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Nothing Can Stop The Gospel


Nothing Can Stop The Gospel

Islam will never wipe out Christianity. Why? Because the power of God is in this.

Grace to You and Peace


Grace to You and Peace

When we read, "grace to you and peace from God..." (Eph. 1:2) we don't want to think it's just a salutation. We have to watch out for familiarity to set in...

Believers Are In Christ


Believers Are In Christ

It's very easy to read past the words, "in Christ", as they are all over the New Testament. Yet if we can really get a feel for how prominent this idea...

The Truth Sets You Free from Sexual Lust


The Truth Sets You Free from Sexual Lust

If a believer who fights against sexual lust can but look and realize that resisting temptation here is but for a moment. Yet in a brief vapor...




One of the worst forms of Isolationism is the “One Man Empire.” Often it begins something like this: A preacher notes a weakness...

God’s People Are Saints


God’s People Are Saints

God writes His name on His people, and the name He writes is one that reflects His own righteousness and holiness. Believers are repeatedly called saints.

The Glory of God Displayed in the Gospel


The Glory of God Displayed in the Gospel

The gospel of Jesus Christ displays the glory of God in the fullest sense. Man's wisdom could never come up with what God has done in the gospel.

Are There Two Judgments?


Are There Two Judgments?

It sound like there's a judgment at the very end, and also a judgment immediately after a person's death. Does this mean that there are two judgments?

Reasons to Accept the Differing Christian


Reasons to Accept the Differing Christian

So Romans 14 provides some very helpful guidance in dealing with differences among Christians in the church.

Swimming Where the Cleansing Waters Are (Part 7)


Swimming Where the Cleansing Waters Are (Part 7)

There really are things you can do to be splashing in the water that cleanses and there are things you can do that take you away from there. It is possible by your own actions...

The Law of the Spirit of Life (Part 6)


The Law of the Spirit of Life (Part 6)

Brethren, what sin does, is takes the God given appetites of the body and turns them into deceitful desires. When sin seeks to reign it takes the desires you have and turns them against you...

Thoughts on Marriage for Newlyweds


Thoughts on Marriage for Newlyweds

The secret of a lasting marriage and a happy marriage is in perpetually, continually, habitually giving God the number one position, purpose and passion in your lives and marriage.

Daniel’s 70 Weeks (Part 11)


Daniel’s 70 Weeks (Part 11)

The last four verses of Daniel 9 are rich with prophecy concerning the great atoning work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many try to find the anti-Christ in these verses, but it is Christ we need to look for here.

Remembering a Friend, Mike Morrow


Remembering a Friend, Mike Morrow

We should make time to spend with those we love. It is a great lesson to learn and a great truth to realize, that life is not meant to be lived by rushing from one responsibility to another...

Tardiness: Is Being Habitually Late Sinful?


Tardiness: Is Being Habitually Late Sinful?

Is habitual tardiness a sin? If so, how should Christians be living their lives in light of this sin being so overlooked and tolerated as normal in our society and even in some of our churches?

The Truth of the Roman Catholic Church


The Truth of the Roman Catholic Church

If I trust in Christ's finished work, in His once and for all sacrifice, and that justifies me in the sight of God; then there is no place for purgatory whatsoever. The Catholic teaching...

I Feel Like I’m Spiritually Dying


I Feel Like I’m Spiritually Dying

We need to be aware of how God presents Himself in Scripture, because sometimes during evangelism the person will describe that "the Lord is not saving me."

Funeral Service for Michael G. Morrow


Funeral Service for Michael G. Morrow

At Mike's funeral service, Rob Pelkey, Michael Durham, Benjamin Morrow, and Paul Washer, remember him and his legacy; and above all, remember the Lord Jesus Christ whom he so loved.

Listen to Jesus, But Not Paul?


Listen to Jesus, But Not Paul?

Sadly many "evangelicals" are uncertain if Christ and Paul are on the same page, and in this message Tim refutes this idea and shows that they clearly are on the same page.

There is Another World – Mike Morrow | 1948 – 2016


There is Another World – Mike Morrow | 1948 – 2016

He was a man of whom the world was not worthy. Today the sickness that he was battling has taken his life. He has departed to be with Christ which is far better.

Soft Americans Have Instant Everything


Soft Americans Have Instant Everything

Everything is instant, we want it now. We're very entertained people. We're a very soft people. Let's just call it what it is.

Evangelism: A Matter of Repentance & Faith


Evangelism: A Matter of Repentance & Faith

"Repent and believe in the gospel." Our evangelism must consist of such a message if we want to win souls to Christ. Jesus said to His disciples that if they would follow Him...

Holiness to Completion in the Fear of God (Part 5)


Holiness to Completion in the Fear of God (Part 5)

Are there really two different types of fear? If so, how do they differ from each other? And if they are different, which fear is Paul referring to in such verses as...

Lordship: All Christians Are Disciples


Lordship: All Christians Are Disciples

It appears that you are saying that one can be a Christian, a convert, and yet not be a disciple. I would say that all Christians are disciples.

Nosy Christian: Mind Your Own Business


Nosy Christian: Mind Your Own Business

How much are we carnally curious about other people's issues when we haven't even fully dealt with our own, and we aren't fully obeying Christ as to what He's shown us to do.

Is Your Faith Directed Towards Yourself or to Christ?


Is Your Faith Directed Towards Yourself or to Christ?

We are not called to have faith in our faith. There is a different object of faith that the writer of Hebrews is pleading with you here in verse...

Jesus Restores Peter


Jesus Restores Peter

John Chapter 21. I want to speak this morning, the Lord helping me, on "Jesus Restores Peter." Lord help us now. John 21:15-23.

The Motivating Power of Christ’s Love


The Motivating Power of Christ’s Love

It was Christ's love for Paul that controlled his life, his decisions, and it is this love that must motivate us as well.

Missions in Our Own Weakness


Missions in Our Own Weakness

One of the greatest blessings that God can give us is in teaching us that we're not in control. It's His kingdom, and it's His glory.

A Conscience Led by the Word of God Alone


A Conscience Led by the Word of God Alone

Believing in the sufficiency of Scripture not only means that you say all the scripture says, but that you don't say what the scripture doesn't say. Because if God shuts his mouth...

A Weak Conscience Seared by Legalism


A Weak Conscience Seared by Legalism

People were forbidding marriage and eating of certain foods, and in doing so were searing their consciences. When you get a zeal for the Lord it is very easy for Satan to high...

Encouragement To Endure to the End


Encouragement To Endure to the End

Every true Christian is in the battle of enduring and persevering faith and it is the most strenuous battle on earth. In Hebrews 10:39 it says those...

A Church’s Responsibility to Their Pastors


A Church’s Responsibility to Their Pastors

When your pastor is clearly getting out of God's Word what the Holy Spirit put there, and he's giving it to you accurately - then brothers and sisters, obey it!

Pastors: Lead the Church in Faith!


Pastors: Lead the Church in Faith!

The faith of Scripture is not doing something based upon mathematical probability, which says that it will works out most of the time. Rather God calls us to a faith like Abraham's...

It’s Trustworthy that Christ Saves Sinners


It’s Trustworthy that Christ Saves Sinners

Does anybody get weary of all the opinions and empty promises in our world and long for a word of truth? We all want something that we can rest our souls on and confide in.

Does Sex Equal Marriage in God’s Eyes?


Does Sex Equal Marriage in God’s Eyes?

Someone asked, "Are only virgin marriages legitimate? I was told by a group that I am in adultery because I was not a virgin when I got married... according to this group sex is marriage."

The Power Behind Our Sanctification (Part 4)


The Power Behind Our Sanctification (Part 4)

Though Paul says we have a responsibility to cleanse ourselves, we must remember that the power behind our sanctification is not found in us...

Seventh-day Adventism: Cult or Not?


Seventh-day Adventism: Cult or Not?

If you really want to find out what any religious denomination is about, then find out what they think about the Word of God and the atoning work of Jesus Christ.

Keep On Sounding Forth the Word of the Lord


Keep On Sounding Forth the Word of the Lord

If the Word of the Lord is sounding forth from your church, then remember Satan has his sights on you. Therefore, strive to walk with God...

God Blessed Church Planting


God Blessed Church Planting

In this sermon, Tim discusses 16 key points for starting a church plant. One essential thing is to have a motive to honor the Lord, as 1 Samuel 2:30 says...