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How Alive is Alive? Seated With Christ in The Heavenly Places (Part 3)


How Alive is Alive? Seated With Christ in The Heavenly Places (Part 3)

This passage is the very pinnacle of what God has already done for the believer. The Apostle is giving us this great reality about who we are as Christians...

How Alive is Alive? The Four-Fold Risenness of the Christian (Part 1)


How Alive is Alive? The Four-Fold Risenness of the Christian (Part 1)

The Bible teaches us that it is God who makes Christians. Paul says in Ephesians that God has made us alive together with Christ. God makes people into...

How Are We Created in the Image of God?


How Are We Created in the Image of God?

The Bible says that in the beginning that God made us in His image. What does it mean to be made in the image of God?

How Can I Lust and Sin Against God?


How Can I Lust and Sin Against God?

Christian, the next time you're severely tempted and enticed to yield to sexual sin, just remember that your sin is against God. Just remember that...

How Can We Be Joyful When Our Loved Ones Are Lost?


How Can We Be Joyful When Our Loved Ones Are Lost?

How can we have joy knowing that our loved ones are perishing? If we have unceasing anguish for our loved ones (Romans 9:1-3)...

How Can We Pray in the Spirit?


How Can We Pray in the Spirit?

The Bible tells us to pray in the Spirit. What does that mean and how can we do that?

How Christians Save Christians


How Christians Save Christians

Hebrews 3:13 - But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called "today," that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.

How Could the Thief on the Cross Be Saved?


How Could the Thief on the Cross Be Saved?

Some ask, "How was the thief on the cross saved if he didn't live a righteous life?" Let us consider what this implies about how they believe a person is declared right before God.

How Dead is Dead? The Five-Fold Fallenness of Man (Part 1)


How Dead is Dead? The Five-Fold Fallenness of Man (Part 1)

When we were lost, we were dead in trespasses and sins. It wasn't that we transgressed against God every once in awhile. All we ever did was sin and trespass...

How Do I Experience Fellowship With God?


How Do I Experience Fellowship With God?

How does a Christian experience fellowship and communion with God?

How Do We Live in the World Without Being Worldly?


How Do We Live in the World Without Being Worldly?

In this video, Tim deals with the question: How do we live in the world without being worldly? What does 1 John 2:14-15 say?

How Do You Kill Sin?


How Do You Kill Sin?

Christians must not be passive in putting sin to death; they must be proactive. We must never take an attitude of defeat. The Bible calls us to long-term...

How Do You React to Jesus Christ?


How Do You React to Jesus Christ?

People are astonished at Christ of one of two ways; they’re either horrified by Him, or they’re silenced and humbled by Him. How do you react to Jesus Christ?

How Do You Respond to Personal Slander?


How Do You Respond to Personal Slander?

The psalmist finds himself in a position we all commonly share at times. He is being slandered. His words and actions have been misrepresented and his character maligned.

How Far Can a Person Go As a False Convert?


How Far Can a Person Go As a False Convert?

False conversion is a major and sobering theme in the Bible. How much of a true Christian can a person seem to look like, and in the end turn out to be deceived?

How Important is Having a Testimony of Salvation?


How Important is Having a Testimony of Salvation?

When talking with other Christians, a common question that we may ask is what is someone's testimony. How much weight should we give to someone's testimony?

How is Your Fellowship with God?


How is Your Fellowship with God?

Your doctrine may be sound and right, but how is your fellowship with God? Can you boldly say that your life is one of true fellowship with the Father and the Son?

How Should We Interpret the Creation Account?


How Should We Interpret the Creation Account?

Many professing Bible-believers are coming up with theories on how to interpret the creation account in a way that fits with what modern scientists are saying.

How to Abide in Christ (Part 1)


How to Abide in Christ (Part 1)

Many believers will ask about how to abide in Christ. What branch do you know that struggles about whether it will remain in the vine or not?

How to Abide in Christ (Part 2)


How to Abide in Christ (Part 2)

How do we abide in Christ? John 15 tells us three things, let us consider those in this last sermon from the Men's Retreat.

How to Address Someone Who Seems to Be a False Convert


How to Address Someone Who Seems to Be a False Convert

If we suspect that someone we know who claims to be a Christian may actually be a false convert, how should we address them?

How to Awaken a Dead and Unregenerate Church?


How to Awaken a Dead and Unregenerate Church?

Steve Lawson encourages pastors to preach from the book of 1 John in order to awaken a dead church.

How to Be An Encouragement to Your Pastor During Trials (Part 3)


How to Be An Encouragement to Your Pastor During Trials (Part 3)

Pastors will face incredible difficulties in leading the church. Clint Leiter shares some of the fiery trials he went through after Bob Jennings went to be with the Lord.

How to Cultivate God’s Presence in My Life?


How to Cultivate God’s Presence in My Life?

How can we cultivate God's presence, and have a more real sense of God's presence?

How To Do It


How To Do It

The fact of the matter is, the Bible is not a How-To book; it is a What-To book. God tells us what to do, what must be done, what is our responsibility according to His laws and principles.

How to Exasperate Your Children


How to Exasperate Your Children

The Bible admonishes parents (fathers in particular) to not exasperate their children. What are some ways that parents can exasperate their children and how can we avoid them?

How to Fight Distraction in a Distracted Age


How to Fight Distraction in a Distracted Age

We desperately need to fight distraction and keep our focus on redeeming our time by doing that with which has eternal value.

How to Make the Best Use of Your Time


How to Make the Best Use of Your Time

One of the hardest decisions we have to daily face as Christians is how to best use our time. We have so many choices to sort through and wrestle with.

How to Pray like an Apostle


How to Pray like an Apostle

I’ve often considered it to be a significant measure of a person’s spiritual maturity to simply ask somebody, “How much do you pray for others?”

How To Pursue Holiness But Not Become Self-Righteous?


How To Pursue Holiness But Not Become Self-Righteous?

How does the believer pursue holiness and yet not become self-righteous? How do we combat self-righteousness and pride?

How to Respond When Misjudged and Reviled


How to Respond When Misjudged and Reviled

What Biblical advice would you give to someone who feels that another Christian has misjudged their character? If someone brings some of your actions...

How To Say Goodbye To Anxiety Today


How To Say Goodbye To Anxiety Today

Let's turn in our Bibles to Philippians to develop then things that Stuart said on Wednesday. Philippians 4 verse , Rejoice in the Lord always, Again, I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone....

How To Share The Gospel With An Atheist


How To Share The Gospel With An Atheist

How should I share the gospel with an atheist? So I was saved about two years ago from, well, atheism, and I have a pretty atheistic family.

How to View the Flaws of the Reformers


How to View the Flaws of the Reformers

Some of the reformers had pretty severe, shortsighted flaws, but we honor them nevertheless for their faith and their faithfulness...

Humbled in Conversion, Humbled in Ministry


Humbled in Conversion, Humbled in Ministry

If there's any work of God that should characterize every person's conversion, it should be the destruction of that person's pride.

Humility Necessary for the Christian to Work Properly


Humility Necessary for the Christian to Work Properly

The Bible urges us to walk worthy of God's calling; one of the characteristics of a walk worthy of our calling is humility. The Bible also calls members...

I Feel Like I’m Spiritually Dying


I Feel Like I’m Spiritually Dying

We need to be aware of how God presents Himself in Scripture, because sometimes during evangelism the person will describe that "the Lord is not saving me."

I Had Never Truly Rested in Christ’s Work


I Had Never Truly Rested in Christ’s Work

A person can grow up hearing the gospel a million times and yet never believe in it. They have ears and hear the truth and yet they do not truly hear the truth.

I Lay Down and Slept


I Lay Down and Slept

I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the Lord sustained me.

I Threw Myself on Jesus’ Mercy, But Nothing Happened


I Threw Myself on Jesus’ Mercy, But Nothing Happened

When people are pursuing Christ and say, "nothing happened", they can either give up seeking and go to hell, or they can keep seeking...