Tim Conway / Added Videos

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Are You a Man of Sorrows or Laughter? (Part 11)


Are You a Man of Sorrows or Laughter? (Part 11)

Jesus Christ was known as a man of sorrows not of laughter yet most Christians today are full of humor and not tears.

Are you a Christian?


Are you a Christian?

This is a powerful bible study were Tim deals with Christian assurance... what is so key is this.. CHRIST!! It's not about your performance, yet so many people will put themselves next to a measuring stick to see if they measure up... oh that is no way to gain assurance.. the question is! Are you LOOKING TO CHRIST!?

Are There Two Judgments?


Are There Two Judgments?

It sound like there's a judgment at the very end, and also a judgment immediately after a person's death. Does this mean that there are two judgments?

Are Theme Churches Biblical?


Are Theme Churches Biblical?

Are theme churches Biblical? Is it right to have our point of fellowship be based upon us all being cowboys or bikers?

Are Overweight Christians False Converts?


Are Overweight Christians False Converts?

This one comes from Dede. She says, "There are many people in churches overweight. Is obesity a sin? Are overweight Christians false converts? What does the Bible say? Thank you."

Are Mormons Christians?


Are Mormons Christians?

Are Mormons Christians? Are those who call themselves "Mormons" or "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" following the same beliefs of those who call themselves "Christians"?

Are Mormons and Catholics Christians?


Are Mormons and Catholics Christians?

Question: I would say to James, here's his actual question: “Pastor Tim, I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon)...

Are Hip Hop, Sports, and Movie Watching Worldly?


Are Hip Hop, Sports, and Movie Watching Worldly?

When it comes to what it is to be worldly, isn't it interesting how we have this tendency to come up with...

Are Church Denominations Divisive or Necessary?


Are Church Denominations Divisive or Necessary?

There are many different groups and denominations that fall under the umbrella of "Christianity." Is this a sign of division?

Are Certain Hand Signs Satanic?


Are Certain Hand Signs Satanic?

Are certain hand signs satanic? Hand gestures can have a variety of meaning depending upon their use in a specific culture. So can a hand signal mean something satanic?

Appreciating Our Adoption


Appreciating Our Adoption

Many Reformed theologians consider adoption to be the very highest privilege that the Gospel offers. Yet, it seems that the church has historically neglected this doctrine...

Antichrists and Anointings


Antichrists and Anointings

An antichrist doesn't deny the existence of Jesus altogether, but rather they change the Truth about Him; they are opposed to the biblical Christ.

An Utterly Unique God


An Utterly Unique God

God is wanting Isaiah to tell His people that He wants to be known as the God who acts on behalf of any who wait upon Him. Waiting sounds easy but in a sense it is easy and in a sense it is hard.

Amos: Do You Show Mercy? (Part 1)


Amos: Do You Show Mercy? (Part 1)

Amos | Part 1 | When asked if you are a true believer, does someone ask you, "Do you show mercy?" Israel lacked showing mercy.

Amazing Access to the Father


Amazing Access to the Father

The Gospel gets us all the way to having access with God the Father. This access to God is the summit of it all. It does not get any better than this.

Am I Unknowingly Coveting Something?


Am I Unknowingly Coveting Something?

Is there something or someone I am unknowingly coveting? Do I unconsciously covet riches and prosperity?

Am I Sinning by Not Ministering at an Abortion Clinic?


Am I Sinning by Not Ministering at an Abortion Clinic?

What should we think of Christians who are accusing other Christians and other churches of being in sin for not going to an abortion clinic to protest against the murders being committed?

Am I Saved? 10 Tests of Assurance


Am I Saved? 10 Tests of Assurance

One of the tests of assurance in a persons life is how do they act when nobody is watching.

Am I Gossiping or Building Up?


Am I Gossiping or Building Up?

You will kill gossip in the church if you have a church that won't listen to gossip.

Am I Depressed For What I Believe?


Am I Depressed For What I Believe?

"I wanted to know if you ever get depressed when you think about the fact that you have no historical or scientific evidence to back up what you believe?"

Afraid I Committed The Unpardonable Sin


Afraid I Committed The Unpardonable Sin

Do you fear that you have committed the unpardonable sin? You may have, but nevertheless run to Christ. You say, "Isn't that a contradiction?"

Adultery In The Heart


Adultery In The Heart

Jesus compares this war on lust with someone cutting off their own limb or gouging out their own eye. We must deal drastically with sin...

Absent From the Body, Present With the Lord


Absent From the Body, Present With the Lord

Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord. So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him. - 2 Corinthians 5:8-9

Abel Still Speaks, What is He Saying?


Abel Still Speaks, What is He Saying?

There is nothing recorded in the Bible of what Abel actually said. So how does his offering speak to us? We must look at his life and see what it says about faith and imitate it.

A Wonderful Reality: The Spirit’s Grief


A Wonderful Reality: The Spirit’s Grief

If there's one Person in the Godhead who has been depersonalized by many, it's the Holy Spirit. But Christian, don't forget that you have the...

A Warning Against Lazy Praying


A Warning Against Lazy Praying

When we gather together in our prayer meetings there should be a militancy about those prayers. Is there the smell of war on those prayers? Because we are at war.

A Venture into Hard Things: Part 2


A Venture into Hard Things: Part 2

This is the second of two messages in which Matthew 24 is explored. Jesus taught that His own generation would not pass away until the first part of this chapter was fulfilled.

A Venture into Hard Things: Part 1


A Venture into Hard Things: Part 1

Some have said that Matthew 24 is the most difficult chapter in the entire Bible. This is the first of two messages in which an attempt is made to try to make sense of this difficult chapter.

A Threefold Cord: Secret Prayer, Doing Good, and Self-Denial


A Threefold Cord: Secret Prayer, Doing Good, and Self-Denial

Believer, in this upcoming year live a life with the threefold cord of secret prayer, doing good, and self-denial. As you secretly commune...

A Theology on Hardness of Heart


A Theology on Hardness of Heart

Hardness of heart is a very fearful thing, and the Bible gives terrifying warnings against it. However, is it possible for a Christian to go through a season of hardening?

A Theology of Fasting


A Theology of Fasting

As we consider what fasting is, we can see that as the Christian fasts with the right reason they are worshiping God.

A Summary of How to Kill Sin


A Summary of How to Kill Sin

This is a most important subject in our day and draws a line between true and false conversion, are you killing sin?

A Study on the Law and Legalism


A Study on the Law and Legalism

Many people will make the accusation of legalism against those who confront them about their sin. But what exactly is legalism? It is common to have legalism sneak in the door in many churches, make sure your right.

A Strong Encouragement to Hold Fast to Christ


A Strong Encouragement to Hold Fast to Christ

Intro to the Book of Hebrews. An encouragement for all believers to hold fast to Jesus Christ and confidence in Him.

A Story of Hudson Taylor’s Answer to Prayer


A Story of Hudson Taylor’s Answer to Prayer

Thus God encouraged me, upon landing on China's shores, to bring every variety of need to Him in prayer,...

A Startling Message To A Nation In Revival


A Startling Message To A Nation In Revival

What word does God give to a nation in revival? In Zephaniah, we find God's message to those in the midst of Josiah's revival...

A Remedy For Troubled Hearts


A Remedy For Troubled Hearts

Do you have a troubled heart? Christ counsels us and gives us a remedy for troubled hearts. By speaking words of stability and anchoring us, Christ helps us avoid falling away.

A Pure Bride Without Blemish


A Pure Bride Without Blemish

The Lord is well aware of our "wrinkles", and He so loves us that He is taking them out one by one.

A Movement of God: Amos Gives a Promise of Revival? (Part 2)


A Movement of God: Amos Gives a Promise of Revival? (Part 2)

In chapter 9 Amos' prophesies shift from speaking of judgment to speaking about a movement of God and the ruins being rebuilt. What is he speaking about and who does this apply to? Is Amos speaking of an abundant inga...

A Look Into God’s Courtroom


A Look Into God’s Courtroom

We all have a meeting in the courtroom of God to be judged, and we will all either be declared righteous or guilty. The problem is that we're all guilty...