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2015 Fellowship Conference


2015 Fellowship Conference

Join us as we gather together for the 6th time to fellowship around the things of our glorious Savior Jesus Christ.

Racism Condemned


Racism Condemned

If you just think about what pride is, that is what racism is rooted in.

Do Not Love the World


Do Not Love the World

When John tells us "do not love the world", the main thing he has in mind is not the possessions in the world.

Fulfill the Law of Christ


Fulfill the Law of Christ

Authors of the New Testament tell us to imitate the example of Christ and so fulfill the law of Christ (Gal. 6:2).

Being Perfected by the Spirit


Being Perfected by the Spirit

As you seek to be perfected by the Spirit, you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

Encouragement for God’s Little Children


Encouragement for God’s Little Children

The enemy of your soul will seek to condemn you because of your failures, but you know what?

Love’s True Light is Already Shining


Love’s True Light is Already Shining

One of the great tests of true Christianity is that God put's in His people a special love for other true Christians.

Overcoming Anxiety


Overcoming Anxiety

Overcoming anxiety will only happen as we turn from our fears and unbelief and trust the Lord in all our circumstances.

The Christian is Not Under the Law


The Christian is Not Under the Law

The Christian is not under the law, but is being changed into Christ's image as they live a life looking to Him.

The Law Imprisoned Men Until Christ Came


The Law Imprisoned Men Until Christ Came

Men are imprisoned under the law but due to the weakness of the flesh they do not want to be there.

Genuine Christianity Tested by Obedience


Genuine Christianity Tested by Obedience

The book of 1 John shows us that the difference between the lost and saved man is so clear that it is discernible and recognizable.

The Lord’s Supper – Properly Discerning the Body


The Lord’s Supper – Properly Discerning the Body

How consistently should a church be taking the Lord's Supper? What does it mean to eat "without discerning the body"?

What’s Wrong With That!?


What’s Wrong With That!?

God does not intend for the Christian to always approach everything they do from a negative perspective by asking, "What's wrong with that?!"

We Live With Our Eyes On Christ


We Live With Our Eyes On Christ

The Galatians were wanting to be perfected and grow and advance in the Christian life...

The Besetting Sin


The Besetting Sin

Bob Jennings sets besetting sin in the believer's life in the proper light, and exhorts the listener to greater efforts and resolve in fighting sin.

Christian, Don’t Sin


Christian, Don’t Sin

1 John 2:1 shows us that what is normative for the Christian is that they don't sin.

Christians Confess Sin (1 John 1:9)


Christians Confess Sin (1 John 1:9)

Confessing of sin is an evidence of someone who is in the light and has fellowship with God.

The Blood of Jesus Cleanses Us From All Sin


The Blood of Jesus Cleanses Us From All Sin

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

Live and Die With No Regrets


Live and Die With No Regrets

But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course...

Paul Preached Christ Crucified, Not Works


Paul Preached Christ Crucified, Not Works

The Apostle Paul was being accused of preaching a different gospel to the Jews and to the Gentiles.

I’ll Be Honest App on Amazon Kindle Fire

I’ll Be Honest App on Amazon Kindle Fire

The I'll Be Honest app is now available for Kindle Fire devices. Read more details...

Paul’s Gospel is Not According to Man


Paul’s Gospel is Not According to Man

In Galatians Paul is adamantly arguing that his Gospel came by the authority of Jesus Christ...

The Gospel in Collision with Other Powers


The Gospel in Collision with Other Powers

The task of taking the Gospel to the lost is to be taken not only occasionally, but intentionally.

Don’t Justify Yourself While Walking in Darkness


Don’t Justify Yourself While Walking in Darkness

To be walking in darkness does not just mean that you are living in scandalous sins, but it means your life is not regulated by the Word of God.

The Doctrine of Regeneration


The Doctrine of Regeneration

The doctrine of regeneration is one of the foundational doctrines of our faith and lack of clarity on it can lead to deadly error.

How To Get the Most Out of Your Pastors


How To Get the Most Out of Your Pastors

Some passages in the Bible are very hard to understand. However Hebrews 13:17 is not hard to understand, rather it's hard to hear.

God’s Light Exposes the False Christian


God’s Light Exposes the False Christian

The fundamental difference between the true Christian and false Christian is that the true Christian is reflecting God's character.

Some Thoughts on Walking With God


Some Thoughts on Walking With God

I want more, but overall I know what it is like to be walking with God.

The Peace Christ Had When Facing the Cross


The Peace Christ Had When Facing the Cross

There is a peace Christ had that he offers to us who believe. A peace that He earned for us and that is beyond any form of peace this world offers, it is to have peace with God.

What Does Fellowship with God Look Like? (Part 2)


What Does Fellowship with God Look Like? (Part 2)

Our relationship with God is called fellowship because He shares with us His love, peace and joy.

Doctrine Divides


Doctrine Divides

It is right that doctrine divides us from those who "do not abide in the teaching of Christ,"

What Does Fellowship with God Look Like? (Part 1)


What Does Fellowship with God Look Like? (Part 1)

To be in fellowship with God is to walk in the light and to see our sin properly as God sees it.

The Heavenly Race


The Heavenly Race

In the heavenly race a lot of defeat is from slothfulness, we want something for nothing, but just as the athlete is called to manage his body so is the Christian.

For the Children: Who is Jesus Christ?


For the Children: Who is Jesus Christ?

This Bible Study was taught for the children at Vacation Bible School that was done at our church.

The Benefits of Suffering


The Benefits of Suffering

The benefits of suffering are so great if we will only see the divine purposes of God that are lovingly shown to us in the midst these trials.

Enduring Suffering


Enduring Suffering

Do the sudden trials that cause you to suffer make you bitter or better?

The Christian’s Experience of Fellowship


The Christian’s Experience of Fellowship

The apostle John came along and dogmatically asserted things.

A Farewell Blessing


A Farewell Blessing

After thirteen chapters here is what the author of Hebrews wants to leave us with:

Offering Sacrifices Pleasing to God


Offering Sacrifices Pleasing to God

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

What Do You Want More Than Anything Else?


What Do You Want More Than Anything Else?

What do you want more than anything else: Money? Fame? A godly spouse? Or to just walk and commune with the Lord at your side?