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Do you Watch the Things God Hates?


Do you Watch the Things God Hates?

Hi Tim,What are we to make of 1 Corinthians 10:31? I'm trying to live as a Biblical Christian and follow God with all of my being.However, I love going to see movies, and I'm quite aware of the garbage in a lot of today's movies. But there are some good ones out there. For example, the movie Defiance is a good story through and through. It does have sex scenes, a few swears, but overall it fills you with excitement and passion to do the right thing.However, is it right for me to watch such a movie if there is a 1-minute sex scene or two or three swears? How far do you go with 1 Corinthians 10:31? Because to take that passage to the extreme, you could become paranoid of dishonoring God and eventually just end up living in your closet....Thanks-Dave

What Does it Mean to Deny Yourself and Take up Your Cross?


What Does it Mean to Deny Yourself and Take up Your Cross?

QUESTION: Hi pastor, i have a real concern about what Jesus said to his disciples, "he that is not willing to deny himself, take up his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple" I see so many Christians buying luxurious cars and living in mansions, treating themselves with every pleasure that this world can offer and it seems as if there is no conviction or even thought about what Jesus said to his disciples.Can you please clarify or explain what does it mean to deny yourself and take up your cross?and deny yourself what? What was Jesus talking about?

Who’s Bigger Than God?


Who’s Bigger Than God?

Notorious BIG (a famous rapper) B.I.G. Think about that for a minute. Who's bigger than God? It definitely wasn't Notorious BIG.

Marvelous Light


Marvelous Light

My name is Mark. 40 years old. Been saved now for about 10 years. I'm just thankful to God for such a great salvation that we have in Jesus Christ. I just want to share my testimony of what the Lord God did in my life...

What is Biblical Repentance?


What is Biblical Repentance?

What do the scriptures say about Biblical Repentance? Many people are turning repentance into a work instead of turning to Christ and finding salvation.

Joseph the Masai Warrior


Joseph the Masai Warrior

This was a story told by Michael Card about Joseph, who is a Masai Warrior, who came to a Billy Graham convention where people heard of his story. This is a sermon excerpt of John Piper reading the story.

Enslaved in Sin to Born Again


Enslaved in Sin to Born Again

Hi. My name's Steven. I was born and raised here in San Antonio. I'm twenty-eight years old and this is my testimony. You know the Scripture talks about in John 8:34, where Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees saying t...