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Biography on Leonard Ravenhill’s Fragrant Life, Revised and Expanded


Biography on Leonard Ravenhill’s Fragrant Life, Revised and Expanded

Leonard Ravenhill was a man greatly used by God in the 20th century. His preaching came with heart searching power and conviction.

Sin is Accessible, So is God’s Word


Sin is Accessible, So is God’s Word

With all the modern technology we have, it could be said that our generation has more access to sexual sin than any other generation in history.

Don’t Think God Can’t Expose Your Sin


Don’t Think God Can’t Expose Your Sin

So many have deluded themselves into thinking that they can hide their sin. But they forget that God has innumerable ways of exposing their sin.

Speaking the Truth in Love


Speaking the Truth in Love

And one of the primary joints that will hold us together is speaking the truth in love to one another.

No Longer Children


No Longer Children

Christ wants us to grow up into His stature; to grow in the faith and in the knowledge of Him. In order to do this, we must not remain as unstable children who don't know what we believe.

Saved or Uncertain: The Security of the Believer


Saved or Uncertain: The Security of the Believer

Many people are in distress of soul wondering if they're a Christian or not. They appear to have been saved but then are plagued with severe doubts and fears about whether they were truly converted.

Christian You Have a Ministry in the Church


Christian You Have a Ministry in the Church

We must not think that ministry responsibilities in the church belong only to the pastors. The elders have a ministry, but a major part of their ministry is to equip...

Christian, You Are in the Ministry


Christian, You Are in the Ministry

Ministry is not at all limited to the pastors in the church, but rather the role of the pastors is to equip the members in the church for ministry.

Christ’s Gifts to Men


Christ’s Gifts to Men

We’re called to unity, but not uniformity. We must be unified in the foundations of Christianity, but we must not think that all of us must be exactly the same. Christ gave us unity...

Attempt to Heal Every Broken Relationship


Attempt to Heal Every Broken Relationship

We can think of many excuses to avoid confrontation with other Christians who have sinned against us, but we must attempt to heal every broken relationship that has been damaged.

There is No Limit to Where Sin Will Take You


There is No Limit to Where Sin Will Take You

Don't be deceived into thinking you can control sin. Sin has a terrible hardening effect that will take you farther than you would have imagined; there is no limit to where sin will take you.

One Baptism


One Baptism

And yet when Paul is declaring foundational doctrines of our Christian unity, one of the things he includes is “one baptism”.

Secret Sins


Secret Sins

If we want to have joy in our walk with God, if we want sweet fellowship with other Christians, if we want to be useful and effective in our service...

Are Theme Churches Biblical?


Are Theme Churches Biblical?

Are theme churches Biblical? Is it right to have our point of fellowship be based upon us all being cowboys or bikers?

Giving to Building Fund or Missions?


Giving to Building Fund or Missions?

Is it nonspiritual to give money towards a highly expensive building project in your church? What if the church is wanting to spend a lot of money on their building, but doesn't spend much, if any, money on missions?

Dreams, Visions, Lots


Dreams, Visions, Lots

What should we think about supernatural dreams and casting lots? These ideas are mentioned in the Bible, but how should we apply them?

On What Basis Will We Be Judged on Judgment Day?


On What Basis Will We Be Judged on Judgment Day?

Judgment Day is a coming reality for every single one of us. Our eternal sentences will be pronounced and the verdict will be final.

Options for Finding a Spouse


Options for Finding a Spouse

What options for finding a spouse should a single person consider? More so than considering the options, what type of heart attitude...

One Faith


One Faith

What does Paul mean when he talks about “one faith”? Is he talking about the subjective faith of individuals or the objective body of truth contained...

One Lord


One Lord

The doctrine of the Lordship and exclusiveness of Jesus Christ is something that no Christian will tolerate disagreement on.

How Should We Interpret Dreams?


How Should We Interpret Dreams?

How should we interpret dreams that appear to be supernatural? Does God give dreams to people that communicate something to them?

Don’t Go to Hell Over Your Cellphone


Don’t Go to Hell Over Your Cellphone

There's nothing worth losing your soul over. Smartphones have become such a vital part of our culture that people consider them as a necessity.

Following Christ Day by Day (2019 Fellowship Conference Trailer)


Following Christ Day by Day (2019 Fellowship Conference Trailer)

Join us at our annual conference for fellowship, preaching, and singing that center on the glory of God.

Don’t Let Lack of Results Discourage Your Evangelism


Don’t Let Lack of Results Discourage Your Evangelism

Many Christians give up on evangelism because they don't see any fruit or results from their labor. We should not let a lack of results discourage...

Be a Servant in the Church, Not a Consumer


Be a Servant in the Church, Not a Consumer

Our world is full of consumers and people who only care about what they can get and not how they can serve. Our attitude when...

Can I Work at My Job as a Believer?


Can I Work at My Job as a Believer?

One of the most difficult places to live out our Christian convictions is in the workplace. So often we’re faced with hard situations that we must...

Do Believers Who Had an Immoral Past Know God More?


Do Believers Who Had an Immoral Past Know God More?

Does having an outwardly immoral life mean that if you become a Christian, you will know God more and be more mature than those who didn't live such a life?

What Do We Do About Heretical Movements?


What Do We Do About Heretical Movements?

How should we respond to movements that teach false doctrine? Should we stay up to date with the latest resources that explain and expose the movement?

How Could the Thief on the Cross Be Saved?


How Could the Thief on the Cross Be Saved?

Some ask, "How was the thief on the cross saved if he didn't live a righteous life?" Let us consider what this implies about how they believe a person is declared right before God.

Hoping in Christ in the Midst of Losing a Spouse


Hoping in Christ in the Midst of Losing a Spouse

This world is full of people who are hurting, from losing a spouse, or other trials of different severity. Many of them seem to be seeking God in the midst of their pain.

Thoughts About John Allen Chau’s Death


Thoughts About John Allen Chau’s Death

What are Christians to make of the recent controversy regarding the death of John Allen Chau? Should we look down on him as one guilty of foolish presumption...

Thin-Skinned Christians Ruin Churches


Thin-Skinned Christians Ruin Churches

One of the worst things a church can have is people who are thin-skinned and easily offended. May God keep us from ever manifesting such un-Christ-like characteristics.

One Body, One Spirit, One Hope


One Body, One Spirit, One Hope

As Christians, we're called to unity, but not unity at any price. Our unity is centered around Jesus Christ.

Should Christians Save or Invest?


Should Christians Save or Invest?

The Bible clearly commands us to give. But is it ever okay to save our money or to invest it? Should we give our money away whenever we earn it and not have any savings?

You Are Not Most Important


You Are Not Most Important

One of the biggest battles Christians face in their church is with selfishness. Christians should not be consumed with themselves and their own interests.

The Unity of the Spirit


The Unity of the Spirit

We are called to be eager to maintain unity. But why is unity so important? And how do we become eager to maintain unity with other Christians?

The Church Needs to Be Protected From the Inside


The Church Needs to Be Protected From the Inside

Pastors can have a tendency to expect attacks to come on the church from the outside. But Paul warns the Ephesian elders that wolves are going to attack the church from within.

How to Address Someone Who Seems to Be a False Convert


How to Address Someone Who Seems to Be a False Convert

If we suspect that someone we know who claims to be a Christian may actually be a false convert, how should we address them?

Are Church Denominations Divisive or Necessary?


Are Church Denominations Divisive or Necessary?

There are many different groups and denominations that fall under the umbrella of "Christianity." Is this a sign of division?

Nothing Damages the Church Like Proud People


Nothing Damages the Church Like Proud People

The spirit of our age is telling us that we need to trust and believe in ourselves. But this mindset will severely divide and damage a church...