


An Unchanging Scandalous Gospel

Brother Paul Washer preaches on Romans 1,and the great Gospel of Jesus.

An Eye for the Eternal


An Eye for the Eternal

As believers we need an eye for the eternal and we ought to mark that which is temporal or eternal.

Amos: Do You Show Mercy? (Part 1)


Amos: Do You Show Mercy? (Part 1)

Amos | Part 1 | When asked if you are a true believer, does someone ask you, "Do you show mercy?" Israel lacked showing mercy.

Amazing Access to the Father


Amazing Access to the Father

The Gospel gets us all the way to having access with God the Father. This access to God is the summit of it all. It does not get any better than this.

Am I Unknowingly Coveting Something?


Am I Unknowingly Coveting Something?

Is there something or someone I am unknowingly coveting? Do I unconsciously covet riches and prosperity?

Am I Sinning by Not Ministering at an Abortion Clinic?


Am I Sinning by Not Ministering at an Abortion Clinic?

What should we think of Christians who are accusing other Christians and other churches of being in sin for not going to an abortion clinic to protest against the murders being committed?

Am I Saved? 10 Tests of Assurance


Am I Saved? 10 Tests of Assurance

One of the tests of assurance in a persons life is how do they act when nobody is watching.

Am I One Of The Elect? Has God Chosen Me?


Am I One Of The Elect? Has God Chosen Me?

Another secret reality that belongs to God can be summed up in this question: Am I one of the elect? Has God chosen me?

Am I Gossiping or Building Up?


Am I Gossiping or Building Up?

You will kill gossip in the church if you have a church that won't listen to gossip.

Am I Depressed For What I Believe?


Am I Depressed For What I Believe?

"I wanted to know if you ever get depressed when you think about the fact that you have no historical or scientific evidence to back up what you believe?"

Always Trusting in the Lord


Always Trusting in the Lord

So, how much of your life are you to be acknowledging the Lord in? The verse says, "In all your ways acknowledge Him." That covers quite a bit of territory.

All Will Be Gathered On Judgment Day


All Will Be Gathered On Judgment Day

Every single person will be gathered before Jesus Christ on Judgment Day. They will all stand before Him...

All to the Glory of God


All to the Glory of God

You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. - 1 Corinthians 6:19b-20

All These Died In Faith, Confessing


All These Died In Faith, Confessing

This is a sobering message that Bob gave to his church this past Sunday. Please keep praying for Bob, the cancer, which he has known about for two years, is getting worst.

All About Jesus Christ | 2016 Fellowship Conference


All About Jesus Christ | 2016 Fellowship Conference

Join us as we gather together for the 7th time to fellowship around the things of our glorious Savior Jesus Christ. Denton, Texas March 24-27, 2016

After Grievous Sin, Are You Displaying Unconditional Love To Your Child?


After Grievous Sin, Are You Displaying Unconditional Love To Your Child?

Are you displaying to your lost children the fatherhood of God by your unconditional love? What happens after they have sinned grievously? How do you respond to them?

Afraid I Committed The Unpardonable Sin


Afraid I Committed The Unpardonable Sin

Do you fear that you have committed the unpardonable sin? You may have, but nevertheless run to Christ. You say, "Isn't that a contradiction?"

Advice on Reading Solid Christian Books


Advice on Reading Solid Christian Books

We must not dare neglect the Bible, but we also shouldn't dismiss the benefit of reading solid Christian literature.

Advice on Marriage and Parenting


Advice on Marriage and Parenting

Bob talks about marriage and gives some advice on parenting.

Adultery In The Heart


Adultery In The Heart

Jesus compares this war on lust with someone cutting off their own limb or gouging out their own eye. We must deal drastically with sin...

Adding Your Works to Christ’s Work Is Blasphemy


Adding Your Works to Christ’s Work Is Blasphemy

What do you get if you add 5% of your feelings and works, plus 95% of Christ's perfect righteousness?

Act Like Men: Standing Firm In The Faith and Conduct


Act Like Men: Standing Firm In The Faith and Conduct

Believer, if you are standing firm in the faith and believing solid doctrine, it will affect your conduct.

Act Like Men: In All Things Loving (Part 3)


Act Like Men: In All Things Loving (Part 3)

What a call that we have 1 Corinthians 16:14, "Let all that you do be done in love." We will consider what Biblical love looks like...

Act Like Men: Being Watchful and Prayerful


Act Like Men: Being Watchful and Prayerful

Are you diligently watchful in prayer? Paul said in 1 Corinthians 16:13 that we need to, "Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong."