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How can a Person Know they are Saved?


How can a Person Know they are Saved?

Are you truly born-again and saved? Or is it tradition, is your faith in the great love you have for Christ now, or some work or prayer you said when you were a child?

Are you a Christian?


Are you a Christian?

This is a powerful bible study were Tim deals with Christian assurance... what is so key is this.. CHRIST!! It's not about your performance, yet so many people will put themselves next to a measuring stick to see if they measure up... oh that is no way to gain assurance.. the question is! Are you LOOKING TO CHRIST!?

How Does The Spirit Bear Witness That We Are Children of God?


How Does The Spirit Bear Witness That We Are Children of God?

David asks: Also, how does the Spirit bear witness that we are children of God? Now, of course, that comes from Romans 8:16, "The Spirit Himself bears witness...

Are you Struggling Against Sin or a Slave of Sin?


Are you Struggling Against Sin or a Slave of Sin?

Tim talks about what it means to be a slave of sin or just struggling with sin.

The Just Shall Live by Faith Not by Feelings


The Just Shall Live by Faith Not by Feelings

Regardless of how we feel, if we have faith in what God says and trust it, we will not fall, we will not fail. The just shall live by faith not by feelings.

Is There Any Possibility That I Might Be Lost?


Is There Any Possibility That I Might Be Lost?

Do you have the reputation of being a Christian yet might not be truly saved? Are you sure that you're a Christian?

Do You Want Assurance of Salvation?


Do You Want Assurance of Salvation?

And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end, - Hebrews 6:11

What Does it Mean to Be a Christian?


What Does it Mean to Be a Christian?

What does it mean to be a Christian? It means you are someone who sees you are not fit to meet God in your sin.

Do We Strive or Believe?


Do We Strive or Believe?

There are many verses in the Bible that talk about being saved by faith, and there are also other verses that seem to indicate that we are saved by our own effort and striving.

Do I Have True or False Assurance?


Do I Have True or False Assurance?

What is the difference between faith and assurance? Can a person have one without the other? This is one topic that multitudes struggle with and are plagued by.