Steve Lawson / Added Videos
The Narrow Way to Life
The Narrow Way to Life
Matthew 7:14 - For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
How to Awaken a Dead and Unregenerate Church?
How to Awaken a Dead and Unregenerate Church?
Steve Lawson encourages pastors to preach from the book of 1 John in order to awaken a dead church.
The Power of God in George Whitefield’s Life
The Power of God in George Whitefield’s Life
Why did God use George Whitefield? Why was he so used of the Lord? Steve Lawson talks about this and also gives many testimonies from Whitefield's life.
Who Are Your Friends?
Who Are Your Friends?
But I tell you, our closes friends must be those who are pursuing holiness because they will have an enormous affect upon our lives.