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All These Died In Faith, Confessing


All These Died In Faith, Confessing

This is a sobering message that Bob gave to his church this past Sunday. Please keep praying for Bob, the cancer, which he has known about for two years, is getting worst.

Can a Christian Commit Suicide?


Can a Christian Commit Suicide?

What does the Bible say about suicide? Can someone who is a Christian commit suicide? What if I am hopeless right now? Is there hope in the Lord Jesus Christ?

Choosing a Wife (Beauty is Vain)


Choosing a Wife (Beauty is Vain)

Are you engaged to be married? Are you in a relationship? Is your relationship biblical? Are you merely attracted by appearance and personality? Or is the man or woman hungering and thirsting after righteousness and in deeper love with the Lord then they are with you? So many young men and women are lured away and distracted in relationships with sinful motives and sinful pursuits. Listen to this study and examine your own self. You do not want to marry the wrong women or man, there is no turning back. Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised. -Proverbs 31:30

Get off facebook, BE A MAN


Get off facebook, BE A MAN

Do not waste your life messing around on social media sites and useless things. Make your life count! Make your death count! Do not waste it on things that will be wood, hay and stubble on judgement day. There are thousands of souls perishing every single day. There is so much work to be done for God's Kingdom.

If You Could Live Again What Would You Change?


If You Could Live Again What Would You Change?

Tim asks Bob the question "If you could live your life over again how would you live different? Bob talks about having a clear conscience and the utmost importance of such. Tim also asks Bob - "I have heard you pray for twelve more years, if the Lord gave that to you what would you do with that time?" Bob also expresses the great need to know the Word of God and to memorize more of the bible. Colossians 3:16 - Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Bob is an elder at

Life is a Vapor, Live Like it


Life is a Vapor, Live Like it

Tim Conway is preaching on living with an Eternal Mind set... are you living with this mindset? " do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes." James 4:14

Our Day is Now!


Our Day is Now!

Our day is now! And our day is short. We're not gonna be around long, and our task today, likewise, is to offer these up.

The Doctrine of Hell


The Doctrine of Hell

Do you believe if you were to die today that you would go to hell? Tim talks about what the Scriptures say about hell.

Time is Short. Don’t Set Your Hopes on Marriage


Time is Short. Don’t Set Your Hopes on Marriage

Don't set your hopes on marriage, but on knowing Christ and living for Him. What does, "let those who have wives live as though they had none" mean?

To Die in Christ is Gain


To Die in Christ is Gain

Tim Conway interviews Bob Jennings who is fighting against pancreatic cancer. Bob talks about living for eternity and truly living for Christ and being ready to die in Christ and not in your sins.

Wisdom is Better Than Gold


Wisdom is Better Than Gold

We've got to realize like five times in the book of Proverbs it says that wisdom is better than silver and gold. It's better than the finest gold, better than the choicest silver.