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The Anatomy of Temptation: Does God Tempt Us or Not?


The Anatomy of Temptation: Does God Tempt Us or Not?

In James 1:12-16, the passage highlights the blessedness of those who endure trials, emphasizing the eventual reward of eternal life promised to those who remain steadfast in their faith. It warns against attributing ...

The Danger of Using God’s Sovereignty Against Yourself


The Danger of Using God’s Sovereignty Against Yourself

I especially want to speak to those of you who are currently using God's sovereignty against yourself.

Rejoice Ye Poor, Ye Rich, Ye Tried!


Rejoice Ye Poor, Ye Rich, Ye Tried!

Believer, though you may be lowly in this world, do you rejoice in the great riches that await you in paradise with Christ?

Crushed Serpent Through A Crushed Savior—Who Is Now Risen!


Crushed Serpent Through A Crushed Savior—Who Is Now Risen!

Jesus Christ crushed the head of the serpent, yet Isaiah 53 states that God the Father crushed Christ—Christ was bruised so that the serpent's head would be bruised.

The Substitutionary Sacrifice: Jesus Paid It All


The Substitutionary Sacrifice: Jesus Paid It All

"Jesus Paid It All." If you're in Christ, He has cast your sins out of His sight, as far as the East is from the West.

The Wisdom Giving God: Are You Asking?


The Wisdom Giving God: Are You Asking?

Believer, do you consistently seek wisdom from the LORD? Wisdom encompasses more than just knowledge...

Putting Prayer in Perspective: Our Father’s Vast Universe


Putting Prayer in Perspective: Our Father’s Vast Universe

The thoughts shared really helped put prayer in perspective: in view of our Father's vast universe, He yet looks down and hears us!

God’s Nightingales Sing In The Dark


God’s Nightingales Sing In The Dark

In the midst of our affliction, let's heed Paul's words. Despite the challenges, he speaks of overflowing joy.

Boring Sermons – and How Not to Preach Them!


Boring Sermons – and How Not to Preach Them!

In this message on homiletics, Stuart Olyott speaks on, "Boring Sermons – and How Not to Preach Them!" and shares helpful preaching tips.

How To Say Goodbye To Anxiety Today


How To Say Goodbye To Anxiety Today

Let's turn in our Bibles to Philippians to develop then things that Stuart said on Wednesday. Philippians 4 verse , Rejoice in the Lord always, Again, I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone....

Why There’s No Reason to Ever Lose Your Peace


Why There’s No Reason to Ever Lose Your Peace

My life may and will have many problems, but there is no reason for me to ever lose my peace.

Supernatural Christianity


Supernatural Christianity

2024 Fellowship Conference | The question often arises: If the supernatural described in Mark 16:14-18 is relevant today, where is it?

Burning Hearts: The Nature of Spiritual Experience


Burning Hearts: The Nature of Spiritual Experience

Stuart Olyott, author of "Something Must Be Known and Felt," discusses the nature of spiritual experiences...

Unraveling the Depths of Christ’s Sacrifice


Unraveling the Depths of Christ’s Sacrifice

Geoff Thomas | 2024 Fellowship Conference | Session #4

Is Grace Still Amazing? Rediscovering Awe in God’s Presence


Is Grace Still Amazing? Rediscovering Awe in God’s Presence

Michael Durham challenges the congregation to reevaluate their perception of grace, contrasting it with the righteous judgment of God.

Not An Eclipse: Three Hours of Global Darkness


Not An Eclipse: Three Hours of Global Darkness

The total eclipse is a global spectacle, but did you know there was an event where complete darkness lasted for three hours?

An Unseen Bubble: Divine Protection From A Present God


An Unseen Bubble: Divine Protection From A Present God

A woman approached a pastor, troubled by a recurring dream. She described living in a protective bubble, impervious to illness, spite...

God Is Not Far From Each One Of Us


God Is Not Far From Each One Of Us

Acts 17:27 - So that they would search for God and perhaps grope around for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.

Fall In Line Behind Your Warrior Captain


Fall In Line Behind Your Warrior Captain

In Joshua 5, we witness a theophany: God appears to Joshua in the form of a man. Does God join us, or do we join Him? Are we in our rightful place?

Calvary’s Miracles: Darkness, the Torn Veil, Earthquake, and the Resurrection of Saints


Calvary’s Miracles: Darkness, the Torn Veil, Earthquake, and the Resurrection of Saints

Stuart Olyott delves into the profound miracles at Calvary, exploring the mysterious darkness, the tearing of the temple veil...

2024 Fellowship Conference Livestream


2024 Fellowship Conference Livestream

The Fellowship Conference will be livestreamed on the I'll Be Honest YouTube channel. Please see the schedule below.

From Hearing to Doing: Living Out the Word of God


From Hearing to Doing: Living Out the Word of God

This Christian life involves actively receiving, believing, and applying the word to our lives. Being like the Bereans, who critically engaged with the scriptures, is crucial.

“I Am Going to Hell” | “You Raised Me in a Cult!” – Two Testimonies


“I Am Going to Hell” | “You Raised Me in a Cult!” – Two Testimonies

In this video, Jimmy shares about he and his wife's conversion through someone in the Air Force who was providentially placed next to him and boldly gave them the gospel.

Sin and Conscience: Having Certainty of Being Forgiven


Sin and Conscience: Having Certainty of Being Forgiven

Tim Conway sermon, "Sin and Conscience: Having Certainty of Being Forgiven". The eye of the conscience is now redirected.

Remembering God’s Mercies: A Journey Through Psalm 77


Remembering God’s Mercies: A Journey Through Psalm 77

Beloved, God has not forgotten to be gracious; He remains so, as I can attest from my recent experiences and from our focus on Psalm 77 today.

Slander’s Silent Poison: The Danger of Character Assassination


Slander’s Silent Poison: The Danger of Character Assassination

Have you read about the assassination attempt mentioned in the Book of Acts? It's not an action that either of us would undertake against another, is it? The assassination attempt described involved the use of pois...

Beyond the Public Eye: A Life of Secret Prayer

Beyond the Public Eye: A Life of Secret Prayer

Part 1 of the 2024 Men's Retreat | The sermon emphasizes the importance of prayer, specifically the power and necessity of secret prayer in a Christian's life.

Grace Abounding: The Transformative Power of Christ’s Love


Grace Abounding: The Transformative Power of Christ’s Love

Hi there, my name is Jake, and I want to share with you my testimony, and how Jesus Christ has had mercy on me, and given me new life in Himself.

Understanding Divine Mercy Amid Wrath


Understanding Divine Mercy Amid Wrath

"Understanding Divine Mercy Amid Wrath" focuses on Christ's sacrifice as the bridge between God's justice and mercy.

Truthfully Dealing With Sin (Part 1)


Truthfully Dealing With Sin (Part 1)

We need to truthfully deal with our sin and consider what the Bible says about sin.

Why Your Church’s ‘Love’ Might Actually Be Arrogance in Disguise


Why Your Church’s ‘Love’ Might Actually Be Arrogance in Disguise

Why are churches not practicing church discipline and excommunicating someone?

In Shadowed Seasons: Honest Journal Reflections on Depression


In Shadowed Seasons: Honest Journal Reflections on Depression

In this video, "In Shadowed Seasons: Honest Journal Reflections on Depression" pastor Kyle White shares some journal entries of Charles Spurgeon and of his own.

Feeling Guilty When Failing To Share the Gospel?


Feeling Guilty When Failing To Share the Gospel?

How should I, as a believer, respond to the sense of guilt I feel when I've failed to preach the Gospel to someone due to fear?

Testimony: False Convert Forced On ‘Mission’ Trip Finds Salvation


Testimony: False Convert Forced On ‘Mission’ Trip Finds Salvation

Jonathan shares his personal account of experiencing the saving grace of the LORD. While initially involved in superficial churches...

No Amount of Smoothness and Flattery Makes It True


No Amount of Smoothness and Flattery Makes It True

We need to understand that we as a church do not discern truth from falsehood by how smooth a person is able to be; but how they can back everything they say by chapter and verse...

Materialistic Mirage: Born With Nothing, Leave With Nothing


Materialistic Mirage: Born With Nothing, Leave With Nothing

Here's this proverb in 1 Timothy 6:7: 'We brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world.'

Are You Devoted To The Word of God?


Are You Devoted To The Word of God?

Sanctification is tied to knowing and reading God's Word (John 17:17). It's not just about knowledge...

Jehovah Tsidkenu—The Lord Is Our Righteousness


Jehovah Tsidkenu—The Lord Is Our Righteousness

What is the connection between Jeremiah 23 and Jeremiah 33? This passage focuses on a special moment in these chapters where a prophecy is mentioned.

2024 Fellowship Conference


2024 Fellowship Conference

Brethren, registration for the 2024 Fellowship Conference starts today at 6 pm CST. For more on the details and costs to stay onsite go here. Lookin to register? Register Here What is the goal of this con...

Faith That Preserves: Not Shrinking Back


Faith That Preserves: Not Shrinking Back

Hebrews 10:39 - But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls.