Does Sex Equal Marriage in God’s Eyes?

Someone asked, “Are only virgin marriages legitimate? I was told by a group that I am in adultery because I was not a virgin when I got married… according to this group sex is marriage.” In this study, Tim goes to the Scriptures to show that this lady is being wrongly condemned by this false teaching.

Original question:

I have a question for Pastor Tim Conway. My question is, are only virgin marriages legitimate? I was told by a group that I am in adultery because I was not a virgin when I got married. I backslid, had a promiscuous past and had a sex with more than one boyfriend. They also state that Gomer was a virgin when God told Hosea to marry her and back up their claims. They seem believable and now I’m worried I’m sinning all the time. They imply that Matthew 19:9 means you MUST put away a wife for a fornication. They also state that my marriage is actually fornication because it is unlawful. So ​​according to this group sex is marriage. I’m extremely, to say the least, worried. I don’t want to lose my soul over this. This could be a good sermon topic. How do I know which view is right?