The following resources wrestle with the questions of, “Can you lose your salvation?” Is a person who is “once saved, always saved?”

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Should I Be Scared of Hebrews Chapters 6 and 10?


Should I Be Scared of Hebrews Chapters 6 and 10?

Should we be afraid of verses like this? For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, 5andhave tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, 6and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt. - Hebrews 6:4-6

Salvation, Once Saved Always Saved?


Salvation, Once Saved Always Saved?

Is it biblical to say that we are saved? or that we are being saved? What does the bible teach about salvation? What truly is salvation and can we lose it? and how do we endure to the end in this race?

The Enduring Life in Christ


The Enduring Life in Christ

Are you enduring in this life in Christ? or your works and self-effort? What is salvation? I encourage you to watch this excerpt of the full bible study "Salvation, Once Saved Always Saved?"

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Can I Lose My Faith? Absolutely Yes


Can I Lose My Faith? Absolutely Yes

Someone asked, "Can I lose my faith?" and Tim seeks to go to the Scriptures and speak in the way that the Bible speaks about this topic.

How to Become an Apostate?


How to Become an Apostate?

The making of a Son of Perdition was an apostle. The making of an apostate is a professing Christian. It's an alarming thing, is it not? You say, "Well how does he do it, Brother Currin?" I'll give you this shortly.

You Must Overcome!


You Must Overcome!

Revelation 3:21 says those who overcome, and conquer will receive the Crown of Life. Are you overcoming against the temptation that the devils hurls at you? And through the power of Your Spirit We can overcome, we will overcome, we must overcome!

A Strong Encouragement to Hold Fast to Christ


A Strong Encouragement to Hold Fast to Christ

Intro to the Book of Hebrews. An encouragement for all believers to hold fast to Jesus Christ and confidence in Him.

Tim Conway Exhorting an 18 yr old Youth to Hold Fast to Biblical Teachings


Tim Conway Exhorting an 18 yr old Youth to Hold Fast to Biblical Teachings

Tim exhorts a youth to keep his eyes on Christ and not to pursue the vanities of this life. Are you a young guy who is being lured away by a girl?

How Christians Save Christians


How Christians Save Christians

Hebrews 3:13 - But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called "today," that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.

A God Sent Message of Warning


A God Sent Message of Warning

Hebrews 10:31 - It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. -- Are you holding fast to Christ to the end?

By Faith the People Crossed the Red Sea


By Faith the People Crossed the Red Sea

By faith the people crossed the Red Sea as on dry land, but the Egyptians, when they attempted to do the same, were drowned. - Hebrews 11:29

Preservation of the Saints

Preservation of the Saints

The apostle Paul here was entirely confident that the saints at Philippi would make it. Here are four reasons why...

Is Being Blotted Out of the “Book of Life” Losing My Salvation?


Is Being Blotted Out of the “Book of Life” Losing My Salvation?

It's very interesting how many people look at Revelation 3:5 and say, "Oh look, you can be blotted out of God's book of life." Yet it says exactly the opposite...

Wait For My Boyfriend to Get Saved Again?


Wait For My Boyfriend to Get Saved Again?

This Ask Pastor Tim deals with the question, "If I broke up with my boyfriend because he stopped being a Christian, is it OK to wait for him...

Saved or Uncertain: The Security of the Believer


Saved or Uncertain: The Security of the Believer

Many people are in distress of soul wondering if they're a Christian or not. They appear to have been saved but then are plagued with severe doubts and fears about whether they were truly converted.

Keep Going


Keep Going

Does the reality of salvation by grace apart from works mean that we don't have to endure to the end?

You MUST Endure to the End


You MUST Endure to the End

You may have started the Christian race incredibly well, but Jesus teaches that you must endure to the end to be saved.

Keep The Faith And Finish The Race


Keep The Faith And Finish The Race

Do you have an objective like Paul's, to keep the faith and to not abandon Christ?

Read Anti-Christian Site, Left Church, Left Faith, Left Wife


Read Anti-Christian Site, Left Church, Left Faith, Left Wife

Geoff describes the progression of apostasy that happened in someone's life. They started reading an anti-Christian, atheistic site...