Clint Leiter / Added Videos

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Young Believers Need Courage to Stand Alone


Young Believers Need Courage to Stand Alone

What are your greatest fears for young believers in our generation? Young believers must be willing to stand alone for the truth and for Christ and not succumb to peer pressure.

Why Are There So Many Hypocrites in the Church?


Why Are There So Many Hypocrites in the Church?

A common fault that non-Christians find with Christianity is that there are too many hypocrites in the church. What can be said about this? Is this a valid charge?

The Hindering Persuasions of the Enemy


The Hindering Persuasions of the Enemy

Galatians 5:7 You were running well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth? 8 This persuasion is not from him who calls you.

Practical Advice to Avoid Burnout As a Pastor


Practical Advice to Avoid Burnout As a Pastor

Men in the ministry need to be careful to not burnout. What are some things they can do to prevent and combat against burning out and being of no use in the ministry?

Marriage Advice for Christians


Marriage Advice for Christians

What marriage advice can you give to those who are married? What are the strongest encouragements or strongest points of exhortation...

Lessons While Laboring With Bob Jennings During His Death (Part 2)


Lessons While Laboring With Bob Jennings During His Death (Part 2)

Clint Leiter shares how God called him into the ministry, as well as his privilege of having the time of co-pastoring with the late Bob Jennings and the lessons learned during that time.

Is Your Spiritual Progress Evident to All?


Is Your Spiritual Progress Evident to All?

In the Christian life, we should be making progress that will be visible for others to see and notice. Are you making spiritual progress on your way to heaven?

Is it Right to Alert Pastors When You See Problems and Divisions Arising?


Is it Right to Alert Pastors When You See Problems and Divisions Arising?

Do members of a church have the responsibility to alert the pastors when they see divisions arising in the church?

How to Be An Encouragement to Your Pastor During Trials (Part 3)


How to Be An Encouragement to Your Pastor During Trials (Part 3)

Pastors will face incredible difficulties in leading the church. Clint Leiter shares some of the fiery trials he went through after Bob Jennings went to be with the Lord.

Don’t Look for Perfection in a Spouse


Don’t Look for Perfection in a Spouse

Single Christians who want to be married should not be expecting perfection in a potential spouse and setting unreasonable standards.

Don’t Be a Young, Proud, Know-It-All


Don’t Be a Young, Proud, Know-It-All

Sadly, one of the vices that plagues young people is pride. It's often overlooked if a young person has a quiet and humble disposition.

Don’t Allow Your Marriage to Fail Like Samson’s


Don’t Allow Your Marriage to Fail Like Samson’s

Consequence is a result or a outcome of a decision or event that happened earlier. Right? And so when we make decisions there are consequences that come as a result of that. So if someone takes a wife from among the p...

Discerning Subtle Marks of a Cult and Leaving It (Part 1)


Discerning Subtle Marks of a Cult and Leaving It (Part 1)

Clint Leiter shares a testimony of God's faithfulness in bringing him out of a cult to then starting a church. He talks about some common characteristics of cults...

Counsel to Those Considering the Ministry


Counsel to Those Considering the Ministry

What would be some helpful counsel to men who are considering entering into the ministry?

Christian: Keep a Tight Grip on the Lord


Christian: Keep a Tight Grip on the Lord

The enemy of our souls wants us to become distant from the Lord; to loosen our grip when it comes to our intimate relationship with Christ and to not make that the prime priority.

But As For Me


But As For Me

There are quite a few Scriptures that contain the phrase, "But as for me." These verses are exemplary attitudes and resolves for Christians to have that should distinguish them from others.

Be a Servant in the Church, Not a Consumer


Be a Servant in the Church, Not a Consumer

Our world is full of consumers and people who only care about what they can get and not how they can serve. Our attitude when...

Are You Too Proud to Receive Help?


Are You Too Proud to Receive Help?

If someone offers to help you out, do you say 'no' to the help offered in order to not make yourself appear weak? May God humble us of our pride.