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Consider Others in Order to Stir Them Up


Consider Others in Order to Stir Them Up

If you are thinking about ways you can specifically help and encourage others then this is a tremendous measure of maturity.

Conrad Murrell’s Funeral: Forever With the Lord


Conrad Murrell’s Funeral: Forever With the Lord

"Forever with the Lord" is a video of pastor Conrad Murrell's Funeral. Those were Conrad's words about his father Alvin when he passed in 1971.

Conrad Murrell: The Passing of One Valiant for Truth


Conrad Murrell: The Passing of One Valiant for Truth

The passing of a man of God always brings special memories and attention to those who knew that man. With some of God's servants, it really can be called the end...

Conrad Murrell: Grace and Truth (Book Trailer)


Conrad Murrell: Grace and Truth (Book Trailer)

Conrad Murrell had an unusual spiritual authority, his insight into the "heart" of Scripture, his ability to analyze men and movements, his great wisdom in dealing...

Confrontation or Diplomacy


Confrontation or Diplomacy

The Biblical way is confrontation; the world’s way is diplomacy. Confrontation is the way of truth, honesty, exposure, light, hurt, cleansing, correction.

Condemned: Awaiting Execution


Condemned: Awaiting Execution

The Prince, desiring to make the wisest use of this privilege, spoke to many of them in succession, inquiring why they were condemned to death.

Complementarianism and Egalitarianism


Complementarianism and Egalitarianism

Complementarianism and egalitarianism deal with whether or not men and women are equal in their God given roles.

Coming to the Throne of Grace


Coming to the Throne of Grace

Coming to the throne of grace for help in a time of need is a constant thing in the believer's life.

Come to Christ, He is Mighty to Save


Come to Christ, He is Mighty to Save

Revelation 22:17 come and let the one who hears say come and let the one who is thirsty come let the one who take the water of life without price.

Clothed With Power From On High


Claiming to Be Wise, the Atheists Become Fools


Claiming to Be Wise, the Atheists Become Fools

Claiming to be wise, they become fools Have you guys seen that Ben Stein thing? Here are these, you know, these guys are so intellectual...

Church, The Reigning Christ is For You


Church, The Reigning Christ is For You

Paul says that Jesus Christ has put everything under His feet and been appointed as head over all for the church. Christian, do you realize what is being said?

Church Membership is Not a Numbers Game


Church Membership is Not a Numbers Game

There are many seeker sensitive "churches" that are trying to manipulate people into their church. They treat church membership like a numbers game.

Church Leaders Casually Texting Single Sisters?


Church Leaders Casually Texting Single Sisters?

Is it OK for married brothers in leadership positions to be casually texting or emailing single sisters?

Christians Smoking Marijuana?


Christians Smoking Marijuana?

Tim discusses some Biblical principles regarding the Christian's view on recreationally smoking marijuana.

Christians Share The Very Life of God


Christians Share The Very Life of God

There is only one explanation of why a person has any family resemblance to Jesus Christ; it is because they have been born of God.

Christians Dealing With Panic Attacks and Anxiety


Christians Dealing With Panic Attacks and Anxiety

How should Christians deal with panic attacks and anxiety? Does the Bible have anything to say about these issues? More than that, is the Bible sufficient for us to deal with these?

Christians Confess Sin (1 John 1:9)


Christians Confess Sin (1 John 1:9)

Confessing of sin is an evidence of someone who is in the light and has fellowship with God.

Christians Are Not Debtors to the Flesh


Christians Are Not Debtors to the Flesh

What does it mean to be a debtor to the flesh? To be a debtor to somebody means you owe them something.

Christians & Debt: The Wicked Borrow but Do Not Pay Back


Christians & Debt: The Wicked Borrow but Do Not Pay Back

How should Christians view and treat financial debt? Should Christians ever get into debt? Are different kinds of debt more significant or urgent than others?

Christianity Unique Among Religions


Christianity Unique Among Religions

Christianity is unique in that it offers a savior. All other religious leaders are mere examples and teachers, now dead and in the grave.

Christianity is Christ Dwelling in the Believer


Christianity is Christ Dwelling in the Believer

Why does the apostle Paul pray for Christians to have things that they already have? The answer is that there's more experiential reality to be had in the Christian life.

Christian: You Can Fight Sin Because You’re New!


Christian: You Can Fight Sin Because You’re New!

I need a new heart. And I got news you for you: I have one! God made me new. He saved me. He took my heart...

Christian: Keep a Tight Grip on the Lord


Christian: Keep a Tight Grip on the Lord

The enemy of our souls wants us to become distant from the Lord; to loosen our grip when it comes to our intimate relationship with Christ and to not make that the prime priority.

Christian, You Are in the Ministry


Christian, You Are in the Ministry

Ministry is not at all limited to the pastors in the church, but rather the role of the pastors is to equip the members in the church for ministry.

Christian, Take the Sword of the Spirit!


Christian, Take the Sword of the Spirit!

In the Bible swords are given and used for one reason, to kill. And the sword of the Spirit has been given to us for the exact same reason, to kill our sins.

Christian, Love Your Lost Family


Christian, Love Your Lost Family

Christian love does not undervalue or disregard natural family ties with lost family members.

Christian, God is a Father to You


Christian, God is a Father to You

Christian don't ever forget, despite what other blessings you may see your fellow brethren receive, God is your Father just as much as theirs.

Christian, Don’t Sin


Christian, Don’t Sin

1 John 2:1 shows us that what is normative for the Christian is that they don't sin.

Christian, Are You Refusing God?


Christian, Are You Refusing God?

Refusing God is not always an outright defiance like Pharaoh saying "Who is the Lord that I should obey Him?"

Christian You Have a Ministry in the Church


Christian You Have a Ministry in the Church

We must not think that ministry responsibilities in the church belong only to the pastors. The elders have a ministry, but a major part of their ministry is to equip...

Christian Unity: The Practice of Our Unity (Part 2)


Christian Unity: The Practice of Our Unity (Part 2)

Jesus doesn't want us to wait until we get to heaven for His prayer for our unity to be answered. This prayer of Jesus for our unity should be the direction of our lives here and now.

Christian Unity: The Foundation For Unity (Part 1)


Christian Unity: The Foundation For Unity (Part 1)

Unity is foundational and essential to Christ's people. This was a main theme in Christ's prayer just before He went to the cross.

Christian Unity: Consequences of Disunity (Part 3)


Christian Unity: Consequences of Disunity (Part 3)

It's no small matter when we don't deal with the sins we commit against one another in the church. We can't afford to disrupt our unity by...

Christian Stewardship When Buying a Car


Christian Stewardship When Buying a Car

Tim gives some counsel to young people about how to best use the money God has given them when buying a car.

Christian Maturity Part 5 (Faith)


Christian Maturity Part 5 (Faith)

In the 5th part of the Christian Maturity series Tim talks about faith... and living a life of faith and trusting in the Lord, is this how your life appears? Oh may it be so. Romans 14:23 says that anything not done in faith is a sin! - May God examine us all!

Christian Maturity Part 4 (Love)


Christian Maturity Part 4 (Love)

By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. - John 13:35

Christian Maturity Part 2 (Godly Conduct)


Christian Maturity Part 2 (Godly Conduct)

In part 2 of the Christian Maturity series Tim talks about how people conduct themselves. We all must step back and ask ourselves, am I conducting my life in a manner of godliness and holiness? Do you have a clear conscience? Are you beyond reproach?

Christian Maturity Part 1 (Taming the Tongue)


Christian Maturity Part 1 (Taming the Tongue)

He who guards his mouth and his tongue, guards his soul from troubles. - Proverbs 21:23 This you know, my beloved brethren but everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; - James 1:19

Christian Living in a Muslim Home?


Christian Living in a Muslim Home?

I currently live with my parents who are strict Muslims, I am a Christian living in a Muslim home. I have no way to fellowship with other believers...