Below is a list of every video post on the site that has closed captions, also called subtitles. Over the years we’ve had some email in who are deaf ask for captions in English, and this page seeks to provide that list.

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Has the Love of God Done a Work in Your Heart?


Has the Love of God Done a Work in Your Heart?

Don Currin gives his testimony of the Grace of God saving His soul. Don used to be a baptist preacher and was preaching, but lost. Visit Don Currin Ministries. This video was uploaded by HeartCry, for more of their vi...

Flee from the Wrath of God


Flee from the Wrath of God

Flee to Christ, flee from the Wrath of God to Jesus Christ who is the City of Refuge, the only place of refuge is truly in Christ alone.

Pray for the Power of the Living God


Pray for the Power of the Living God

Oh my dear brother, listen to me. There is nothing impossible in prayer. There is nothing impossible.

Importunity in Prayer


Importunity in Prayer

Luke 18:1-8 This presentation was made on Monday, September 13, 2010 at the Society for the Preservation of Baptist Principles and Practices meeting at Plantation Road Baptist Church in Roanoke, Virginia.

There are Many Deceived Church Goers


There are Many Deceived Church Goers

Greatest mission field today is the church, or what's called the church.

Christ is Worth Trading Everything For


Christ is Worth Trading Everything For

Jesus Christ is the most valuable treasure there is.

Slip Away and Be With God


Slip Away and Be With God

How often we do we slip away and be with the Lord? Is He not the lover of our souls? Oh may God put a desire in us to pray and seek the Lord, to know Him more above all else in this quickly passing earth.

Are You Doing God’s Will or Your Own?


Are You Doing God’s Will or Your Own?

Someone says, “Well, why did you go there or why did you do this?” The answer: because I believed it to be God's will. - Paul Washer

How Do I Witness to a Nominal Christian?


How Do I Witness to a Nominal Christian?

Ask Pastor Tim | How do I evangelize someone who is a nominal Christian, in name only? What verses should I take them to?

Pray and Be Alone With God


Pray and Be Alone With God

Could it just be possible that He always wanted to slip away and be alone with God simply because He loved Him? Because He loved Him.

Tim Conway’s Testimony


Tim Conway’s Testimony

Pastor Tim Conway shares a testimony of how the Lord saved him. I grew up in an Irish Catholic family, very nominal...

Help in the Time of Need


Help in the Time of Need

Are you looking for help in the time of need in your life? Look no where else other than the throne of Grace.

One Sin Will Destroy You


One Sin Will Destroy You

One sin is enough to destroy you so may God help us all cling on to nothing but Christ alone.

My Wife the Mulberry Tree, Saved After Praying for 19 Years


My Wife the Mulberry Tree, Saved After Praying for 19 Years

Craig preaches on Luke 17:5-6 and how it relates to finally seeing his wife saved after 19 years of praying.

What Will My Small Works Count For on Judgment Day?


What Will My Small Works Count For on Judgment Day?

but I'm not absolutely certain. And he says many envision the Second Coming of Christ and Judgment Day and the entry into heaven. And all the famous people...

Die to Self, Surrender to Christ


Die to Self, Surrender to Christ

Are you going to leave your life at the disposal of God's Will?

Time is Short. Don’t Set Your Hopes on Marriage


Time is Short. Don’t Set Your Hopes on Marriage

Don't set your hopes on marriage, but on knowing Christ and living for Him. What does, "let those who have wives live as though they had none" mean?

The Beauty of Jesus Christ


The Beauty of Jesus Christ

Paul talks about what true Christianity is really about... the beauty of Jesus Christ...

You Cannot Blame God for What Happened to You


You Cannot Blame God for What Happened to You

Diego grew up in the church and only by God's Grace was saved in Christ alone at a older age. He was molested by a Catholic Priest when he was younger. He could of easily blamed God and denied the Lord because of the sins of a human sinner.

Christian Living in a Muslim Home?


Christian Living in a Muslim Home?

I currently live with my parents who are strict Muslims, I am a Christian living in a Muslim home. I have no way to fellowship with other believers...

Are You a Child of the Devil or of God?


Are You a Child of the Devil or of God?

Are you a child of the devil or of God? The common idea that everyone is a child of God is not taught in the Bible.

Tim Conway Preaching on the Love of Christ at a Wedding


Tim Conway Preaching on the Love of Christ at a Wedding

This is Tim Conway preaching at a wedding on the love of Christ for His church.

Most People Go to Hell


Most People Go to Hell

The sprain, it heals! But in hell there is no healing. It's forever and forever and forever and forever. Few there be that find it.

Few People Make it to Heaven


Few People Make it to Heaven

It ought to in a day and an age when everybody just believes getting to heaven is an easy thing. The fact is, Jesus said it's a hard thing.

Memorize All of the Scripture You Can


Memorize All of the Scripture You Can

Bob Jennings exhorts us to be diligent and disciplined in memorizing the Word of God, it is our weapon against sin, our encouragement in trouble, and our lens through which we can see Christ. "I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11

Are Mormons and Catholics Christians?


Are Mormons and Catholics Christians?

Question: I would say to James, here's his actual question: “Pastor Tim, I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon)...

The Church Is One. False Prophets Will Pay


The Church Is One. False Prophets Will Pay

My dear friend, let me tell you something: if the church is not one, there is a prayer out there that God the father did not answer for His Son.

Make It Your Aim to Fear God


Make It Your Aim to Fear God

When Paul says Look, look, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God if you're lost outside here. But he is coming to the Christians...

How to Reform a Church and Not be a Coward


How to Reform a Church and Not be a Coward

So if you're going to go into a church and reform it, here's the first thing you need to realize. You need to move slowly. You need to move with love.

Men Hate God and Suppress the Truth


Men Hate God and Suppress the Truth

Man has been thinking this way before Darwin came along. Man has been suppressing the truth that he knows about God.

This is War


This is War

Listen to me, how often do you cry out to God for greater and greater manifestations of the Spirit's power in your life? Two things about the Holy Spirit one is that we must be asking for greater manifestation of the Spirits power in our life and we must be careful. Walk on eggshells that we not grieve the Holy Spirit. What a precious treasure, that we not grieve Him. Well these are just some principles that I thought might help you because they both hurt and helped me so let's pray.

Hopeless Without Christ


Hopeless Without Christ

You have no hope. Because he's without Christ. There is no more damnable word then hopelessness. Because all over and all around... and every place in hell. That's what it is folks. That's what it is. When people fall off into the pit, that's it. Hopelessness is everywhere! Eternal hopelessness. There is no hope!

Bought with the Precious Blood of Christ


Bought with the Precious Blood of Christ

There are such profound and incredible truths in this sermon excerpt, I greatly encourage everyone to listen to it, it has blessed me greatly to see more and more the preciousness of the blood of Christ! He sent His son to become sin for us!

How Does The Spirit Bear Witness That We Are Children of God?


How Does The Spirit Bear Witness That We Are Children of God?

David asks: Also, how does the Spirit bear witness that we are children of God? Now, of course, that comes from Romans 8:16, "The Spirit Himself bears witness...

The Power of the Offensive Cross


The Power of the Offensive Cross

The Truths of the Cross are offensive to mankind.... but they Power of the Cross will radically save people by the Power of God. Have you been saved by such power?

Has the Power of the Cross Truly Set You Free?


Has the Power of the Cross Truly Set You Free?

Tim talks about how true believers are set free by the cross; free to live for holiness and die to ourselves.

Fellowship With Someone Who Claims Christ But is Living in Immorality?


Fellowship With Someone Who Claims Christ But is Living in Immorality?

My question is, in the Bible, the Lord says, ‘do not even eat’ with someone who claims Christ but is immoral.

Do You Appreciate Your Pastors?


Do You Appreciate Your Pastors?

Does our Christian culture exalt conference speakers while they forget to honor their own faithful, yet unpopular, local pastor?

Do You Have Integrity or Are You a Liar?


Do You Have Integrity or Are You a Liar?

Do you have integrity in your life? What do you do even when it seems no one is looking, and no one will ever know, do you do the right thing?

A Young Man’s War Against God in a Perverted World


A Young Man’s War Against God in a Perverted World

This is his testimony of the saving Grace of God, after living in rebellion all of his life and at war with God, the Lord saved him.