Below is a list of every video post on the site that has closed captions, also called subtitles. Over the years we’ve had some email in who are deaf ask for captions in English, and this page seeks to provide that list.

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Christ’s Kingdom is Not About Position and Power


Christ’s Kingdom is Not About Position and Power

The kingdom of God is not about position and power. Yet to our amazement the disciples asked Jesus, the King, “Who is the greatest?”

Christ, The True Vine


Christ, The True Vine

John 15:5 - I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.

Christ Will Always Be There For Me


Christ Will Always Be There For Me

Jesus Christ will always be there for us, even in our worst day He will not defect from us but He will stand for us.

Christ Wants You Either Hot or Cold


Christ Wants You Either Hot or Cold

If Christ is better than the things of the world, then go after Him with abandon, be sold out for Christ.

Christ Wants Our Reaffirmation to Him


Christ Wants Our Reaffirmation to Him

When many stopped following Jesus, He looked at those left and said, "Do you want to go away as well?" We see here that Christ wants our reaffirmation to Him.

Christ The True Vine (Part 1)


Christ The True Vine (Part 1)

We come to Jesus Christ alone, and look to His finished work alone, to be received by faith alone, regarding our right standing. But we don't move on from Jesus to begin to live the Christian life and bear much fruit....

Christ the Destroyer


Christ the Destroyer

1 John 3:8 says, "The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil."

Christ Raised the Dead as a Foretaste


Christ Raised the Dead as a Foretaste

Why don't we see the dead raised today as we read about in Jesus' day? In fact, why did Jesus Himself raise the dead at all when He walked this earth?

Christ Must Come First


Christ Must Come First

When Christ comes to us, He brings all that He is and all of His blessings. But we can't seek those blessings apart from seeking Christ Himself. We can't seek to live the Christian life and obey the word...

Christ is Worth Trading Everything For


Christ is Worth Trading Everything For

Jesus Christ is the most valuable treasure there is.

Christ is Better, Boast in Him


Christ is Better, Boast in Him

You know how you can tell the true Christian? They boast in Christ. Isn't that always a dead giveaway? When we find people that profess to be Christians...

Christ Is Above All


Christ Is Above All

God wants you to live a life where you are madly in love with Jesus Christ. Where Christ excites you, you fear Him, you love Him, you find Him beautiful. You love Him more then your family and more then money. You love Him above everything. And because of that love that spills over, with joy you seek to serve Him. Isn't that the kind of life that God wants from you? - Tim Conway

Christ Died to Bring Us to God


Christ Died to Bring Us to God

Jesus Christ suffered, the just for the unjust, not so you might know a Book; but to bring us into a living fellowship and relationship with God.

Christ Breaks Down Every Ethnic Barrier


Christ Breaks Down Every Ethnic Barrier

Jesus smashed down the separations between the Jews and Gentiles. He did this that "He might create in Himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace."

Children’s Catechism Part 5


Children’s Catechism Part 5

 At this moment, we're going to have our sermon that's kind of based a bit around the catechism off of the 1689 London Confession.

Children’s Catechism – What is the Chief End of Man?


Children’s Catechism – What is the Chief End of Man?

We're going to begin our children's sermon which several adults have told me that it's been very helpful to them. And what we're talking about, children, in the little handout...

Children: Who is Man? (Part 2)


Children: Who is Man? (Part 2)

Who is man? Man is completely different than anything else God created. But man has a tremendous problem: he's dying. What can be the hope for dying man?

Children: Who is Jesus Christ? (Part 3)


Children: Who is Jesus Christ? (Part 3)

Who is Jesus Christ? He's the Savior of the world and the only way our sins can be forgiven. He's a Savior who won't turn away any who come to Him. He's also a terrifying Judge...

Children: Who is God? (Part 1)


Children: Who is God? (Part 1)

One of the most important questions we can ever ask is: Who is God? What is God like? Can we make a picture of Him?

Children: The Judgement Day (Part 4)


Children: The Judgement Day (Part 4)

Jesus Christ owns everything in creation. One day He's going to come back and history will be over and we will all give account to Him and be judged.

Children: Jesus is the Anchor of the Soul


Children: Jesus is the Anchor of the Soul

This is one of the lessons from our Children's vacation bible school. Christ alone is the Anchor of the soul that will save you from the storm...

Children of Light, Awake!


Children of Light, Awake!

We often find ourselves needing to awaken the lost to the coming judgment and their need for a Savior. But are there times when we ourselves need to be awakened?

Cheated On An Exam, Should I Clear My Conscience?


Cheated On An Exam, Should I Clear My Conscience?

"I cheated on an exam when I was lost, what should I do about it?" It is far more difficult to live with a defiled conscience than to live with whatever consequences...

Can I Work at My Job as a Believer?


Can I Work at My Job as a Believer?

One of the most difficult places to live out our Christian convictions is in the workplace. So often we’re faced with hard situations that we must...

Can God Die?


Can God Die?

When Jesus died, did His human nature die or did His divine nature die? If only His human nature died, then what is the significance of it?

Can a Christian Commit Suicide?


Can a Christian Commit Suicide?

What does the Bible say about suicide? Can someone who is a Christian commit suicide? What if I am hopeless right now? Is there hope in the Lord Jesus Christ?

Call to Me and I Will Answer You (Jeremiah 33:3)


Call to Me and I Will Answer You (Jeremiah 33:3)

God calls us to call upon Him in prayer. When we cry to Him, He promises to answer us and show us great and hidden things that we have not known. Jeremiah 33:3 says...

Bought with the Precious Blood of Christ


Bought with the Precious Blood of Christ

There are such profound and incredible truths in this sermon excerpt, I greatly encourage everyone to listen to it, it has blessed me greatly to see more and more the preciousness of the blood of Christ! He sent His son to become sin for us!

Bob Jennings’ Funeral


Bob Jennings’ Funeral

This is the entire funeral service of Bob Jennings (January 2, 1949 - November 6, 2012) apart from the songs that were song and the graveside burial.

Blessed Are Those Who Die In the Lord


Blessed Are Those Who Die In the Lord

And I heard a voice from heaven saying, "Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." "Blessed indeed," says the Spirit...

Biblically Approaching Marriage Struggles


Biblically Approaching Marriage Struggles

In order to overcome marriage struggles We must stay gospel-centered in our marriages. The more the husband grows in the revelation of God's...

Biblical Tests of True Faith


Biblical Tests of True Faith

It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it would be for someone to pass through to heaven with a shred of self-righteousness upon them.

Biblical Counsel to Walk in Sexual Purity


Biblical Counsel to Walk in Sexual Purity

To walk in purity, the believer must not just focus on guarding themselves from the sin; but they must be actively pursuing Christ and being satisfied in Him.

Beware: Don’t Mess Around With Sexual Sin


Beware: Don’t Mess Around With Sexual Sin

Brethren... I tell you this. There are people, and I know it, brethren I've seen it, people who were running hard after God, they we're being used of God and they toyed with sin and I believe their saved people,...

Better Never to Have Been Born


Better Never to Have Been Born

For the Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man if he had not been born. - Mark 14:21

Believers Are In Christ


Believers Are In Christ

It's very easy to read past the words, "in Christ", as they are all over the New Testament. Yet if we can really get a feel for how prominent this idea...

Believer: You’re Dead to Sin (Part 3)


Believer: You’re Dead to Sin (Part 3)

What truth is it that Paul wants us to be gripped by? That we are dead to sin and that in our union with Christ our relationship to sin has been severed...

Believer: God Loves You Because He Loves You


Believer: God Loves You Because He Loves You

When considering the love of God, it can be difficult at times to believe that God loves His people like He says He does. One reason for this is that when we think about human love...

Believer, You’re Loved by God!


Believer, You’re Loved by God!

If I could pray one thing for you, I mean above everything else, if you are truly a child of God, if I could give you one gift – it would be that you would comprehend...

Believer, What Happens When You Sin?


Believer, What Happens When You Sin?

What makes you doubt your salvation? Many will say, "When I sin I doubt my salvation." "When I sin there is the worst grief that comes in my heart...."