Mack Tomlinson

Mack Tomlinson was ordained to the gospel ministry in 1977 in his home church of First Baptist Church of Clarendon, TX. He holds a BA degree in New Testament from Hardin-Simmons Univ. in Abilene, and has done graduate studies in Israel, and through Southwestern Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth and Tyndale Theological Seminary in Fort Worth. He has also served as an editor and book publisher. He also conducts an itinerant preaching ministry around the U. S., overseas in Eastern Europe, the South Pacific, and other areas of the world. Mack has been married to his wife, Linda, for 35 years, and they have 6 children.

3 Mesaje publicate de autor

Doamne, dă-mi o dorință nouă pentru Cuvântul Tău


Doamne, dă-mi o dorință nouă pentru Cuvântul Tău

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Îngrijorarea este o pierdere de timp

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