Michael Durham / Added Videos

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Why Did Jesus Die?


Why Did Jesus Die?

Why did Jesus die? It's a question that causes many to say, "Why ask that? We all know the answer already." Most are quick to say "He died to forgive us", which He did.

What Does It Mean to Fear the Lord?


What Does It Mean to Fear the Lord?

What does the fear of the Lord look like in the life of a Christian? Do you have a scriptural balanced view of God that leaves you absolutely awed by Him?

What Does It Mean to Believe?


What Does It Mean to Believe?

What does it mean to believe? It does not mean a mental assent only, but it means to trust. What does it mean to trust? It means...

What Does it Mean to Abide? (Part 2)

What Does it Mean to Abide? (Part 2)

Abiding in Christ is not automatic, it is a command to be obeyed. It is us learning how to maintain fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ and we must have active daily and conscious awareness and interaction with Christ.

The Mockery of Formalism: Fighting the Spirit of Legalism


The Mockery of Formalism: Fighting the Spirit of Legalism

Standing against the doctrine of cheap grace, which dismisses the pursuit of holiness, is crucial.

The Look Of Love: Jesus’ Love For Peter


The Look Of Love: Jesus’ Love For Peter

What was the power of Christ's look to Peter after he had denied the LORD? And are you and I looking to the LORD to see His look to us?

The Gospel of David’s Tabernacle


The Gospel of David’s Tabernacle

When Amos spoke, he was referring to David's tabernacle as an example, highlighting that Christ's original intention—the Gospel...

The Definition of The Church


The Definition of The Church

Although Christ and the Church are distinct and not the same, the Bible describes them as inseparable. You can't have Christ without also having His Church. You can't be united to Christ without also being united to His Church.

Stop Measuring Your Love For Christ


Stop Measuring Your Love For Christ

We're here measuring our love, trying to gauge our love, comparing ourselves one with another.

Sober-Mindedness is Not Starchiness, Solemn is Not Sad


Sober-Mindedness is Not Starchiness, Solemn is Not Sad

How do we encourage ourselves about sober-mindedness, and how do we encourage one another about sober-mindedness?

Red Flag: Your Congregation Fears You Over God


Red Flag: Your Congregation Fears You Over God

Michael shares a powerful testimony of how he unknowingly shifted from relying on God to building his church on his own strength.

Question and Answer Session on Abiding in Christ


Question and Answer Session on Abiding in Christ

In this question and answer session, Michael Durham answers various questions related to the topic of abiding in Christ and bearing fruit.

One For All, All For One


One For All, All For One

The Church is not complete without Christ; in the same way a body is incomplete without a head and a branch is incomplete without branches.

Is the Bible Your Treasure Book?


Is the Bible Your Treasure Book?

When you read the Bible, do you read it as a textbook or as a treasure book? Do you read it to learn information and facts about God, or do you read it in order to know God?

Is Grace Still Amazing? Rediscovering Awe in God’s Presence


Is Grace Still Amazing? Rediscovering Awe in God’s Presence

Michael Durham challenges the congregation to reevaluate their perception of grace, contrasting it with the righteous judgment of God.

If I Don’t Have It Today I Don’t Need It Today


If I Don’t Have It Today I Don’t Need It Today

In John 15 Jesus is saying that the branch will get what is given to it and what it needs. Meaning: If I don't have it today I don't need it today.

I Was a Lost Pastor and Religious Hypocrite


I Was a Lost Pastor and Religious Hypocrite

God saved me when I was 26 years of age, after pastoring two churches. I am a sinner saved by grace; a child of the living God.

I Love Jesus For Who He Is


I Love Jesus For Who He Is

If you are a Christian you love Jesus for who He is—gloriously worthy of all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, all your strength—because that is exactly how the Father loves the Son.

How To Pursue Holiness But Not Become Self-Righteous?


How To Pursue Holiness But Not Become Self-Righteous?

How does the believer pursue holiness and yet not become self-righteous? How do we combat self-righteousness and pride?

How to Abide in Christ (Part 2)


How to Abide in Christ (Part 2)

How do we abide in Christ? John 15 tells us three things, let us consider those in this last sermon from the Men's Retreat.

How to Abide in Christ (Part 1)


How to Abide in Christ (Part 1)

Many believers will ask about how to abide in Christ. What branch do you know that struggles about whether it will remain in the vine or not?

How Do I Win Spiritual Battles?


How Do I Win Spiritual Battles?

Can you give Biblical advice on how to battle in spiritual warfare? How do I win spiritual battles?

How Do I Experience Fellowship With God?


How Do I Experience Fellowship With God?

How does a Christian experience fellowship and communion with God?

Greatest Display of God’s Holiness? The Cross


Greatest Display of God’s Holiness? The Cross

What could we say is the greatest display of God's holiness that is found in our Bible? The burning bush, whereby Moses was told...

God Is Not Lonely: He Is Most Happy In Himself


God Is Not Lonely: He Is Most Happy In Himself

But what did this God who is love delight to love before he made you and I? Before he made the earth, before he made anything.

God Is Love


God Is Love

1 John 4:8 - Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. - In this sermon, from 2009, Michael Durham preaches on the theme of "God Is Love".

Fellowship Conference New York | February 23-25, 2023


Fellowship Conference New York | February 23-25, 2023

The Fellowship Conference is organized to help bring believers together for like-minded fellowship around the things of the Lord.

Don’t Make The Mistake Of The Pharisee


Don’t Make The Mistake Of The Pharisee

Don't make the mistake of the Pharisee. They had a perverted view of the sufficiency of Scripture.

Do You View God The Father Too Harshly?


Do You View God The Father Too Harshly?

When it comes to reading the Bible, what could you say to someone who is physically sick and finds it difficult to read?

Desperate Dependency: Christianity’s Parable (Part 1)


Desperate Dependency: Christianity’s Parable (Part 1)

If there's anything that we need to get a firm grasp on as Christians, it's the reality that we can do absolutely nothing apart from Jesus Christ.

Christian Certainties: How to Maintain Fellowship With God


Christian Certainties: How to Maintain Fellowship With God

As you continue to walk in the light and agree with God, your fellowship with Him will be continual and sweet.

Christ Will Strengthen You When You Are Doing His Will


Christ Will Strengthen You When You Are Doing His Will

We need to remember that Christ doesn't send us into the world to wear ourselves out serving Him in our own strength.

Authentic Christianity


Authentic Christianity

Authentic Christianity is a thorn in the side of this popular culture of the world in which we live in. The light of Jesus Christ in you, will have an effect...

Are You Addicted to the Physical Realm?


Are You Addicted to the Physical Realm?

As Christians, we function in two realms: the physical and the spiritual. As we grow, God often has to wean us off of being addicted to the physical realm so that we might know how to live in the spiritual realm.

A Parable of Love (Song of Solomon)


A Parable of Love (Song of Solomon)

Song of Solomon 4:9-10. I want to speak on the theme, A Parable of Love. Although I've selected this as our main text.

A Heart Genuinely Moved By Truth vs Emotionalism


A Heart Genuinely Moved By Truth vs Emotionalism

How can I discern between my heart genuinely being moved by the truth versus emotionalism?