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The Forgotten Factor of Divine Correction


The Forgotten Factor of Divine Correction

Often, when people think about God's love for those who believe, they neglect to think about his love which is evident in his divine correction of us.

Practice Spiritual Disciplines by Faith Regardless of Feelings


Practice Spiritual Disciplines by Faith Regardless of Feelings

We ought to practice spiritual disciplines by faith regardless of how we subjectively feel. Q: In the process of adopting...

Are You Dynamite Or A Peacemaker In The Church?


Are You Dynamite Or A Peacemaker In The Church?

Blessed are the peacemakers, according to James chapter 3. Could it be said that you are pursuing peace and unity within your church?

Do Not Box As One Beating The Air


Do Not Box As One Beating The Air

Are you actively seeking godliness in your life? 1 Corinthians 9:26 - So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air.

Take Heed To Your Character


Take Heed To Your Character

1 Timothy 4:16 - Keep a close watch on YOURSELF and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers.

Questioning God’s Ways – Why Did God Permit Sin?


Questioning God’s Ways – Why Did God Permit Sin?

How do you respond to one who is questioning God's ways? The man was taken aback by the ready retort...

Wolves and A Snake


Wolves and A Snake

Wolves and a snake seek to cause division and obstruct the truth. Those who take on the characteristics of the wolf and the snake...

Power Of Prayer Impacting The Course Of Human History


Power Of Prayer Impacting The Course Of Human History

Are you aware of the power and impact of prayer on human history?

How Long, O LORD? Will You Forget Me Forever?


How Long, O LORD? Will You Forget Me Forever?

There are pressing needs that you have prayed about, and asked the LORD, "How long, O LORD?"

Don’t Make The Mistake Of The Pharisee


Don’t Make The Mistake Of The Pharisee

Don't make the mistake of the Pharisee. They had a perverted view of the sufficiency of Scripture.

Making Your Invitation A Reservation: Have You Responded?


Making Your Invitation A Reservation: Have You Responded?

In Matthew 22 Jesus compares his kingdom to that of a king who gave a wedding feast for his son and invited people to this feast.

Stop Measuring Your Love For Christ


Stop Measuring Your Love For Christ

We're here measuring our love, trying to gauge our love, comparing ourselves one with another.

The Look Of Love: Jesus’ Love For Peter


The Look Of Love: Jesus’ Love For Peter

What was the power of Christ's look to Peter after he had denied the LORD? And are you and I looking to the LORD to see His look to us?

Seeking The Lord With My Whole Heart


Seeking The Lord With My Whole Heart

There is but one way to Christ. Faith saves: the Faith of the whole heart. Jesus, save me—or I die!

Old Prophets: 8 Preachers Who Compromised In Old Age


Old Prophets: 8 Preachers Who Compromised In Old Age

During the past few years, it has occurred to me that a man could have a deeply rich and fruitful ministry for most of his life, and then in his later years do, write, or embrace something that almost, if not actually, disgraces the Lord's name and casts a shadow on his entire ministry.

What Is A Christian?


What Is A Christian?

2023 Fellowship Conference | What is a Christian? How do you define a Christian when you go to the Scriptures?

Plagued With Blasphemous & Suicidal Thoughts – Lloyd-Jones’ Counsel


Plagued With Blasphemous & Suicidal Thoughts – Lloyd-Jones’ Counsel

I seriously contemplated suicide. It was at this juncture that I asked Doctor Martyn Lloyd-Jones, for help.

Searching For Someone To Count On? Christ Is Truly Risen


Searching For Someone To Count On? Christ Is Truly Risen

There is a longing in every one of our hearts for someone we can trust and count on. Everyone longs for someone who won't let them down.

The Resurrection: A Fact Of First Importance


The Resurrection: A Fact Of First Importance

A fact of first importance is that Christ was raised from the dead according to the Scriptures.

Restoring Broken Relationships


Restoring Broken Relationships

Have you ever been hurt by another Christian and offended by them? Are you restoring broken relationships?

Is Scripture Enough? Or Need To See A Miracle?


Is Scripture Enough? Or Need To See A Miracle?

Is Scripture enough? Or do we need to see a miracle? Consider Jesus' astonishing words in Luke 16:31...

Overflowing With Hope In The God Of Hope


Overflowing With Hope In The God Of Hope

Believer, there is every reason to overflow with hope in the God of hope who overflows with love for you.

Beg God To Send More Workers Into The Harvest


Beg God To Send More Workers Into The Harvest

To the south of me, there are 42 villages that have still not heard the gospel. In 2023, how is that possible? In most remote parts of the world...

Tested By Fire: Will My Works Survive The Judgment?


Tested By Fire: Will My Works Survive The Judgment?

What does Paul mean when he says our works will be tested by fire? Will they burn up or survive the judgment?

Saved From A More Terrible Despair Than The Unpardonable Sin


Saved From A More Terrible Despair Than The Unpardonable Sin

When going into counseling this lady Ichabod thought, "I had expected the old affair of the 'unpardonable sin,' or 'sin against the Holy Ghost;'...

United In Intolerance: Inflexible About Who Christ Is


United In Intolerance: Inflexible About Who Christ Is

The fact is there's an intolerance in Christianity and it offends people. In fact, let me tell you something. If you have not seen the intolerance...

Jesus Is God: Whoever Has Seen Jesus Has Seen The Father


Jesus Is God: Whoever Has Seen Jesus Has Seen The Father

In John 14:9 Jesus said, "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father." Jesus places himself in the same category as the only true God.

Sermons From 2023 Fellowship Conference New York

Sermons From 2023 Fellowship Conference New York

Recently the Fellowship Conference New York was held. You can listen to all of the sermons on the app, the videos will be available in the future. Or listen via your browser here.

If The Lord Takes ___, Is Christ Still Everything?


If The Lord Takes ___, Is Christ Still Everything?

If God were to take your parent, your spouse, your child, your health, or your closest friend is Christ still everything?

A Remedy For Troubled Hearts


A Remedy For Troubled Hearts

Do you have a troubled heart? Christ counsels us and gives us a remedy for troubled hearts. By speaking words of stability and anchoring us, Christ helps us avoid falling away.

Are You Unaware Of The Fire? There Is One Escape


Are You Unaware Of The Fire? There Is One Escape

In order to save the lost, we must convince them that they need to escape God's wrath and show them the way of escape through Jesus Christ.

After Grievous Sin, Are You Displaying Unconditional Love To Your Child?


After Grievous Sin, Are You Displaying Unconditional Love To Your Child?

Are you displaying to your lost children the fatherhood of God by your unconditional love? What happens after they have sinned grievously? How do you respond to them?

It Is Tax Season – Is It Always Wrong To Not Pay Taxes?


It Is Tax Season – Is It Always Wrong To Not Pay Taxes?

As a believer is it always wrong to not pay taxes? How should a Christian view paying taxes if the government is supporting wicked practices?

Do You Wish To See Jesus?


Do You Wish To See Jesus?

How does Jesus respond to those who say, "Sir, we wish to see Jesus" in John 12:21? Are they even able to see Jesus?

Unknown People Sharing The Gospel To All Nations


Unknown People Sharing The Gospel To All Nations

Do you neglect to reach out to certain people groups in your own life for some wrong reason?

Christ’s Call To The Church – Advance My Kingdom


Christ’s Call To The Church – Advance My Kingdom

In whatever sphere of life believers are involved in, the Lord desires that they advance his kingdom.

Will My Pet Dogs Be In Heaven? Are My Pets An Idol?


Will My Pet Dogs Be In Heaven? Are My Pets An Idol?

Are my pet dogs going to heaven? Is my pet an idol? How would you respond to someone who says, " sincerely hope that I will be reunited with my beloved pets in heaven."? On the Internet, this is one of the most commonly searched questions regarding the Bible.

Ceasing To Pray: I Have Given Up Trying To Seek God


Ceasing To Pray: I Have Given Up Trying To Seek God

Many people refuse to take God's way, but insist on their own. They put themselves in a place of seeking to teach the Lord...

Glorify, Glorified, Glorification


Glorify, Glorified, Glorification

John 13:31-32 - When he had gone out, Jesus said, "Now is the Son of Man GLORIFIED, and God is GLORIFIED in him.

Reliance On Man: “Tell Me What To Do”


Reliance On Man: “Tell Me What To Do”

I have told you again and again. I can tell you nothing different— nothing new. You must repent if you would be saved.