Search Results for: sex

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Ladies, Does How You Dress Cause Men to Lust?


Ladies, Does How You Dress Cause Men to Lust?

Does how you dress honor God? Does how you dress cause men to stumble and lust? I pray this message will awaken some of you ladies consciences...

A Young Man’s War Against God in a Perverted World


A Young Man’s War Against God in a Perverted World

This is his testimony of the saving Grace of God, after living in rebellion all of his life and at war with God, the Lord saved him.

Is Masturbation a Sin?


Is Masturbation a Sin?

Is masturbation/self-gratification a sin? It says in Ephesians 5:5 that no sexual immoral people go to heaven. So if this is a sin, then many people are truly in danger.

Give up on self, Trust in Christ alone!


Give up on self, Trust in Christ alone!

Freedom from masturbation and pornography does not come through any self-effort works based salvation but through justification by faith in Jesus Christ.

Battling Pornography


Battling Pornography

Question: How would you counsel someone if they came to you and they said "I am falling into this sin of pornography on the internet." How would you help them discern whether they are lost and a slave to sin or whether they are a saved and they are struggling with this sin and it is a besetting sin.

The Shame of Sexual Sin


Do you Watch the Things God Hates?


Do you Watch the Things God Hates?

Hi Tim,What are we to make of 1 Corinthians 10:31? I'm trying to live as a Biblical Christian and follow God with all of my being.However, I love going to see movies, and I'm quite aware of the garbage in a lot of today's movies. But there are some good ones out there. For example, the movie Defiance is a good story through and through. It does have sex scenes, a few swears, but overall it fills you with excitement and passion to do the right thing.However, is it right for me to watch such a movie if there is a 1-minute sex scene or two or three swears? How far do you go with 1 Corinthians 10:31? Because to take that passage to the extreme, you could become paranoid of dishonoring God and eventually just end up living in your closet....Thanks-Dave