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Washing One Another’s Feet?


Washing One Another’s Feet?

There are churches and denominations who appeal to Jesus' command in John 13 to say that we must participate in foot-washing.

This Isn’t the Day For Being Mr. Nice Guy


This Isn’t the Day For Being Mr. Nice Guy

This isn’t the day for us to be Mr. Nice Guy; it’s the day for us to proclaim the truth that people need to hear in order to be saved.

The Stability of Gospel Shoes


The Stability of Gospel Shoes

If we would stand in our battle against the Devil, then it's obviously important that we have the right kind of shoes for our feet that will help us to stand.

Effective Prayers Because of a Righteous Life (Part 4)


Effective Prayers Because of a Righteous Life (Part 4)

One thing the Devil fears about the righteous life of the believer is the effective prayers...

Romans 14 & Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Birthdays


Romans 14 & Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Birthdays

How should we as Christians recognize (or not recognize) the holidays that are observed by the world? How should we view other Christians...

Putting On The Breastplate of Righteousness (Part 3)


Putting On The Breastplate of Righteousness (Part 3)

A righteous life is a vital part of our armor in our spiritual battle with the Devil. Good theology and abstaining from immorality isn't enough;...

The Devil Wants You to Lose Your Balance


The Devil Wants You to Lose Your Balance

We have to remember that the Devil, our adversary, is crafty. And one of his clever tactics is making us lose our balance and making us go to extremes.

The Law Fulfilled in Christ (Matthew 5:19)


The Law Fulfilled in Christ (Matthew 5:19)

Tim considers what Jesus means in Matthew 5:19 when He says, "whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments...

There is Only One Way to be Accepted by God


There is Only One Way to be Accepted by God

The heart of the gospel is that there is a way to obtain the righteousness of God apart from the law and that is through faith in Jesus Christ. There is only one way we can be accepted before God, and that is by havin...

The Breastplate of Righteousness (Part 2)


The Breastplate of Righteousness (Part 2)

In our battle against the Devil, one of the essential parts of the armor is the breastplate of righteousness.

What is “The Rapture?” (Eschatology 101)


What is “The Rapture?” (Eschatology 101)

A teaching that has become very widespread within mainstream Christianity is the idea of the rapture. This view is very popular, but is it biblical?

A Look Into God’s Courtroom


A Look Into God’s Courtroom

We all have a meeting in the courtroom of God to be judged, and we will all either be declared righteous or guilty. The problem is that we're all guilty...

The Breastplate of Righteousness (Part 1)


The Breastplate of Righteousness (Part 1)

We are considering the Christian's call to battle, and in this message, we will start considering putting on the breastplate of righteousness. Imputed righteousness...

Luke Hahn Follow Up Interview: Responding to People’s Comments


Luke Hahn Follow Up Interview: Responding to People’s Comments

In 2018 we posted a video testimony of Luke Hahn testifying of the Lord's goodness in saving his soul. This video was entitled, "God Had to Strip Me of Everything"...

Where Are You?


Where Are You?

After Adam's sin, he was hiding in the garden, and the Lord said to Adam, "Where are you?" What about you? Are you trying to evade God?

Don’t Skip a Meal With Christ


Don’t Skip a Meal With Christ

And don't forget, it's better for your body to miss a meal of food than for your soul to miss a meal with Christ.

Do I Need a Church to Grow?


Do I Need a Church to Grow?

How important is belonging to a church for growth in the Christian life? Can a Christian grow without meeting with other believers in the church?

Responding to Others Who Take God’s Name in Vain


Responding to Others Who Take God’s Name in Vain

How should we respond when we hear others take God's Name in vain? We live in a world that for the most part...

Jesus Christ


Jesus Christ

Whether you are lost or saved, Jesus Christ is the answer to every question and solution to every need that you have. No matter what season you're in, Jesus Christ is your one great need.

The Devil of Extremes


The Devil of Extremes

The devil is a devil of extremes; he is constantly trying to get Christians to become too much of one thing to a degree that is biblically unbalanced.

Do You Trust God, Numbers, Money, or Preachers?


Do You Trust God, Numbers, Money, or Preachers?

When asked, every Christian will claim that they trust God, but your choices and reactions will be the truest indications of where your trust truly is. Is your trust in God a theory or a reality?

Satan’s Attacks Against Christian Assurance


Satan’s Attacks Against Christian Assurance

A believer's assurance of salvation is a particular place that Satan will often seek to attack. Our enemy wants to make us miserable, depressed, and defeated by believing lies that unsettle our confidence in Christ.

Jesus Christ is the Answer to Every Question


Jesus Christ is the Answer to Every Question

There's no need that Christ is unable to richly supply for the Christian. Whatever your need is, look to Christ to meet it.

What is Your Life’s Ambition?


What is Your Life’s Ambition?

Are you spending your journey wisely? Are you on the right road? What is your life’s ambition? What is the real purpose of life?

Lord, Help Me!


Lord, Help Me!

The Devil will do absolutely anything and everything he can to keep sinners from coming to Christ. Don't believe it for a second. Whoever comes to Christ won't be cast out.

Don’t Rely on Men Rely on God


Don’t Rely on Men Rely on God

God often uses men to help us but we must never forget that men are just the means that God uses. They don't have an inherent ability in themselves to help anyone. Our ultimate help has to come from God and not man.

The Way Forward: The Way of Faith


The Way Forward: The Way of Faith

We're living in very strange and difficult times; times that are going to test the genuineness of our faith. We don't know exactly what God is doing and we don't know how these times are going to end.

Will Politics Fix Our Problems?


Will Politics Fix Our Problems?

Will politics fix our problems? Our world is full of problems right now and so many people are convinced that they have the solutions for them.

The Anatomy of the Conflict


The Anatomy of the Conflict

What does the spiritual war look like for the believer? The enemy targets and attacks the mind of the believer.

How to Exasperate Your Children


How to Exasperate Your Children

The Bible admonishes parents (fathers in particular) to not exasperate their children. What are some ways that parents can exasperate their children and how can we avoid them?

Wootsi: The Wolf-Boy and His Mother


Wootsi: The Wolf-Boy and His Mother

In missionary Rosalind Goforth's book, "Climbing" she records a true story of a boy known as "Wootsi". In God's providence, the tragedy...

The Schemes of the Enemy (Part 1)


The Schemes of the Enemy (Part 1)

Do you perceive the subtle schemes of the enemy that are set against you to destroy you? It could be as subtle as having a strong desire to number how many...

How Do You React to Jesus Christ?


How Do You React to Jesus Christ?

People are astonished at Christ of one of two ways; they’re either horrified by Him, or they’re silenced and humbled by Him. How do you react to Jesus Christ?

The Dream of Pilate’s Wife


The Dream of Pilate’s Wife

What did she dream about? We don't know exactly but yet from the pain she suffered; we can well imagine that...

Don’t Cast Your Pearls Before Swine


Don’t Cast Your Pearls Before Swine

Jesus tells us to preach the gospel to every creature and make disciples of all the nations. But how do we also understand His command to not...

Tim Conway Will Be Operating as a Missionary


Tim Conway Will Be Operating as a Missionary

Rather than being a pastor in the local church in San Antonio, he will operate as a missionary, starting in Manchester, England. From there, Tim desires to help plant a church in Ireland, if the Lord wills it.

What To Do When Seized by Fear


What To Do When Seized by Fear

What do we do when we find ourselves seized by fear of what other people may do to us?

Has the Church Replaced Israel?


Has the Church Replaced Israel?

Are the Church and Israel two different peoples of God? Has the Church replaced Israel?

Are You Driven by Thirst or Duty?


Are You Driven by Thirst or Duty?

Thirsty people don't need much motivation to get them to seek after water. And souls who are thirsty for God shouldn't need to be motivated...

The Christian’s Call to Battle: The Strength of the Enemy


The Christian’s Call to Battle: The Strength of the Enemy

The Christian is in a war, who is the Christian's enemy? In all of his infinite wisdom, what does God tell us about this evil one, the Devil? What does he want us to know about the enemy?