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Ugly Pride: Wanting to Be Recognized by People


Ugly Pride: Wanting to Be Recognized by People

The non-Christian world is full of pride, but pride can sadly creep into the church as well. We can inwardly desire the glory...

Humility Necessary for the Christian to Work Properly


Humility Necessary for the Christian to Work Properly

The Bible urges us to walk worthy of God's calling; one of the characteristics of a walk worthy of our calling is humility. The Bible also calls members...

Two Types of Christians? Converts and Disciples?


Two Types of Christians? Converts and Disciples?

Can a person be a Christian without being a disciple of Jesus Christ? If we teach that “disciple” and “Christian” are synonymous terms, then are we teaching a works salvation? Can a case be made in the Bible for a dis...

Be Honest About Your Failures and Determined to Change


Be Honest About Your Failures and Determined to Change

Are we honest before God in our areas of needed growth in our lives? In addition, are we determined and resolved by the grace of God...

Satan’s Strategy to Accuse and Paralyze You With Doubt


Satan’s Strategy to Accuse and Paralyze You With Doubt

Satan will often try to shatter the believer's peace of mind by deceiving them into believing the conviction they are experiencing is from...

Do I Have True or False Assurance?


Do I Have True or False Assurance?

What is the difference between faith and assurance? Can a person have one without the other? This is one topic that multitudes struggle with and are plagued by.

Don’t Look for Perfection in a Spouse


Don’t Look for Perfection in a Spouse

Single Christians who want to be married should not be expecting perfection in a potential spouse and setting unreasonable standards.

Is the Resurrection More Important Than the Cross?


Is the Resurrection More Important Than the Cross?

Someone asked, "Instead of the Cross, should our focus rather be on the resurrection of Christ?"

Don’t Be a Young, Proud, Know-It-All


Don’t Be a Young, Proud, Know-It-All

Sadly, one of the vices that plagues young people is pride. It's often overlooked if a young person has a quiet and humble disposition.

Our Joys and Sorrows Are Temporal


Our Joys and Sorrows Are Temporal

Our lives can't be marked by our sorrows or our joys. They have to be marked by living for eternity despite our sorrows and our joys.

God Hates the Sin and the Sinner


God Hates the Sin and the Sinner

It's a very unpopular thought to consider that God hates sinners. But this is how a holy God feels about those who live in rebellion against Him.




The prayer of Paul in Ephesians 3 could be argued as being one of the most glorious prayers in the Bible... but we must go onward.

Filled With All the Fullness of God


Filled With All the Fullness of God

What does it mean to be filled with all the fullness of God? This isn’t a made up phrase by religious mystics who don’t know the Bible.

Make God’s Name Your Argument in Prayer


Make God’s Name Your Argument in Prayer

God has great concern for His Name and what this world says about Him. We should appeal to God's Name for the sake of answering our prayers. Are your prayers related to God's Name and reputation?

September 11th & God


September 11th & God

Angela Braxton was on the 80th floor of one of the Twin Towers when the first plane hit. In this brief video she shares of her terrifying escape...

In Our Spiritual Fluctuations Christ Loves Us Still


In Our Spiritual Fluctuations Christ Loves Us Still

Our love for Christ often weakens and distance comes between us and Christ. There are times we become sluggish in our walk with Him...

What is Your Beloved More Than Another Beloved


What is Your Beloved More Than Another Beloved

In spiritual terms, Christ has made us a beautiful garden to bear all sorts of pleasant fruit for Him. He’s making us a garden that He delights to walk in. Do you look at yourself like that, believer?

The Christian is Marked by Eternity


The Christian is Marked by Eternity

The Christian's life is one marked by eternity; they are a person who lives loosely connected to their earthly existence. The believer deals with this present world...

Spiritual Progress: Evangelism


Spiritual Progress: Evangelism

The spreading of the gospel is one of the most important responsibilities of the church. What are some common reasons why many churches and many Christians are slacking in their evangelism?

Spiritual Progress: Giving Our Money


Spiritual Progress: Giving Our Money

Jesus' parable of the unjust steward is a great rebuke to Christians. It's a sad reality that oftentimes the lost world is better at living...

Beware of False Gospels


Beware of False Gospels

In the days of the early church, false gospels were being brought in by false teachers. Our day is no different. Many are promoting that the Biblical gospel is incomplete...

The Church’s Responsibility to the Pastors


The Church’s Responsibility to the Pastors

Pastors have weighty responsibilities to the church; but the church and its members also have responsibilities to the pastors. What does God's Word...

Spiritual Progress: Prayer (Order & Argument)


Spiritual Progress: Prayer (Order & Argument)

When we pray, we ought to be able to make a case before God why He should answer our prayers. We should be able to argue and reason with God...

What Are the Pastors’ Roles in the Church?


What Are the Pastors’ Roles in the Church?

A biblical church is meant to be led by pastors. A church without pastors is a church without order.

Children: The Judgement Day (Part 4)


Children: The Judgement Day (Part 4)

Jesus Christ owns everything in creation. One day He's going to come back and history will be over and we will all give account to Him and be judged.

Children: Who is Jesus Christ? (Part 3)


Children: Who is Jesus Christ? (Part 3)

Who is Jesus Christ? He's the Savior of the world and the only way our sins can be forgiven. He's a Savior who won't turn away any who come to Him. He's also a terrifying Judge...

Children: Who is Man? (Part 2)


Children: Who is Man? (Part 2)

Who is man? Man is completely different than anything else God created. But man has a tremendous problem: he's dying. What can be the hope for dying man?

Children: Who is God? (Part 1)


Children: Who is God? (Part 1)

One of the most important questions we can ever ask is: Who is God? What is God like? Can we make a picture of Him?

A Fountain Has Been Opened, Come and Drink


A Fountain Has Been Opened, Come and Drink

Are you a sinner? Are you dirty? Have you done things unspeakably wicked? You can be forgiven and changed by Jesus Christ.

Practical Advice to Avoid Burnout As a Pastor


Practical Advice to Avoid Burnout As a Pastor

Men in the ministry need to be careful to not burnout. What are some things they can do to prevent and combat against burning out and being of no use in the ministry?

Listening to Preachers Who Associate With Heretics?


Listening to Preachers Who Associate With Heretics?

What should we think about well-known preachers, with sound doctrine, who begin to associate or partner with others who have bad theology?

Christian: Keep a Tight Grip on the Lord


Christian: Keep a Tight Grip on the Lord

The enemy of our souls wants us to become distant from the Lord; to loosen our grip when it comes to our intimate relationship with Christ and to not make that the prime priority.

Convinced I Am Doomed to Hell Because of Vow


Convinced I Am Doomed to Hell Because of Vow

If a person makes a vow and sells their soul to the devil, can they be saved? If a person verbalizes that they sell their soul in exchange for something they desire...

Is Your Spiritual Progress Evident to All?


Is Your Spiritual Progress Evident to All?

In the Christian life, we should be making progress that will be visible for others to see and notice. Are you making spiritual progress on your way to heaven?

Marriage Advice for Christians


Marriage Advice for Christians

What marriage advice can you give to those who are married? What are the strongest encouragements or strongest points of exhortation...

But As For Me


But As For Me

There are quite a few Scriptures that contain the phrase, "But as for me." These verses are exemplary attitudes and resolves for Christians to have that should distinguish them from others.

A Lily Among Brambles (Song of Solomon Part 3)


A Lily Among Brambles (Song of Solomon Part 3)

Although Christians may not feel it and may find it hard to believe, Christ really does view them as spotless and lovely in His sight.

Why Are There So Many Hypocrites in the Church?


Why Are There So Many Hypocrites in the Church?

A common fault that non-Christians find with Christianity is that there are too many hypocrites in the church. What can be said about this? Is this a valid charge?

Young Believers Need Courage to Stand Alone


Young Believers Need Courage to Stand Alone

What are your greatest fears for young believers in our generation? Young believers must be willing to stand alone for the truth and for Christ and not succumb to peer pressure.

How to Be An Encouragement to Your Pastor During Trials (Part 3)


How to Be An Encouragement to Your Pastor During Trials (Part 3)

Pastors will face incredible difficulties in leading the church. Clint Leiter shares some of the fiery trials he went through after Bob Jennings went to be with the Lord.