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The Miracle of Creation


The Miracle of Creation

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. God made this universe so vast and so intricate to show us how powerful He is.

Better to Marry Than to Burn With Passion?


Better to Marry Than to Burn With Passion?

What does the Bible mean when it says that it is better to marry than to burn? Does mean that marriage is the cure for sexual impurity?

2019 Fellowship Conference New England


2019 Fellowship Conference New England

The Fellowship Conference New England will be held on August 1-3, 2019. "Each year there is Biblical preaching and teaching...

No One Will Be Missing on Judgment Day


No One Will Be Missing on Judgment Day

A day that few people think about is Judgment Day. But that day is a day when every single person that's ever lived in the history of humanity will be present.

There Are No Bench Warmers in the Kingdom of God


There Are No Bench Warmers in the Kingdom of God

Sports teams have those who are starters and those who sit on the bench. In the kingdom of God, in the church, there is no one who sits on the bench.

Genesis Under Attack: Devilish Dogmatic Assertions


Genesis Under Attack: Devilish Dogmatic Assertions

We are living in a day where brilliant men with incredible intellects and stunning credentials are making dogmatic assertions that the creation account...

You Can Learn to Be Content


You Can Learn to Be Content

We must learn, as Paul did, to be content. Being discontent is a sin and is believing the lie that God made a mistake in our life.

Jesus Christ Has Authority Over Death


Jesus Christ Has Authority Over Death

The great hope of every Christian is that the grave will not be the end for them when they die. Jesus Christ will one day raise them up to everlasting life.

What to Do When Your Thought Life is Attacked


What to Do When Your Thought Life is Attacked

It may be easy to not allow our body to go to sinful places. But what are we to do when we find our mind being bombarded by wicked things?

Mind Battles: Victory Over Wrong Thoughts


Mind Battles: Victory Over Wrong Thoughts

There are many wars that have taken place and are taking place in this world. But one of the greatest wars constantly taking place is in the mind of Christians.

The Secret Things and the Revealed Things


The Secret Things and the Revealed Things

We’ve been given a Book that contains the revelation of God and who He is. Because this Book is given to us, we should expect to be able to understand most parts of it.

The Importance of Encouraging One Another


The Importance of Encouraging One Another

An often overlooked ministry in the church is the ministry of encouragement. We need to be encouraged by other Christians, and other Christians also need to be encouraged by us.

God Does Not Bring Our Sins Back


God Does Not Bring Our Sins Back

Every person needs a covering for their sin. The only covering available for sinners is the obedience of Jesus Christ. And once God has put away our sins...

Do You Show Respect of Persons in the Church?


Do You Show Respect of Persons in the Church?

One of the subtle ways we sin is by showing respect of persons in the church. Do you treat the well known and gifted people in the church...

Doing Greater Works Than Christ


Doing Greater Works Than Christ

Jesus said that we would do the same works that He did and even greater works. This is a glorious promise and it’s given to every believer.

The Commonplace Christian is the Glory of the Church


The Commonplace Christian is the Glory of the Church

Most of us will be not be remembered after we die. We'll be forgotten by the world and only a fading memory to those who knew us.

The Sufferings of the Cross


The Sufferings of the Cross

One of the major ways Christ became like us was that He was able to suffer in the same ways we do. When He went to the cross...

Is Jesus Christ the Source of Your Joy?


Is Jesus Christ the Source of Your Joy?

Christian, do you believe you can have true joy from Jesus Christ even in the worst of circumstances?

Sorrow Turned Into Joy


Sorrow Turned Into Joy

Jesus taught and promised amazing things to His disciples the night before He died. One of these amazing promises is that they would have fullness...

2019 Fellowship Conference Livestream

2019 Fellowship Conference Livestream

For those interested in watching the Fellowship Conference live stream you can go to the following link to see the sessions via YouTube.

Why Do People Reject Jesus Christ?


Why Do People Reject Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ was rejected by the Jews as their Messiah when He walked on this earth. But people are still rejecting Him today, and not only rejecting...

Do You Really Need a Church? (Part 1)


Do You Really Need a Church? (Part 1)

We are living in the digital age and can access so many sermons from the internet. Is it really still necessary and vital to be a participating member who shows up in person at a local church?

When Should You Leave a Church? (Part 2)


When Should You Leave a Church? (Part 2)

When should Christians leave a church? Sadly many Christians are willing to leave sound, biblical churches just over preferences. What are the issues that are worth leaving for?

Should You Move to Join a Church? (Part 3)


Should You Move to Join a Church? (Part 3)

Some Christians see their great need to be part of a biblical church, but as far as they can discern, there's no biblical church near where they live.

You and Your Bible, Church, and Blind Spots


You and Your Bible, Church, and Blind Spots

This four-part series contains the following sermons: 1) You and Your Bible, 2) You and Your Church 3) You and the Holy Spirit 4) You and Your Blind Spots.

Everything is Futile Without Christ


Everything is Futile Without Christ

There is a multitude of different things that people in this world love, live for, and build their life upon, but it is all empty and vanity without Christ.

Remarrying Someone You Had Previously Married?


Remarrying Someone You Had Previously Married?

If a man and woman get divorced, the woman gets saved, and neither of them has remarried, would it be ok if they got married again?

Is It Acceptable and God’s Will?


Is It Acceptable and God’s Will?

If a decision you make is truly acceptable and God's will, then it will not contradict what is in the Bible.

How Far Can a Person Go As a False Convert?


How Far Can a Person Go As a False Convert?

False conversion is a major and sobering theme in the Bible. How much of a true Christian can a person seem to look like, and in the end turn out to be deceived?

Don’t Let Your Doctrine Lead You Away From Christ


Don’t Let Your Doctrine Lead You Away From Christ

There are many people who strongly argue for things they find in the Bible, and their passion for their doctrine ends up leading them away from Christ.

What If Your Thought Life Was Live Streamed?


What If Your Thought Life Was Live Streamed?

What if someone told you that your every thought from the day you were born has been recorded and will be live streamed today? And not only that...

Christian, God is a Father to You


Christian, God is a Father to You

Christian don't ever forget, despite what other blessings you may see your fellow brethren receive, God is your Father just as much as theirs.

One God and Father


One God and Father

The Bible declares three distinct persons to be God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), but we need to remember that the Bible gives primacy to the Father.

Should a Church Meet in a House or a Building?


Should a Church Meet in a House or a Building?

There is nothing in Scripture that mandates we meet in one place or another. Rather we are free to meet where it works for our circumstances.

Using Negative Commands is Not Legalism


Using Negative Commands is Not Legalism

Legalism is something we must certainly be on guard against. But we must also be sure that we know just what legalism actually is... or more specifically...

Do You Know What You Really Believe?


Do You Know What You Really Believe?

It is when the fierce winds of trials and suffering come that people often ask themselves what they really believe. What do you believe about Jesus Christ?

Fan Into Flame Your Gifts


Fan Into Flame Your Gifts

Fire can not only be quenched from dousing water on it, but it can also die just by letting it sit there. The same principle applies to our spiritual gifts.

Missionary Paul Snider: Health Update & Insights From the Field


Missionary Paul Snider: Health Update & Insights From the Field

Paul Snider, a missionary to the Korowai people of Papua, shares some valuable insight from years spent on the mission field.

Don’t Let the World Define Christianity


Don’t Let the World Define Christianity

The world has its definition of what it thinks Christianity should be. Not surprisingly, it doesn't resemble what the Bible and what God defines Christianity is.

No Longer Perishing in Futility


No Longer Perishing in Futility

As Christians, we are called to no longer walk the way we did when we were lost; to no longer walk as this dark world walks.