Below is a list of every video post on the site that has closed captions, also called subtitles. Over the years we’ve had some email in who are deaf ask for captions in English, and this page seeks to provide that list.

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I Can’t do Anything for God, What Can I Do?


I Can’t do Anything for God, What Can I Do?

Tim gives advice to people who feel as if they are too young, untalented, unwise, immature to do anything for God.

A Summary of How to Kill Sin


A Summary of How to Kill Sin

This is a most important subject in our day and draws a line between true and false conversion, are you killing sin?

Praise the Lord


Praise the Lord

God's rod will be upon you some way. And His spankings hurt. And they're effective. And the Lord spanked me back into line. Praise the Lord! Amen.

The Man Christ Jesus


The Man Christ Jesus

The Man Christ Jesus - Paul Washer

Stories of Revival


Stories of Revival

I suppose you can call it revival, but it was a move of the Spirit anyway. It wasn't really any historic revival. But as we think of, you know...

The Gospel of Our Salvation


The Gospel of Our Salvation

Let's pray. Father, we come before You this morning with only one great confidence - You are the God who heals us, who forgives all our iniquities. You remember them no more because of Christ.

Don’t Be Deceived


Don’t Be Deceived

In each one of those places where it lists, where it gives a listing of Heaven-disqualifying sins, it says: "Don't be deceived."

Roles Women in the Church Can Take


Roles Women in the Church Can Take

What are the roles that the Bible allows and commands for women to have in the church?

Devotion to Christ


Devotion to Christ

Very jealous for their affection, very jealous for their attention, their love, their loyalty, their devotion. That there be no rivalry.

Prideful Men Will Go to Hell


Prideful Men Will Go to Hell

Man doesn't want to admit how utterly helpless and worthless he is before God because of his pride. It's this very pride that will send him to hell.

Assurance of Salvation


Assurance of Salvation

I observe that there's three aspects, three levels of assurance of salvation taught in the Bible: One is the most simple...

True Repentance


True Repentance

In this video response Bob Jennings gives a short testimonial about his daughter being saved when the Spirit of God moved at a HeartCry conference. Bob exhorts a lot on the issue of true repentance, which is an issue many people are struggling with. Bob Jennings is a Pastor at

Who is Qualified to Baptize Believers?


Who is Qualified to Baptize Believers?

Who is qualified to baptize believers? I moved to a new town. Led someone to Christ. And I baptized them in the local river.

From Weeping to Whipping Part 1


From Weeping to Whipping Part 1

Now, I have entitled my sermon "From Weeping to Whipping" subtitled, "The Necessity of Passion in Missions." It's apparent to me, as it probably is to you...

When Is Confessing Jesus as Lord Not Enough?


When Is Confessing Jesus as Lord Not Enough?

Well, we're moving this morning still deeper into Romans 10. We'll read through the first 13 verses as we try to lay a bit of a contextual foundation here for what we want to look at. Primarily, this morning, I am goi...

Are You Safe From God?


Are You Safe From God?

I suddenly began to feel this fear rise up in me. Men are not safe. When we start talking about "saved,"...

Do you Watch the Things God Hates?


Do you Watch the Things God Hates?

Hi Tim,What are we to make of 1 Corinthians 10:31? I'm trying to live as a Biblical Christian and follow God with all of my being.However, I love going to see movies, and I'm quite aware of the garbage in a lot of today's movies. But there are some good ones out there. For example, the movie Defiance is a good story through and through. It does have sex scenes, a few swears, but overall it fills you with excitement and passion to do the right thing.However, is it right for me to watch such a movie if there is a 1-minute sex scene or two or three swears? How far do you go with 1 Corinthians 10:31? Because to take that passage to the extreme, you could become paranoid of dishonoring God and eventually just end up living in your closet....Thanks-Dave

What Does it Mean to Deny Yourself and Take up Your Cross?


What Does it Mean to Deny Yourself and Take up Your Cross?

QUESTION: Hi pastor, i have a real concern about what Jesus said to his disciples, "he that is not willing to deny himself, take up his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple" I see so many Christians buying luxurious cars and living in mansions, treating themselves with every pleasure that this world can offer and it seems as if there is no conviction or even thought about what Jesus said to his disciples.Can you please clarify or explain what does it mean to deny yourself and take up your cross?and deny yourself what? What was Jesus talking about?

Joseph the Masai Warrior


Joseph the Masai Warrior

This was a story told by Michael Card about Joseph, who is a Masai Warrior, who came to a Billy Graham convention where people heard of his story. This is a sermon excerpt of John Piper reading the story.

Enslaved in Sin to Born Again


Enslaved in Sin to Born Again

Hi. My name's Steven. I was born and raised here in San Antonio. I'm twenty-eight years old and this is my testimony. You know the Scripture talks about in John 8:34, where Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees saying t...