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Young Believers Not Going Deep, Too Distracted


Young Believers Not Going Deep, Too Distracted

This generation of young believers has countless distractions that will rob them of time and keep them from going deeper with God.

Biblically Approaching Marriage Struggles


Biblically Approaching Marriage Struggles

In order to overcome marriage struggles We must stay gospel-centered in our marriages. The more the husband grows in the revelation of God's...

Genuine Saving Faith


Genuine Saving Faith

We believe in a Christ who is revealed for us in Scripture, but genuine saving faith is more than just grasping those truths intellectually.

Biblical Counsel to Walk in Sexual Purity


Biblical Counsel to Walk in Sexual Purity

To walk in purity, the believer must not just focus on guarding themselves from the sin; but they must be actively pursuing Christ and being satisfied in Him.

The Subtle Danger of Idolizing Pastoral Ministry


The Subtle Danger of Idolizing Pastoral Ministry

As believers we can get our eyes off of Christ. One place this can subtly happen is in idolizing pastoral ministry.

Jesse Barrington: Salvation Testimony & Call to the Ministry


Jesse Barrington: Salvation Testimony & Call to the Ministry

This is a brief testimony of how the Lord saved Jesse and led him to plant the church Grace Life Dallas.

The Greatness of Jesus Christ: His Work (Part 2)


The Greatness of Jesus Christ: His Work (Part 2)

Our great Lord Jesus Christ went to the Cross and completed the work that was started. He made purification for our sins and then He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.

The Greatness of Jesus Christ: His Person (Part 1)


The Greatness of Jesus Christ: His Person (Part 1)

We must not neglect so great a salvation; a salvation that is so great because of the greatness of Jesus Christ. In Hebrews 1, we see multiple areas of the greatness of the person of Jesus Christ.

Do You Love Christians Who You Disagree With?


Do You Love Christians Who You Disagree With?

The true test of our love for other Christians isn't so much on how we love other Christians who we agree with on everything, but rather on how we treat...

Does John 3:16 Amaze You?


Does John 3:16 Amaze You?

John 3:16 is one of the most well known verses in the whole Bible. The reason that verse doesn't stun people like it should is because it's rarely...

Evangelizing Our Lost Loved Ones


Evangelizing Our Lost Loved Ones

If we only had one more opportunity to speak to our lost loved ones, we should urge them to ask for mercy from God that is only found through Jesus Christ.

Getting Out of the Boat


Getting Out of the Boat

Jesus calls us to do things that we are not able to do. When He calls us to do impossible things, like step out on to water and walk, are we going to trust and obey Him?

Jesus Wants Fellowship With Us


Jesus Wants Fellowship With Us

Jesus Christ wants communion and fellowship with His people. He desires the heart of His people so much that He will even act as though He will leave...

Seek God and Go From Fear to Faith


Seek God and Go From Fear to Faith

How did King David go from being full of fear to being full of praise and adoration to God? It was by seeking the Lord through prayer.

Truths to Remember When Praying


Truths to Remember When Praying

Brothers and sisters, we've come here to meet with the living God. The One who is your Savior, your Lord, the Lover of your soul. He's loved you from all of eternity. The One who began your salvation back in eternity,...

Lessons from 50 Years of Pastoral Ministry


Lessons from 50 Years of Pastoral Ministry

Pastoral ministry is a very difficult calling. In this interview, Geoff Thomas gives some practical helps and lessons from his 50 years of Christian ministry.

Why Will You Reject My Jesus?


Why Will You Reject My Jesus?

If you reject my Jesus Christ, who have you got to look into? When you get married; when you get children and they're sick? When you've got bills to pay and you're getting older...

Preserving Unity Through Love


Preserving Unity Through Love

Christians in America are living in a day when major emphasis is placed on right doctrine and good theology. This is good and vital, but sadly...

The Privileges of the Christian


The Privileges of the Christian

There are great responsibilities in the Christian life, but there are also great and unspeakable privileges. The Christian has a precious Savior to trust in and to love.

Being Responsive and Obedient to Your Conscience


Being Responsive and Obedient to Your Conscience

If Christians are to grow in grace, we must be sure to keep close tabs on our conscience. We must learn to make our conscience take precedent...

Praying to Grow in Grace


Praying to Grow in Grace

There may be many blessings we receive from going to a conference, but one of the primary blessings we need to receive is growth in graciousness and knowledge...

Your Soul Won’t Grow Without Food


Your Soul Won’t Grow Without Food

Your souls won't grow without food and there is no food for the soul like the Word of God. There is no place to be, better than before the face of Jesus Christ.

Luke Hahn’s Testimony: God Had to Strip Me of Everything


Luke Hahn’s Testimony: God Had to Strip Me of Everything

Luke was lost with a false profession that lasted until God stripped everything away from him. Yet even after his traumatic accident, he continued on in his sin and refusal to trust Christ...

The Life and Legacy of Jim Elliot


The Life and Legacy of Jim Elliot

The life of Jim Elliot was remarkable. He was a godly young man who lived an extraordinary life, and he paid the ultimate price; his life, to bring the gospel to the unreached.

All Will Be Gathered On Judgment Day


All Will Be Gathered On Judgment Day

Every single person will be gathered before Jesus Christ on Judgment Day. They will all stand before Him...

Conrad Murrell’s Funeral: Forever With the Lord


Conrad Murrell’s Funeral: Forever With the Lord

"Forever with the Lord" is a video of pastor Conrad Murrell's Funeral. Those were Conrad's words about his father Alvin when he passed in 1971.

60+ Conrad Murrell Sermons

60+ Conrad Murrell Sermons

The following 60+ sermons were preached from the 1970s and onward. Conrad went to be with Christ in 2018.

I’m 99% Sure I Committed the Unpardonable Sin


I’m 99% Sure I Committed the Unpardonable Sin

People are often plagued with the thought they've truly committed the unpardonable sin. What kind of counsel do these people need?

Keys to Victory Over Sexual Sin

Keys to Victory Over Sexual Sin

The Bible gives us certain principles that will help us gain victory over sexual sin.

150+ Bob Jennings Sermons

150+ Bob Jennings Sermons

The following 150+ sermons were preached over the years, mostly at Highway M Chapel, where Bob was one of the pastors.

People of Promise


People of Promise

The Christian can cling to any promise in the Bible because they belong to Jesus Christ. All of the promises of God are ours because of Him (2 Cor. 1:20).

Our Lord’s Most Aggressive Command for Holiness


Our Lord’s Most Aggressive Command for Holiness

If a person is casual about their sin, they are in danger. Jesus Christ looked men directly in the eye and warned them that they will be thrown into hell unless...

Don’t Play With Sin

Don’t Play With Sin

Every Christian ought to be able to look at their conscience and find nothing between their souls and the Lord. If we find something that displeases the Lord, we need to put it to death immediately.

It’s Your Responsibility to Kill Sin

It’s Your Responsibility to Kill Sin

When it comes to killing sin, it's your personal responsibility. If you fail to kill sin in your life, it's not someone else's fault; it's your fault. You must be intentional and deliberate; not passive in this battle.

Can God Die?


Can God Die?

When Jesus died, did His human nature die or did His divine nature die? If only His human nature died, then what is the significance of it?

The Forgiven Forgive


The Forgiven Forgive

Forgiveness is not a small issue in the Christian life. A person's response to being wronged is a good test to see if they've really been forgiven or not. Failure to forgive...

Forgiveness or Bitterness?


Forgiveness or Bitterness?

If you begrudgingly or mechanically say the words, "I forgive you", yet still hold on to that thing in your heart, you are not practicing Biblical forgiveness, but Biblical bitterness.

Protecting or Overprotecting Our Children?


Protecting or Overprotecting Our Children?

What should Christian parents do when their children could possibly be put in situations that expose them to sin? How should parents protect them from that...

Put First Things First


Put First Things First

As believers we need to daily remind ourselves to put first things first and have God's kingdom as the supreme priority of our lives. There are a million plus distractions...

Christians & Debt: The Wicked Borrow but Do Not Pay Back


Christians & Debt: The Wicked Borrow but Do Not Pay Back

How should Christians view and treat financial debt? Should Christians ever get into debt? Are different kinds of debt more significant or urgent than others?