Watch a wide selection of hour long sermons that were given on Sunday Morning.
The Worth of One Sinner
The Worth of One Sinner
Many "churches" are impressed by big numbers, but Jesus is concerned about the individual. Christ considers one sinner worth dying for...
Crushing Idols and Communing With God
Crushing Idols and Communing With God
Are willing to eliminate things in our lives that are displeasing to God? Are we willing to be rid of idols in our lives that are not only displeasing...
The Seed of the Woman & The Serpent
The Seed of the Woman & The Serpent
A major theme in the Bible is the battle between Christ and the Devil. We see this promised from the very beginning in Genesis 3. Because of the Fall...
Where is Adam?
Where is Adam?
All of us, like Adam after he sinned, are trying to hide and get away from God. But for some people, there is a time when God comes...
Final Sermon: Trust Jesus
Final Sermon: Trust Jesus
There is a time when your heart quits trying to get to God and rests on the finished work of Jesus Christ.
Dying You Shall Die
Dying You Shall Die
One of the biggest questions that many people are asking is how to fix the problems in this world?
Fig Leaves: Hiding Our Nakedness
Fig Leaves: Hiding Our Nakedness
One of the results of the fall of Adam and Eve is that now all of us feel ashamed to be naked. No matter where you go in this world, everyone knows the shame of being naked...
The Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil
The Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil
An essential event in the Genesis creation account is the fall of man and the bringing in of sin and death to this world. We see the devil deceiving Adam...
How Should We Interpret the Creation Account?
How Should We Interpret the Creation Account?
Many professing Bible-believers are coming up with theories on how to interpret the creation account in a way that fits with what modern scientists are saying.
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
God's Word plainly teaches that He had a purpose in everything He created. What is the purpose of creation?
Mind Battles: Victory Over Wrong Thoughts
Mind Battles: Victory Over Wrong Thoughts
There are many wars that have taken place and are taking place in this world. But one of the greatest wars constantly taking place is in the mind of Christians.
The Secret Things and the Revealed Things
The Secret Things and the Revealed Things
We’ve been given a Book that contains the revelation of God and who He is. Because this Book is given to us, we should expect to be able to understand most parts of it.
Doing Greater Works Than Christ
Doing Greater Works Than Christ
Jesus said that we would do the same works that He did and even greater works. This is a glorious promise and it’s given to every believer.
Why Do People Reject Jesus Christ?
Why Do People Reject Jesus Christ?
Jesus Christ was rejected by the Jews as their Messiah when He walked on this earth. But people are still rejecting Him today, and not only rejecting...
You and Your Bible, Church, and Blind Spots
You and Your Bible, Church, and Blind Spots
This four-part series contains the following sermons: 1) You and Your Bible, 2) You and Your Church 3) You and the Holy Spirit 4) You and Your Blind Spots.
One God and Father
One God and Father
The Bible declares three distinct persons to be God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), but we need to remember that the Bible gives primacy to the Father.
Speaking the Truth in Love
Speaking the Truth in Love
And one of the primary joints that will hold us together is speaking the truth in love to one another.
No Longer Children
No Longer Children
Christ wants us to grow up into His stature; to grow in the faith and in the knowledge of Him. In order to do this, we must not remain as unstable children who don't know what we believe.
Christian, You Are in the Ministry
Christian, You Are in the Ministry
Ministry is not at all limited to the pastors in the church, but rather the role of the pastors is to equip the members in the church for ministry.
Christ’s Gifts to Men
Christ’s Gifts to Men
We’re called to unity, but not uniformity. We must be unified in the foundations of Christianity, but we must not think that all of us must be exactly the same. Christ gave us unity...
One Baptism
One Baptism
And yet when Paul is declaring foundational doctrines of our Christian unity, one of the things he includes is “one baptism”.
One Faith
One Faith
What does Paul mean when he talks about “one faith”? Is he talking about the subjective faith of individuals or the objective body of truth contained...
One Body, One Spirit, One Hope
One Body, One Spirit, One Hope
As Christians, we're called to unity, but not unity at any price. Our unity is centered around Jesus Christ.
The Unity of the Spirit
The Unity of the Spirit
We are called to be eager to maintain unity. But why is unity so important? And how do we become eager to maintain unity with other Christians?
Choose Life or Lust, Christ or Sexual Sin
Choose Life or Lust, Christ or Sexual Sin
Sexual sin has been a problem in all generations, but there's no question that our current generation faces it and has access to it far more than any other generation in history.
Christian Unity: Consequences of Disunity (Part 3)
Christian Unity: Consequences of Disunity (Part 3)
It's no small matter when we don't deal with the sins we commit against one another in the church. We can't afford to disrupt our unity by...
Christian Unity: The Practice of Our Unity (Part 2)
Christian Unity: The Practice of Our Unity (Part 2)
Jesus doesn't want us to wait until we get to heaven for His prayer for our unity to be answered. This prayer of Jesus for our unity should be the direction of our lives here and now.