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Blessed Are Those Who Die In the Lord


Blessed Are Those Who Die In the Lord

And I heard a voice from heaven saying, "Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." "Blessed indeed," says the Spirit...

Bob Jennings Health Update 8/27/2011

Bob Jennings Health Update 8/27/2011

Update, 8/27/11 – Yet MRI Regarding Liver Dear friends, I was waiting for Jared to post this on my Journal, but he and his family are in Conn. on some assignment and I am thinking the hurricane has hindered. ...

God’s Faithfulness To A Widowed Mother


God’s Faithfulness To A Widowed Mother

This video follows Emily Tiegreen, a now widowed mother, as she observes the faithfulness of God during a season of suffering multiple miscarriages...

Saved from Spiritual Cancer, Content with Physical Cancer


Saved from Spiritual Cancer, Content with Physical Cancer

Ayla has cancer and was recently saved by the Grace of God. She went through struggles with homosexuality/bisexuality, and ultimately with her selfish desires until the Lord broke her of self and led her to Christ alone.

The Value of Trials and Suffering


The Value of Trials and Suffering

What are some lessons that we can learn in the midst of our trials? These lessons add significant value to our trials and suffering.

Thoughts That Have Helped Me Upon Cancer and Death

Thoughts That Have Helped Me Upon Cancer and Death

Christ is all anyone can have. We have nothing apart from Christ and the work He did on the cross imputed to us. All else is stripped away at death.

To Die in Christ is Gain


To Die in Christ is Gain

Tim Conway interviews Bob Jennings who is fighting against pancreatic cancer. Bob talks about living for eternity and truly living for Christ and being ready to die in Christ and not in your sins.

To Die in Christ Was Gain for Michael


To Die in Christ Was Gain for Michael

Michael Clarke died of cancer on January 14, 2012, just over a year after truly being saved by the Grace of God. These are some short clips from his wedding that was over a month ago, and the testimony that he gave at Grace Fellowship Manchester a year ago.

Wisdom is Better Than Gold


Wisdom is Better Than Gold

We've got to realize like five times in the book of Proverbs it says that wisdom is better than silver and gold. It's better than the finest gold, better than the choicest silver.