Below is a list of every video post on the site that has closed captions, also called subtitles. Over the years we’ve had some email in who are deaf ask for captions in English, and this page seeks to provide that list.

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Do you Watch the Things God Hates?


Do you Watch the Things God Hates?

Hi Tim,What are we to make of 1 Corinthians 10:31? I'm trying to live as a Biblical Christian and follow God with all of my being.However, I love going to see movies, and I'm quite aware of the garbage in a lot of today's movies. But there are some good ones out there. For example, the movie Defiance is a good story through and through. It does have sex scenes, a few swears, but overall it fills you with excitement and passion to do the right thing.However, is it right for me to watch such a movie if there is a 1-minute sex scene or two or three swears? How far do you go with 1 Corinthians 10:31? Because to take that passage to the extreme, you could become paranoid of dishonoring God and eventually just end up living in your closet....Thanks-Dave

Do Your Words Fit the Occasion?


Do Your Words Fit the Occasion?

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Doctrine Divides


Doctrine Divides

It is right that doctrine divides us from those who "do not abide in the teaching of Christ,"

Does God Answer Your Prayers?


Does God Answer Your Prayers?

Do you pray because you actually want God to answer, or do you pray just because you're expected out of routine? When we come to pray, we should be praying...

Does John 3:16 Amaze You?


Does John 3:16 Amaze You?

John 3:16 is one of the most well known verses in the whole Bible. The reason that verse doesn't stun people like it should is because it's rarely...

Don’t Allow Your Marriage to Fail Like Samson’s


Don’t Allow Your Marriage to Fail Like Samson’s

Consequence is a result or a outcome of a decision or event that happened earlier. Right? And so when we make decisions there are consequences that come as a result of that. So if someone takes a wife from among the p...

Don’t Be a Young, Proud, Know-It-All


Don’t Be a Young, Proud, Know-It-All

Sadly, one of the vices that plagues young people is pride. It's often overlooked if a young person has a quiet and humble disposition.

Don’t Be Deceived


Don’t Be Deceived

In each one of those places where it lists, where it gives a listing of Heaven-disqualifying sins, it says: "Don't be deceived."

Don’t Be Deceived


Don’t Be Deceived

The Bible commands us to not be deceived and delude ourselves. Paul says, "Evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived."

Don’t Be Deceived About Sexual Immorality


Don’t Be Deceived About Sexual Immorality

A prominent sin in the day we live in is sexual immorality, and this sin is also given fierce warnings in the Bible. We need to remember that warnings of sexual immorality...

Don’t Blame the Faults of Your Parents for Your Rejection of Christ


Don’t Blame the Faults of Your Parents for Your Rejection of Christ

Many children find it convenient to use the failures of their Christian parents as an excuse to not come to Christ. Their failures (not referring to a life of hypocrisy) just means...

Don’t Come to Church to Get, Come to Serve


Don’t Come to Church to Get, Come to Serve

When you go to church, do you come to serve or to be served?

Don’t Expect a Perfect Repentance


Don’t Expect a Perfect Repentance

Many people say that things like "I cannot repent" or "I'm trying to repent" thinking that they need a fully matured, perfect repentance before...

Don’t Go Back to Your Sin… You May Die


Don’t Go Back to Your Sin… You May Die

We plead with you... do not harden your heart, if you are under conviction of your eternal destiny being hell, then run to Christ and trust in Him alone to save you. There are many many people who are seeing many sermons, yet are still holding onto their idols and not forsaking all to follow Christ. Do not be comfortable in your sin!

Don’t Go to Hell Over Your Cellphone


Don’t Go to Hell Over Your Cellphone

There's nothing worth losing your soul over. Smartphones have become such a vital part of our culture that people consider them as a necessity.

Don’t Just Have External Conformity


Don’t Just Have External Conformity

Being a Christian isn't just learning how to say the right things. It is very easy to join a biblical church and try to externally mimic the behavior and speech of everyone there.

Don’t Justify Yourself While Walking in Darkness


Don’t Justify Yourself While Walking in Darkness

To be walking in darkness does not just mean that you are living in scandalous sins, but it means your life is not regulated by the Word of God.

Don’t Let Anyone Take Your Crown


Don’t Let Anyone Take Your Crown

Revelation 3:11 I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown.

Don’t Let the World Define Christianity


Don’t Let the World Define Christianity

The world has its definition of what it thinks Christianity should be. Not surprisingly, it doesn't resemble what the Bible and what God defines Christianity is.

Don’t Let Your Doctrine Lead You Away From Christ


Don’t Let Your Doctrine Lead You Away From Christ

There are many people who strongly argue for things they find in the Bible, and their passion for their doctrine ends up leading them away from Christ.

Don’t Look for Perfection in a Spouse


Don’t Look for Perfection in a Spouse

Single Christians who want to be married should not be expecting perfection in a potential spouse and setting unreasonable standards.

Don’t Pray Like a Modalist


Don’t Pray Like a Modalist

The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is God, but do not mistake that to mean that Jesus Christ is the Father. We should not attribute things to the Father that are exclusively attributed to the Son, and vice versa.

Don’t Rely on Men Rely on God


Don’t Rely on Men Rely on God

God often uses men to help us but we must never forget that men are just the means that God uses. They don't have an inherent ability in themselves to help anyone. Our ultimate help has to come from God and not man.

Don’t Stop Going to the Prayer Meeting


Don’t Stop Going to the Prayer Meeting

Brethren, don't be deceived, Satan does not like praying churches; he loves it when the prayer meetings begin to diminish.

Don’t Think God Can’t Expose Your Sin


Don’t Think God Can’t Expose Your Sin

So many have deluded themselves into thinking that they can hide their sin. But they forget that God has innumerable ways of exposing their sin.

Don’t Let Lack of Results Discourage Your Evangelism


Don’t Let Lack of Results Discourage Your Evangelism

Many Christians give up on evangelism because they don't see any fruit or results from their labor. We should not let a lack of results discourage...

Draw Near to God: The Attitude


Draw Near to God: The Attitude

Our greatest need is drawing near to God; but if we're going to draw near to God, we need to have the right attitude. What should be our attitude when we draw near to God?

Draw Near to God: The Danger


Draw Near to God: The Danger

The Bible calls us to draw near to God but we also need to see the danger of drawing near to God. Have you ever truly considered who the God of the Bible is?

Draw Near to God: The Reality


Draw Near to God: The Reality

What could be more satisfying than having God draw near to you? But If you want God to draw near to you, you first need to believe that God drawing...

Draw Near to God: The Scriptures


Draw Near to God: The Scriptures

If we would draw near to God, we must first know God. We can only know who God is and what God is like from what He's revealed to us in His Word.

Drop Out of School, Drive Without License, or Submit to Parents?


Drop Out of School, Drive Without License, or Submit to Parents?

In this Ask Pastor Tim, two questions are dealt with that involve children and whether or not to submit to their parents.

Dwell on Christ to Dissolve Division From Non-Essential Differences


Dwell on Christ to Dissolve Division From Non-Essential Differences

May God help us to not give off an impression of superiority to other Christians who may not agree with us on secondary matters.

Eight Keys to Boldness in Evangelism


Eight Keys to Boldness in Evangelism

What is boldness? Boldness is the Christian virtue of being able to speak about God and His gospel with frank, unashamed openness, unhindered by the fear of man...

Emotions: Their Origination, Disruption and Restoration


Emotions: Their Origination, Disruption and Restoration

Emotions are an essential element of how God has created us. However, with the fall and sin entering the world, emotions...

Empowered by the Holy Spirit


Empowered by the Holy Spirit

Knowing God's Word is not enough for us to advance against the kingdom of darkness. We must be filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Encouragement for Pastors’ Wives


Encouragement for Pastors’ Wives

Pastors' wives have unique challenges and blessings. Ruby shares about four things that have been helpful to her over the years: humility, helper, heaven, and holiness.

Encouragement To Endure to the End


Encouragement To Endure to the End

Every true Christian is in the battle of enduring and persevering faith and it is the most strenuous battle on earth. In Hebrews 10:39 it says those...

Encouragement to Those Starting a Church


Encouragement to Those Starting a Church

Discouragement can be a big temptation when starting a church.

Encouraging Conversation at the Church Meetings


Encouraging Conversation at the Church Meetings

When we are with other Christians, we should purposely plan on turning the conversation to spiritual things. One way is to ask specific questions about the sermon...

Enslaved in Sin to Born Again


Enslaved in Sin to Born Again

Hi. My name's Steven. I was born and raised here in San Antonio. I'm twenty-eight years old and this is my testimony. You know the Scripture talks about in John 8:34, where Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees saying t...