The Fellowship Conference New England is yearly held in Portland, Maine. For more information visit:

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Effectual Prayer Empowered by the Spirit


Effectual Prayer Empowered by the Spirit

I am all for sharpening our minds... and a greater theological understanding, but we cannot afford for it to stop there. Does your theology make your heart dance?

Meditation is More Than Bible Reading


Meditation is More Than Bible Reading

Meditation is more than just reading your Bible, but it is to ask questions and ponder the verses with slowed down consideration. Why do people so often not meditate?

The Essential Need for Bible Meditation


The Essential Need for Bible Meditation

Meditation is to think upon, reflect, ask questions, talk with yourself and with God; about God and His Word. There is intentional daily Bible meditation...

The Christian Pilgrimage


The Christian Pilgrimage

Though the Christian pilgrimage is full of heartaches and afflictions; it is also a path full of opportunities to trust the many promises from our God.

The Good Shepherd


The Good Shepherd

Jesus is the door. He's the only way for sinners to enter heaven. But Jesus is not only the door for the sheep, but He's also the Good Shepherd...

The Barrenness of Busyness


The Barrenness of Busyness

King Solomon was an example of someone who had a fatal downward spiral in his walk with God. It didn't happen overnight. It was a slow process of compromise.

Satan’s Plan to Distract the Christian


Satan’s Plan to Distract the Christian

Satan will call all of his hordes together to keep Christians from maintaining an intimate abiding experience with Christ. One strategy the devil will...

Gospel Driven Assurance


Gospel Driven Assurance

Contrary to what some have taught, full assurance is possible in this life for every believer because Jesus Christ has secured their justification by His...

The Two Thieves at the Cross


The Two Thieves at the Cross

There are only two responses to Jesus Christ, and these two responses are represented by the two thieves who were also crucified with Christ. Every single...

From Fear to Faith in the Face of Christ


From Fear to Faith in the Face of Christ

One aspect of mortifying sin is killing our fears. Fear is a drug that makes us think wrongly and it's the beginning of defeat in any situation that...

How Do You Kill Sin?


How Do You Kill Sin?

Christians must not be passive in putting sin to death; they must be proactive. We must never take an attitude of defeat. The Bible calls us to long-term...