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Your Life’s Ambition


Your Life’s Ambition

Listen, there is only one valid goal in life – to live for God and love Him supremely.

What Should the Average Day Look Like for a True Believer?

What Should the Average Day Look Like for a True Believer?

"What should the average day look like for a true believer?" - This was a question I received in an email this morning. Here are some brief thoughts.  There are many other things from the scriptures that we also c...

The Way You Learned Christ


The Way You Learned Christ

Ephesians 4:17-24

The Real Purpose of Life


The Real Purpose of Life

I ask a lot of people "What is the meaning of life?" and most people don't know, they don't know why they are alive and where they are going.

Some Thoughts on Thorns


Some Thoughts on Thorns

Are we going to sit in the thorn patches and let the distractions of this world smother us and choke our time away?

God is Perfectly Crafting the Circumstances of My Life


God is Perfectly Crafting the Circumstances of My Life

Do you have a tendency to think "God has forgotten me?" John 3:27 says - "A person cannot receive even one thing unless it is given him from heaven." - All that we have has been perfectly crated by our Father in heaven, may we not doubt the Lord, but trust Him by faith.

Get off facebook, BE A MAN


Get off facebook, BE A MAN

Do not waste your life messing around on social media sites and useless things. Make your life count! Make your death count! Do not waste it on things that will be wood, hay and stubble on judgement day. There are thousands of souls perishing every single day. There is so much work to be done for God's Kingdom.

Christian Maturity Part 2 (Godly Conduct)


Christian Maturity Part 2 (Godly Conduct)

In part 2 of the Christian Maturity series Tim talks about how people conduct themselves. We all must step back and ask ourselves, am I conducting my life in a manner of godliness and holiness? Do you have a clear conscience? Are you beyond reproach?

10 Reasons why Michael Jackson’s Life and Death Matter


10 Reasons why Michael Jackson’s Life and Death Matter

What can we learn from Michael Jackson's Life and Death?